
MXWAPT8 - Access Point Transceiver


Date Posted


November 20, 2024

These release notes cover the following models: 

  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers


  • Update any MXW devices which are below the minimum supported firmware 8.0.3 by using the Shure Update Utility (SUU) found here.  Please note – should the firmware version used be older than 5.2.2, it is advised to upgrade to version 5.2.2 first before updating to any subsequent more recent releases. Close the SUU when complete.


  • Security enhancement - removal of basic network setup web-based user interface. Microflex Wireless Application should be used to configure the device's network settings.
  • DHCP option 61 support - support for DHCP servers that make IP address offers that have option 61 defined.

Known Issues

  • Multiple Primary Leader Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet



  • To operate this version of MXW with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.4.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.17
    • Shure Update Utility 2.8.6
October 26, 2022

These release notes cover the following models: 

  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers


  • Update any MXW devices which are below the minimum supported firmware 8.0.3 by using the Shure Update Utility (SUU) found here.  Please note – should the firmware version used be older than 5.2.2, it is advised to upgrade to version 5.2.2 first before updating to any subsequent more recent releases. Close the SUU when complete.

Bug Fixes

  • The following bug was fixed in this version: When an MXWAPT8 access point is associated with two MXWNCS8 chargers, it is not possible to link all eight MXW8 mics. APT channels 5 - 8 are not linked to any mics.

Known Issues

  • Multiple Primary Leader Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet


  • User Guide
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Crestron/AMX Control Strings
  • To operate this version of MXW with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.4.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.17
    • Shure Update Utility 2.7.2
    • SystemOn 4.7.2
September 29, 2022

These release notes cover the following models: 

  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers


  • Update any MXW devices which are below the minimum supported firmware 8.0.3 by using the Shure Update Utility (SUU) found here.  Please note – should the firmware version used be older than 5.2.2, it is advised to upgrade to version 5.2.2 first before updating to any subsequent more recent releases. Close the SUU when complete.


  • Support for added hardware revisions

Known Issues

  • Multiple Primary Leader Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet


  • User Guide
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Crestron/AMX Control Strings
  • To operate this version of MXW with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.4.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.17
    • Shure Update Utility 2.7.2
    • SystemOn 4.7.2
September 8, 2022

These release notes cover the following models: 

  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers


  • Update any MXW devices which are below the minimum supported firmware 8.0.3 by using the Shure Update Utility (SUU) found here.  Please note – should the firmware version used be older than 5.2.2, it is advised to upgrade to version 5.2.2 first before updating to any subsequent more recent releases. Close the SUU when complete.


  • Support for added hardware revisions

Known Issues

  • Multiple Primary Leader Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet


  • User Guide
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Crestron/AMX Control Strings
  • To operate this version of MXW with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.4.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.17
    • Shure Update Utility 2.7.2
    • SystemOn 4.7.0
February 28, 2022

These release notes cover the following models: 

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Charging Stations
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • Update any MXW devices which are below the minimum supported firmware 8.0.3 by using the Shure Update Utility (SUU) found here.  Please note – should the firmware version used be older than 5.2.2, it is advised to upgrade to version 5.2.2 first before updating to any subsequent more recent releases. Close the SUU when complete.

New Features

  • MXW mic naming. Enables to assign a custom mic name to each individual mic via MXW Software from version 1.2 onwards. That mic name is retained by the mic and will be shown in MXW Software whenever the mic is linked to an MXW APT anywhere on the network.
  • Custom Mic naming above also enabled via TPCI protocol


  • Removed the browser-based Web-UI
  • Web-UI replaced by a simplified “Thin-UI” with simple network settings, still available via browser-based access for APT and NCS
  • Added support for Thin UI lockout for ANI
  • ACN protocol update to use a fixed port allocation for VPN access

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed for all MXW components: Repetitive opening and closing of the TPCI port (2202), in excess of 250K cycles, causes TPCI port to no longer respond.

