Microflex Wireless neXt 4 & neXt 8
Wireless Microphone System

Microflex Wireless neXt 4 & neXt 8

Wireless Microphone System

SKU: MXW Next 4/8

The MXW neXt wireless microphone system is the next step in audio for hybrid events. With state-of-the-art wireless transmission, convenient rechargeability, powerful audio processing, and flexible controls and connections, it’s the most versatile wireless audio solution for collaboration. The Microflex® Wireless neXt system is the perfect solution for meeting rooms with flexible seating, rooms where audio cables are impractical, or rooms that are used only occasionally.


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Shure Product Benefits

Advanced digital wireless transmission captures clear and accurate speech. Onboard IntelliMix® DSP includes automatic mixing, echo cancellation, and noise reduction to eliminate annoying distractions and provide a pristine audio mix. Support for standards-based security protocols and encryption of both wired and wireless connections protects sensitive content.

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Always Room for More: MXW neXt now in 4 and 8 channel options

MXW neXt 4 and 8 complete the redesign of the award winning Microflex Wireless microphone system – up and running in a matter of minutes and scalable to all room types, sizes, and applications, now any big turnout is simply solved.