
The Business Case for IT Service Providers to Expand into AV

The growth in UC-enabled meeting spaces and supporting infrastructure moving to managed services have made AV competency a critical skill for the IT channel.
September 20, 2023 | 2 min read
Conference Room IT Setup

With the prevalence of videoconferencing as a primary method for B2B engagement, the quality of meeting experiences has become a high-profile KPI for IT service providers tasked with delivery and support of UC solutions.

In many cases, the growth in UC-centric meeting and collaboration spaces has already highlighted the inadequacy of existing audiovisual (AV) technology. And the IT channel must now respond. The reasons for this are both defensive and opportunistic.

IT service providers without an answer to the meeting room audio question are placed at a distinct disadvantage and vulnerable to client complaints the next time a Microsoft Teams or Zoom call becomes an inaudible disaster.

Sounds Good: The Growing Opportunity for the IT Channel in the AV Market,
Shure & IT Europa, 2023

On the upside, IT providers who are able to offer solutions to the rapidly growing demand for better meeting audio can not only maintain and improve client relationships, but also better differentiate themselves in a crowded marketplace and generate new revenue streams.

After all, while UC-as-a-Service (UCaaS) has seen massive increases, the conference room experience is still a relatively untapped market for the IT channel community. Forward-thinking solution providers are building up in-house AV competency as changing client demands require a more diversified skills and technology offering. The race to gain AV skills has already triggered a wave of high-profile acquisitions in the IT channel in recent years.

Learn more about why and how IT solution providers stand to benefit from adding AV to an expanded portfolio of services in the latest white paper from Shure and IT Europa:

Sounds Good – The Growing Opportunity for the IT Channel in the AV Market

Download the white paper
Shure Incorporated
Shure has been making people sound extraordinary for nearly a century. Founded in 1925 and headquartered in Niles, Illinois, we are a leading global manufacturer of audio equipment known for quality, performance and durability. For critical listening, or high-stakes moments on stage, in the studio, and from the meeting room, you can always rely on Shure.

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