Known Issues

  • Multiple Primary Leader Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet


  • Related Links
  • To operate this version of MXW with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of recommended software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.4.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.17
    • Shure Update Utility 2.7.0
    • SystemOn 4.6.0
August 10, 2020

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Charging Stations
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones

Related Links


  • DDM Support: This release will add support for Audinate’s Dante Domain Manager (DDM) to the MXWAPT2/4/8. Please see updated user manuals for details on operating MXWAPTs within DDM controlled audio networks. Notes:
    1. This release will NOT add support for DDM to the MXWANI4/8.
    2. If Dante Pin Lock is enabled within the DDM interface, local changes to the APT (via the web based MXW user interface or “Web-GUI”) will not be permitted
    3. If Dante Pin Lock is enabled the Device Reset Button on the APT will be disabled
  • Improvements of spectrum-scan algorithm: Spectrum Scans (across all DECT RF-Bands, including J-DECT, UPCS etc.) carried out on a locally installed APT via the Web-GUI will now result in a more accurate statement of how many microphone channels are available in the scanned location.
  • Security Improvement: Before an MXW device is permitted to carry out a factory-reset, the administrator password needs to be entered into the user interface.

Bug Fixes

  • APT Web-GUI: Microphones with older firmware are not shown in the web-GUI - FIXED

Known Issue

  • Multiple Grand Master Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet
  • Repetitive opening and closing of the TPCI port (2202), in excess of 250K cycles, causes TPCI port to no longer respond.


  • To operate MXW version 9.0.4 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • SystemOn 3.2
January 24, 2020

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Charging Stations
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones

Related Links


  • Implementation of additional security features, including expanded password capabilities
  • MXW devices now advertise Dante/AES67 capability in the Shure Web Device Discovery Application
  • New Device Reboot button added to the MXWANI Web UI.
  • Improvements to the microphones’ out-of-range detection capabilities when moved outside the wireless coverage area of the MXWAPT.

Japan-specific improvements:

  • J-DECT update: Microflex Wireless now features up to 96 channels in HD mode to meet J-DECT requirements, adding additional channels (dependent on modes and interference) as well as an improved handling of PHS presence.

In areas with no PHS interference, the new maximum channel capacity is: 

Pre 8.0.3 FW VersionsAfter 8.0.3 FW Update
40 SD channels48 SD Channels
80 HD channels96 HD Channels

However, when PHS interference is present, the maximum number of channels changes to:

Pre 8.0.3 FW VersionsAfter 8.0.3 FW Update
16 SD channels32 SD Channels 
32 HD channels64 HD Channels 

Important Note: For customers in Japan that have an existing MXW installation, a unique, one-off update procedure must be performed to take advantage of these additional microphone channels. Without this procedure, the other improvements mentioned above will still take effect but without the J-DECT update. This procedure needs to be conducted onsite by Shure personnel — please contact your local Shure representative for details.

Bug Fixes

  • APT2 is not discovered by Shure Device Discovery app following a reboot or factory reset using Dante Controller
  • Spectrum scan on an MXW-APT no longer responsive after Density-Mode change
  • Spectrum scan calculation of available channels in a given RF environment shows wrong results
  • Mics lose pairing after Density-Mode change
  • MXW8: Carrier mismatch strings not being shown in selected language

Known Issues

  • SystemOn 3.0.1 is compatible with MXW 8.0.3, but will incorrectly warn “Check system requirements, your current firmware version may not be confirmed compatible.”
  • Multiple Grand Master Clocks in Dante Controller might appear with mix of AES67 enabled on an MXW-APT as well as an Axient-Digital system on the same subnet
  • MXWAPT8:  MCU/GUI - Older firmware microphones are not shown in Utility tab


  • To operate MXW version 8.0.3 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.5Shure Update Utility 2.4.6
    • SystemOn 3.2
October 30, 2018

