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Why Gamers Need MV6's Auto Level Mode, Digital Popper Stopper and Real-time Denoiser

This affordable microphone is so clever, you’ll feel like you’ve got your own personal audio engineer. And that makes it perfect for gamers going solo.
September, 05 2024 |

What’s in a microphone? It used to be just the components that capture your voice. But that’s no longer the case. For example, Shure’s new MV6 has a ton of clever features packed inside, ensuring that your voice always sounds amazing.

The reason for all this tech is simple: the way we record has changed. Back in the day, if you were a radio host or voiceover artist, you’d be inside a soundproof booth, insulated from the world. And on the other side of the studio, behind the glass, there’d be a recording engineer.

Now though, most gamers and content creators are doing it all. You’re the artist, producer and engineer all at once. And no, that’s not easy. But luckily, you don’t have to do it all alone: the MV6 is here to help.


In fact, the MV6 has three amazing tricks packed inside one super affordable mic: Auto Level Mode, Digital Popper Stopper and Real-time Denoiser. Together, they act like your own personal recording engineer, ensuring your voice is always clear, crisp and at exactly the right volume. No other microphone designed specifically for gamers comes close.

Let’s start with Auto Level Mode. As the name suggests, this saves you the hassle of having to constantly adjust your mic volume.

So how does it work? Well, as long as you’re sat within two feet of the MV6 it detects where you are, and sets the mic gain accordingly, in real time. If you laugh, whisper, or even turn your head to the side, the Auto Level Mode will kick in, so that your voice stays at the same volume.

End result: you’re always understood, always heard, and always sounding crisp. The best part? You don’t have to touch or do anything.


Now, another problem facing content creators is that, while you want to sound good, you also don’t want a huge pop-shield obscuring your face. But without a pop shield, all those plosive ‘p’ and ‘b’ sounds are going to get picked up by your mic.

Or at least they would, if not for the MV6’s Digital Popper Stopper. That’s because whenever it detects a plosive sound it steps in and dips your mic volume. It’s a clever little trick that means your face stays on screen and your audio stays clean – exactly what every gamer wants.

Then there’s the Real-time Denoiser, another MV6 speciality.

First up, it’s worth saying that even without the denoiser the MV6 is a genius at picking up every last thing that you said, but nothing else. That’s because it’s the latest in a line of Shure dynamic microphones, which are legendary for their ability to hone in on the human voice (as opposed to condenser mics, which can sometimes do the exact opposite).

But in a noisy room, it can’t hurt to have a little help – and that’s where the Real-time Denoiser comes in. It detects any persistent noise that shouldn’t be there – like computer fans, heating hum and traffic rumbles – and carves it out. As a result, you sound like you’re in a pro studio, even if you’re actually sat in your office with your PC fans whirring right next to you.


It’s worth mentioning that all of these features are customizable, using Shure’s MOTIV Mix app. And as well as playing around with the settings for each of them, you can also adjust your sound by adding effects like a high pass filter. Although you don’t have to download the App: the MV6 works perfectly straight out of the box, with all of the features enabled.

In the end, what’s most impressive is that all this is packed into an affordable microphone. And when you factor in everything else in the box – a silent mute button, desktop stand, headphone socket – the MV6 really is something special. 


Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson is a freelance writer for Shure. When he isn't touring with one of his several bands, you will find him hunched over his desk at home writing articles for the likes of Vice, The Guardian, Loud & Quiet and more.
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