SBC250/450/850 - Networked Charging Station
Date Posted
- User Guides: SBC250 | SBC450/850
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate this version of SBC250/450/850 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
- ULX-D 2.8.6
- Shure Update Utility 2.8.3
- Wireless Workbench 6.15.4 or 7.0.0
- SBC250 User Guide
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate this version of SBC250/450/850 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.7.3
- Shure Update Utility 2.7.2
- Wireless Workbench 6.15.0
- SBC250 User Guide
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate this version of SBC250/450/850 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of recommended versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.6.3
- Wireless Workbench 6.15.0
- Shure Update Utility 2.7.1
- NEW TCPI command for SBC250/SBC450/SBC850:
- FW_VER - Firmware version of docked microphone
- SBC250 User Guide
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.5.0 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.5.0
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.24
- Wireless Workbench 6.14.1
- Shure Update Utility 2.6.1
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.6
- Improved network management capabilities for Shure Control Applications
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC250 User Guide
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.4.13 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.4.9
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.22
- Wireless Workbench 6.13.3
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
- Changed version number to allow all ULX-D devices in a configuration to have the same firmware version.
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC250 User Guide
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.4.9 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.4.9
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.8
- Wireless Workbench 6.13.1
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.6
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
- SBC250/450/850 charging stations updated to version 2.3.4 or higher can’t be downgraded to version 2.2.24 or below.
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.2.24 or higher and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.2.11 or higher in order to be used with SBC250 charging stations.
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.1.6 or higher and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.1.5 or higher in order to be used with SBC450/850 charging stations.
- Resolves compatibility with updated hardware revision.
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.3.6 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.3.4
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.2.11
- Wireless Workbench 6.12.6
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.3
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.2.24 or higher and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.2.11 or higher in order to be used with SBC250 charging stations.
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.1.6 or higher and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.1.5 or higher in order to be used with SBC450/850 charging stations.
- Changed version number to allow all ULX-D devices in a configuration to have the same firmware version.
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.3.4 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.3.4
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.2.11
- Wireless Workbench 6.12.6
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.3
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.2.24 and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.2.11 in order to be used with SBC250 charging stations.
- ULX-D receivers must be on version 2.1.6 or higher and QLXD4 receivers on version 2.15 or higher in order to be used with SBC450/850 charging stations.
- Version number change to allow all SBC250/450/850 charging stations in a configuration with ULX-D transmitters to have the same firmware version.
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.2.24 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.2.X
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.2.11
- Wireless Workbench 6.12.4
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.2
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.1
- ULX-D or QLX-D receivers used with SBC250/450/850 charging stations must be updated to the following minimum firmware versions:
- ULXD4, ULXD4D, and ULXD4Q Receivers 2.2.X
- QLXD4 Receivers 2.2.11
New Feature
- Initial firmware for SBC250 Networked Charging Station
- Bug fixes
Known Issue
- SBC250/450/850 devices are not compatible with SystemOn 2.0-3.0.1
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- To set up ULXD6/8 transmitters to receive firmware updates while docked in SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations, follow these steps:
- Place transmitters on a charging station and ensure the charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and select Send Updates.
- To operate SBC250/450/850 version 2.2.23 with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.2.X
- QLX-D QLXD4 Receivers 2.2.11
- Wireless Workbench 6.12.4
- Shure Update Utility 2.4.2
- ShurePlus Channels 1.4.1
- ULX-D or QLX-D receivers used with SBC450/850 charging stations version 2.1.6 must be updated to the following minimum firmware versions:
- ULXD4, ULXD4D, and ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16 or higher
- QLXD4 Receivers 2.1.5 or higher
New Feature
Known Issue
- SBC450/850 version 2.1.16 Networked Charging Stations are not compatible with SystemOn 2.1
- SBC450/850 User Guide
- ULXD6/8 transmitters can receive firmware updates while docked in an SBC450 or SBC850 Networked Charging Station.
- Place transmitters on charging station and ensure charging station is connected to the network.
- Launch Shure Update Utility to find firmware updates.
- Download updates and click Send Updates.
- To operate SBC450/850 version 2.1.16 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
- ULX-D ULXD6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4, ULXD4D, ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16
- Wireless Workbench 6.12.2
- Shure Update Utility 2.4
- ShurePlus Channels 1.3.1
Associated products
Compact networked two-bay docking station charges ULXD6 or ULXD8 transmitters and can be rack-mounted or wall-mounted with optional URT3 rack tray.
Estación de carga en red de 4 puertos para cargar hasta 4 transmisores ULXD6 o ULXD8 equipados con la batería recargable SB900A.
Estación de carga en red de 8 puertos para cargar hasta 8 transmisores ULXD6 o ULXD8 equipados con la batería recargable SB900A.