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones

Bug Fixes

  • When an interfering DECT device is transmitting nearby an MXW Access Point, the Access point may occasionally drop the connection to microphones 1-4. To recover mic connectivity, reset the Access Point.
    • Examples of interfering DECT devices are other MXW Access Points that are not on the same subnet as the affected Access point; however, in many cases, the interfering DECT devices are wireless headsets for wired desk telephones.
  • MXW microphones intermittently drop off the Monitor status screen and their LED turns from green to flashing red for 10 to 30 seconds before recovering back to green, and then recovering their status activity on the Monitor screen. This may occur in environments with large reflective surfaces, such as windows, large LED monitors, and auditoriums with high walls and ceilings. These environments introduce RF reflections that interfere with the heartbeat signal from an MXW Access Point to a microphone. Microphones overcompensate for the interference and lose connectivity with the Access Point, restarting the scan process (seen as a red blinking LED) to find a valid Access Point signal.

Known Issue

  • SystemOn 3.0.1 is compatible with MXW 6.0.3, but will incorrectly warn “Check system requirements, your current firmware version may not be confirmed compatible.”


  • To operate MXW version 6.0.3 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.3
    • SystemOn 3.0.1
June 13, 2018

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones

New Feature

  • AES67 support on MXW Access Points (MXWAPT) and MXW Audio Network Interfaces (MXWANI)


  • Notifications added to the MXW control software to inform you when a firmware update via Shure Update Utility is recommended.

Bug Fixes

  • For MXW installations across multiple subnets managed by SystemOn, MXWNCS chargers discover only four microphones on the MXWNCS8 charger even though there are more than four.
  • MXW Control Software doesn't show an "Unlink" button on the Monitor tab when microphones are powered off or out of range, or when networked chargers are offline.
  • Microphones already linked to an Access Point can't link to a different Access Point without first unlinking.
  • After microphones are removed from a charger, active microphones take several minutes to appear on SystemOn and trigger false notifications.
  • Status update stops on the Scanning Session display when changes are made to the Channel Density mode (Standard to High, or High to Standard) or to the RF Coordination mode (A to B, or B to A) during a spectrum scan.
  • MXWAPT firmware updates may fail after repeated attempts using the Shure Update Utility.
    • Note: Please contact Shure Support to replace an affected MXWAPT.
  • Due to factory programming error, MXWAPT4 and MXWAPT2 access points shipped from October 2017 through March 2018 may incur frequent erratic microphone behavior indicated by a constant red blinking LED on the microphones, even when the microphones are well within range of the access point.
  • During Spectrum Scan, modifying MXWAPT configuration settings can put the device in a non-deterministic state. If configuration settings are modified during Spectrum Scan, MXWAPT must be rebooted.

Known Issues

  • When an interfering DECT device is transmitting nearby an MXWAPT, the Access Point may occasionally drop the connection to mics 1-4. To recover mic connectivity, you can reset the MXWAPT. Examples of interfering DECT devices are other MXWAPT devices that are not on the same subnet as the affected MXWAPT; however, in many cases, the interfering DECT devices are wireless headsets for wired telephones on desks.
  • SystemOn 3.0.1 incorrectly warns "Check system requirements, your current firmware version may not be confirmed compatible".


October 16, 2017


  • Fixed an issue on the MXWANI control software that prevented channels name changes that were more than 12 characters.
  • .svn files removed from the HTML directories of MXWANI4/8.

Known Issues

  • During Spectrum Scan, modifying MXWAPT configuration settings can put the device in a non-deterministic state. If configuration settings are modified during Spectrum Scan, MXWAPT must be rebooted.
  • Microflex Wireless 5.1.26 is not supported by SystemOn version 3.0.


  • Microflex Wireless firmware version 5.1.26 does not support AES67.
  • To operate MXW version 5.1.26 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
May 17, 2017

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • High Density (HD) mode doubles the number of channels available in standard mode, with minor changes to some system features, for better system performance the presence of interference from neighboring DECT wireless devices.
  • PHS Detection and Exclusion is a new feature for Microflex Wireless installations in Japan. PHS is a mobile phone technology that shares frequency spectrum with the JDECT band used by Microflex Wireless. The new PHS Detection and Exclusion capabilities allow the MXW microphones and MXWAPTs to avoid PHS interference and deliver a consistent, reliable audio experience.


