Supplier Conduct

All Shure suppliers are required to read, review, and confirm their commitment to abide by Shure’s Global Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Shure Code”), which includes relevant provisions prohibiting the use of involuntary or slave labor. The Shure Code further requires suppliers to certify their compliance with all such relevant laws. Per the terms of the Shure Code, Shure regularly audits its suppliers, including unannounced inspections of suppliers’ manufacturing facilities and employer-provided housing. In the event violations are found, the suppliers are required to take corrective action, and if the violations are not timely and satisfactorily remedied, Shure terminates its relationships with such suppliers. Moreover, Shure provides internal training to its supply chain management associates on issues regarding human trafficking and slavery to enable them to appropriately monitor Shure suppliers’ compliance with the Shure Code.