5 Things to Know About Applying for a Shure Internship

Each summer, an influx of talented young people invigorates Shure HQ, from engineering to human resources, from purchasing to market research. It's pretty great.
They arrive full of potential, dive into meaningful projects (not grunt work), and leave with valuable experience on their resumes. Sometimes they even get hired as full-time associates.
If you or someone you know is thinking about applying for an internship at Shure, check out what a few of our Summer 2015 interns had to say about their application experience. Let me introduce you first...
In the fall, Michigan State hosts a very larger career fair. While researching companies that were going to be in attendance, I came across Shure, and I recognized the name immediately. My dad has always used Shure products. When I stopped at the Shure table, I was told about many summer intern positions, including an opportunity in the global market research division. As a marketing major, it was exciting to find an internship in my field; more often than not, marketing majors start in a sales position.
Most intern candidates learn about Shure internships at school job fairs, like Abbey did, but some find out about these opportunities on their schools' career center listings, on job sites like indeed.com, and from people they know who are affiliated with Shure.
As a musician and audio engineer, I have used audio products for a long time. Ever since high school, I have had a desire to design audio equipment in some capacity. When I began looking seriously at the program at Shure, I was immediately struck by how highly regarded the company is as a place to work. That played a large factor in my initial interest. The position description also suggested that I would have both real design work and good mentorship, which were important to me.
There was essentially no cost for me to apply. I applied via internet and had my online video interview. I live in Michigan, but Shure graciously took care of all expenses for me to travel onsite for my second interview. HR was really understanding when trying to work with my schedule, travel arrangements, and hotel accommodations.
Additionally, housing stipends are available for qualifying non-local students who get hired as interns.
First, I had to fill out an online application after I talked with the guys at the career fair. After that, I was contacted in early December by HR. I had to do an online interview, which was an interesting process. A pre-recorded video asks you five or six questions, and you have two minutes to answer each question. You get two chances to answer each question. Apparently the online interview went well, so HR set up a phone interview in mid-January with the manager and a few of the engineers I'd be working with if I got the job. The phone interview was more like a laid-back conversation than an interview. After the phone interview, I was contacted again by HR, and they offered me the job. All I had to do after that was fill out some paperwork.
I learned to keep in touch with the connections I had made from the first meeting to the last interview. I wanted the associates to remember who I was and let them know how interested I was in a summer internship at Shure. I think showing a lot of excitement and confidence, and researching the company, were good strategies for me because it showed Shure associates that I was interested in working for them.
The application process is longer compared to other companies I applied to, which isn't a bad thing. In fact, it shows that they really are dedicated to selecting the right people here, and that shows in the everyday interactions between employees. The environment is great here, and everyone gets along very well.
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