  • MXW Networked Charging Stations are consistently discovered by the Shure Update Utility in order to receive firmware updates.
  • MXW devices now correctly format DHCP requests.
  • MXWAPT2 devices are now discovered by the Shure Web Device Discovery app after they are rebooted or reset to their factory defaults by a Dante controller.
  • MXWAPT and microphone wireless connection management enhancements added to deliver a consistent audio experience as mics approach the edge of a coverage area.
  • Additional MXWAPT event logging to troubleshoot complex systems.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue when MXW microphones undocked from a MXW Networked Charging Station did not start in unmuted mode when it was set to start in unmuted mode.
  • MXWAPT interference detection enhanced to better recover and maintain wireless connections to microphones when other DECT devices are present.
  • Enhanced MXWAPT task management and messaging queue procedures to fix unexpected behavior, such as blank Audio/RF meters and intermittent microphone connectivity, when microphones are repeatedly docked/undocked in a Crestron/AMX system.
  • When changing Mute Preferences for an MXWAPT, the Active/Mute LED now correctly applies the corresponding settings.
  • Fixed an intermittent issue when linked MXW microphones didn't reconnect with an MXWAPT after it exited Scan mode.
  • MXW Control Software
    • A reboot option is added to MXWAPT Device Properties.
    • Users will see a warning message when modifying RF Coordination Mode so they are aware of possible interference between devices or the potential impact on MXW microphone performance.
    • Spectrum Scanner accurately displays graphs and font sizes for all languages.
    • Duplicating Dante Channel names prevented on MXWAPT devices.
    • Invalid characters in Channel Names prevented on MXWANI devices.
    • Button and label text truncation improved for all languages.


  • During Spectrum Scan, modifying MXWAPT configuration settings can put the device in a non-deterministic state. If configuration settings are modified during Spectrum Scan, MXWAPT must be rebooted.
  • Microflex Wireless 5.1.23 is not supported by SystemOn version 2.1.


  • Microflex Wireless firmware version 5.1.23 does not support AES67.
  • Dante Packet Bridge Support: A third-party Dante device (e.g. a Dante DSP) used with the MXWAPT can now obtain the MXWAPT Control IP Address through a data channel on the Dante Network, allowing greater flexibility in network architecture and setup with multiple interfaces. Learn more
  • For operation of MXW version 5.1.23 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
February 16, 2017

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • Fixed an intermittent issue in versions 4.0.6-7 where wireless microphones unexpectedly un-pair from their assigned MXWAPT channels.


  • If the SCM820 automatic mixer is selected as the Audio Output Device for automatic routing of APT audio channels, ensure that the SCM820 firmware version is 1.3.3 or higher. Alternatively, use Dante Controller software to route the channels. For a free Dante routing and diagnostic tool, see
  • Transmitters may fail to update if they are on a firmware version that is lower than the firmware version on the charger that they are docked on. To properly update transmitters, ensure transmitters are docked on chargers with firmware version 4.0.6 or higher.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 4.0.6:
  • Dante Packet Bridge Support: A third-party Dante device (e.g. a Dante DSP) used with the MXWAPT can now obtain the MXWAPT Control IP Address through a data channel on the Dante Network, allowing greater flexibility in network architecture and setup with multiple interfaces. See and search on 'packet bridge'.
July 6, 2016

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • Added new frequency band Z14 (1910-1920 MHz) for Brazil


