TV Band Geo-Location Databases

FCC rules require that unlicensed TV Band Devices (TVBD’s) that operate on unoccupied TV channels or “white spaces” contact an authorized database system to obtain a list of available TV channels.

FCC rules require that unlicensed TV Band Devices (TVBD’s) that operate on unoccupied TV channels or “white spaces” contact an authorized database system to obtain a list of available TV channels. When a device provides its geographic location to a database, the database will then return a list of TV channels available at that specific location.

The databases also serve as an official source of information for wireless microphone users, by providing location-specific listings of which TV channels are occupied and which are available for wireless microphone operation.

Currently, the Commission has approved multiple database administrators as shown below. All registrations entered with a given database administrator will be communicated to the other administrators so that registrations do not need to be entered in multiple databases.

Licensed wireless microphone users may register for protection from unlicensed TV Band Devices at the time and location of an event. The rules also provide that unlicensed users may request approval for database registration at least 30 days prior to an event. These requests will be made available for public comment before being reviewed by the Commission.

FCC Documents

FCC Public Notice Regarding Whitespace Databases