Virtual Vis East Moot Competition

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The Vis East Moot is among the world’s biggest international mooting competitions – one of the ‘grand slam’ moots. It was created after the success of its sister event, the Willem C. Vis Moot in Vienna, and is designed as a tool for training law students and future legal professionals in the crucial aspects of international commercial arbitration and methods of alternate dispute resolution. In its 18th year, the Vis East Moot 2021attracted competing student teams from 149 universities around the world, with keen interest and support from numerous international industry bodies and law firms.
The annual Vis East Moot competition normally takes place as an in-person event. Students and arbitrators (competition judges) from around the globe travel to Hong Kong for a full week of oral argumentation sessions and elimination rounds leading up to a grand finale. Having first run the competition virtually in 2020, the event continued with an online format in 2021 due to the ongoing COVID pandemic.
The event administrators operated out of a multi-purpose room at Hong Kong’s Justice Place and required a complete audio and video solution to live stream event ceremonies in typical presentation style, with flexibility to accommodate changing room layouts in the space. While the conference room had an existing, integrated ULX-D Wireless System, routing audio into a personal laptop for Zoom streaming purposes was not an option due to security reasons.
In addition to the ceremonies, administrators who hosted the 300+ individual Zoom session throughout the competition required personal audio devices for an undisrupted and uniform audio experience while working alongside each other in the same room.
For the official ceremonies, Shure provided a complete, self-contained audio and video systems in a portable flight case that could be easily set-up in just minutes. The system compriseda Microflex® Wireless Microphone System integrated with Zoom-certified IntelliMix® P300 Processor and direct USB connection to a laptop which was used to stream the Zoom session. A Huddly IQ Camera, also Zoom-certified and connected to the laptop via USB, was used for video capture. Far-end audio and video from remote speakers were connected to the existing in-room loudspeakers and projectors via a single HDMI cable from the laptop to the Crestron-controlled system.
For the ongoing personal Zoom sessions, administrators were equipped with AONIC 50 True Wireless Noise Cancelling Headphones and AONIC 215 Sound Isolating Earphones.
The professional AV conferencing system from Shure, Huddly and Zoom provided a high quality streaming experience that allowed the organizer to maintain the formal nature of the competition. As the conference room was repeatedly re-arranged to accommodate the ongoing closed sessions and public ceremonies, the setup offered maximum flexibility with a quick and simple USB plug-and-play experience for the event admins.
To watch a recording of the live stream, visit the WILLEM C. VIS EAST ICA MOOT Facebook group.
For the 20 host managers who were sitting through hours and days of Zoom calls, the long wearing comfort and noise cancellation of their personal headphones allowed to tune out the general buzz in the room, as event administrators helped to coordinate more than 800 participating students and arbitrators.
“Our online format has allowed a record number of schools and arbitrators to participate in our Vis East experience. Thanks to Shure’s support, we were able to adopt the right technology and embrace the new reality of virtual arbitration. We’re proud to have set a successful example of articulate and intelligible online dispute resolution in a truly global setting.” - Louise Barrington, Director, Vis East Moot Foundation Limited