  • If the SCM820 automatic mixer is selected as the Audio Output Device for automatic routing of APT audio channels, ensure that the SCM820 firmware version is higher than version 1.2.3. Alternatively, use Dante Controller software to route the channels. For a free Dante routing and diagnostic tool, see
  • Transmitters may fail to update if they are on a firmware version that is lower than the firmware version on the charger that they are docked on. To properly update transmitters, ensure transmitters are docked on chargers with firmware version 4.0.6.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 4.0.6:
  • Dante Packet Bridge Support: A third-party Dante device (e.g. a Dante DSP) used with the MXWAPT can now obtain the MXWAPT Control IP Address through a data channel on the Dante Network, allowing greater flexibility in network architecture and setup with multiple interfaces. and search on 'packet bridge'.
April 12, 2016

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS2/4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT2/4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • 2-Channel System: Support for new models MXAPT2 and MXWNCS2. Update all MXW components in a configuration to the same firmware version to ensure compatibility.
  • Pair a Spare: Create MXW microphone sets by linking two MXW microphones to the same APT channel slot. Link a bodypack and handheld to the same channel and allow the presenter to select between the two options. Link two of the same microphone types to the same channel to have a back-up microphone ready. The microphone that is powered first on a given channel will exclusively occupy the RF/audio channel. To use the feature, go to the browser-based interface for the MXWAPT. To set a group command for all channels, select Link All Primary or Link All Secondary from the Configuration tab. To set a command for a single channel, go the Monitor tab.
  • Remote Pairing: Link an MXW microphone to any MXW access point on a network, including across subnets. Custom control system programming is required and details are available at MXW Creston/AMX Control Strings.
  • Battery Cycle Count Reset: Reset the charge cycle count of a microphone after a new battery has been inserted. To reset the cycle count, place the microphone in an MXW charger and hold down the mute button for 10 seconds. The microphone’s LED will flash to reset and the user must log in to the MXWAPT web UI to confirm the cycle count is zero.


  • Energy efficiency of MXWNSC chargers. Select the Energy Efficient mode in the charger’s device properties. This option must be selected separately for each charger. The LED on the charger will change from being all lit to only the highest charge lit.
  • Link/Unlink button is now available on each channel of the MXWAPT web UI.
  • When using an MXWAPT with a third-party Dante device, e.g. a Dante DSP, the third-party device can now obtain the MXWAPT Control IP Address through a data channel on the Dante Network, allowing greater flexibility in network architecture and setup when dealing with multiple interfaces.
  • Push MXW channel names to Dante channel names to synchronize name sets between an MXW system and a third-party Dante device.
  • Ensures transmitter upgrades and downgrades.


  • If the SCM820 automatic mixer is selected as the Audio Output Device for automatic routing of APT audio channels, ensure that the SCM820 firmware version is higher than version 1.2.3. Alternatively, use Dante Controller software to route the channels. For a free Dante routing and diagnostic tool, see
  • Transmitters may fail to update if they are on a firmware version that is lower than the firmware version on the charger that they are docked on. To properly update transmitters, ensure transmitters are docked on chargers with firmware version 4.0.6.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 4.0.6:
  • Dante Packet Bridge Support: A third-party Dante device (e.g. a Dante DSP) used with the MXWAPT can now obtain the MXWAPT Control IP Address through a data channel on the Dante Network, allowing greater flexibility in network architecture and setup with multiple interfaces. See and search on 'packet bridge'.
May 29, 2015

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • Fixed an MXW Access Point Transceiver Bug related to a port scanning protocol that caused MXW devices to require a power cycle to return to normal operation.


  • Transmitters will fail to update when updated through a charger (MXWNCS) running a different firmware version than the transmitters. In order to properly update transmitters, follow these steps:
    1. Ensure that the charger’s firmware version matches the current transmitter firmware version. NOTE: This may require a firmware downgrade of the charger’s firmware, which can be performed using the Shure Update Utility.
    2. Update the firmware of the transmitters only (NOT the charger) to the latest available version.
    3. Update the firmware of the charger to the latest available version.


  • SCM820 is compatible with, but unaffected by 3.1
December 19, 2014

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS4/8 Networked Chargers
  • MXWANI4/8 Audio Network Interfaces
  • MXWAPT4/8 Access Point Transceivers
  • MXW1/2/6/8 Wireless Microphones


  • Lock Configuration – Enables more MXW devices to operate on the same subnet. When a configuration is locked it reduces overall network communication with devices outside of the configuration. This reduction in network traffic dramatically increases the overall number of MXW devices that can coexist on the same subnet. It is recommended that all users lock their configurations after setup to optimize system performance.


  • Fixed Spectrum Scanner display bug introduced in 2.0.5. Current scan results are now shown immediately.
  • Stability improvements for Audio Network Interfaces.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 3.0.2:
    • SCM820-DAN 1.1.21
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.15
    • Shure Update Utility 2.1.1
September 22, 2014

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS4/8
  • MXWANI4/8
  • MXWAPT4/8


  • Added new frequency band SKUs for Japan and Taiwan
  • Added the ability to remotely identify a microphone without beeping the mic’s alarm


  • Moved the device IP Address Setting to the Utility Page, and enabled all IP edits to be batched.
  • Fixed the compatibility issue with Mavericks “timing out” the MXWAPT GUI.
  • Changed Factory reset button location to each individual device’s edit pop-up window.
  • Updated the MXW Charger to be discoverable by the Shure Discovery Application 1.0.11 or higher


  • There may be issues staying connected to the GUI while using Safari on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 2.0.5:
    • SCM820-DAN 1.1.211
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.11
May 21, 2014

IMPORTANT: Version 1.2.8 is a recommended patch release to fix a long-run-time bug.

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXWNCS4/8
  • MXWANI4/8
  • MXWAPT4/8


  • Fixed bug regarding lost GUI connection with other MXW networked devices after running for > 24 days.


  • There may be issues staying connected to the GUI while using Safari on Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 1.2.8:
    • SCM820-DAN 1.0.11
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.8
October 14, 2013

IMPORTANT: Version 1.2.5 introduces new MXW components and system functionality (details below). All MXW components must be updated to Version 1.2.5 for the MXW system to take advantage of the new features and overall system functionality.

Mixed use of MXW component versions is not supported and may result in minor loss of functionality.

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXW1/6/8
  • MXWANI4/8
  • MXWAPT4/8
  • MXWNCS4/8


  • Support for the MXW1 Bodypack Microphone
    • Includes two separate gain controls (Internal and External)
    • The Bodypack's Auto switchover feature has been tested and verified with the following microphones:
      • Countryman E6
      • MX150 B/O-TQG
      • PG30TQG
      • WBH53B
      • WL185
      • WL93
    • The Auto setting does NOT function with the following microphones, please set the Bodypack Mic Source to External when using them:
      • Countryman E2
      • MX153 B/O-TQG
  • Decreased power consumption of microphones in Standby Mode, allowing the microphones to remain in Standby longer
  • Improved Spectrum Scanning channel estimates
  • Improved accuracy of Battery time to empty when in Standby
  • Bug fixes


  • MXW2 is not supported in 1.2.5
  • GUI connectivity issues may arrise with systems that have been powered on and running continuously for ~20 consecutive days. Power-cycle the system to reinitialize communication. Audio and RF performance are not affected.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 1.2.5:
    • SCM820-DAN 1.0.11
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.8
July 3, 2013

These release notes cover the following models:

  • MXW6/8
  • MXWANI4/8
  • MXWAPT4/8
  • MXWNCS4/8


  • Initial Release


  • MXW1, MXW2 are not supported in 1.1.9
  • Users may see large fluctuations in Battery time while in Standby Mode
  • GUI connectivity issues may arrise with systems that have been powered on and running continuously for ~20 consecutive days. Power-cycle the system to reinitialize communication. Audio and RF performance are not affected.


  • For operation of MXW devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions that are supported with MXW version 1.1.9:
    • SCM820-DAN 1.0.11
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.8

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8-channel wireless access point transceiver that assigns clean frequencies to wireless microphones for conferencing.