तिथि को प्रेषित
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 are not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
Bug Fixes
- Using manual speech time with a chairperson set to have no speech time ‘no speech time limit’, the manual speech time is removed, if the chairperson is switched on/off
- If speech time is in use and paused from the speech time control – the last speaker list is cleared.
- Using the CUA Microphones screen with Speech Time extension control open. If user selects a delegate on the speaker list and use the speech time extension control to alter speech time for the delegate, the selection on the speakers list will jump to the topmost user in the list
- Webservice – the start/stop meeting data does not contain a web_id even when one has been supplied during a webservice ‘PrepareMeeting’ call.
- Editing users in the user table and adding a group while editing a user does not add the group to the database.
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.3, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.2 or later
Release notes cover the following models:
- SW6000
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 are not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
Bug Fixes
- If a participant is logged into a meeting using a secondary language (not the meeting default), the participant will see entries in the speak list using ‘show name’ as defined for the system language.
- Selecting an outgoing language for any interpreter desk in the Interpretation screen brings 'Object reference’ error.
- Selecting an MIU used as interpreter and changing the outgoing language results in object reference error.
- When a user is logged in to the CUA in a meeting with mode Automatic login on preferred seat, the user cannot successfully log out from the CUA.
- Using Manual speech time, starting time with one open microphone will correctly display time next to microphone entry on Microphone control speakers list. But switching on a second microphone, time is not displayed next to this microphone.
- Under specific conditions, it’s possible that a meeting or voting report with list of chairmen may list a chairman that was not present during the meeting.
- Importing the same users twice in the CAA User Table causes an object reference exception.
- Importing multiple users in the CAA User table (not previously exported) causes the imported users to get import id 0.
- Generating custom voting report #1444 causes a comObj exception.
Known Issues
- MXC640 shows 0:00 when a chairperson with no speech time limitation is turned off
- The time indication in the speech time sub panel in the CUA disappears when a chairperson with no time limitation is turned on
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.3, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.2 or later
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 are not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- System
- ‘Chairman’ changed to ‘Chairperson’
Bug Fixes
- System
- Participants created using CAA during a meeting (Login using code card) cannot log into the meeting.
- All applications – About windows – the HTML page for 3rd-party licenses has some broken links.
- If a participant is logged into a meeting using a secondary language (not the meeting default), the participant will see entries in the speak list using ‘show name’ as defined for the system language.
- Number of speeches for a speaking delegate will be set to 0 if delegate is speaking while an agenda subject is active, and subject is set as not active. Number of speeches count remain 0 if a new subject is set active.
- Using microphone control, a participant speaking at their own microphone can be moved to podium – if another participant is also speaking, both participants will have speech time reset – only the participant moved to podium should have speech time reset.
- Using Microphones Control [Next on] button to put a microphone from the request list into speak, the button changes to [Mic off] – it should remain [Next on], as no microphone is selected.
- Users that are set as inactive in the database do not appear in the Participant list if they log into a meeting.
- MXC640 speak list etc. can show different ‘Seat no.’ information from what’s defined in the SW6000 suite and displayed in CUA.
- Meeting role agenda options field ‘Description’ cannot be selected if ‘Title and short description’ has not been checked.
- In the meetings screen, if a user selects a meeting and uses Up/Down keyboard keys (↑ ↓) to change meeting selection, these keys may stop working until meeting is reselected using the mouse.
- Selecting “Program ‘User ID / Login code’ on card” displays the window – but the window title is “ID cards”.
- Deleting a Namesign template in a multi-language system where the template does not have a name in all languages can cause an exception.
- Deleting all meetings, creating new meetings and then deleting them can cause an exception.
- Deleting existing meetings and adding a new meeting can cause an exception (addition fails).
- Editing a meeting where only Meeting ID is changed, it’s not possible to update data in the database.
- An MXC640/DC69 unit seat set up in a ‘Prepared participant seat table’ meeting without a delegate assigned displays seat information as defined in the CCU component GUI – this should be seat number.
- Microphone unit speak priority may persist as having no speaking rights if the CUI application is shut down while in an active meeting where a microphone has had speaking rights removed due to ‘One speech per subject’ functionality.
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.3.0, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.2.0 or later
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 are not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- System
- Performance improvements
- Changed button layout on the Agenda screen to facilitate new features
- Support MXCMIU as interpreter source
- Option to add Subject notes and Meeting notes to the Meeting Agenda
- Auto-numbering of agenda items
- Support MXCMIU as interpreter source
- ‘Voting comments’ option has been removed and replaced by ‘Subject notes’
- When updated, the content of ‘Voting comments’ is moved to ‘Subject notes’
- Option to add Subject notes and Meeting notes to the Meeting Agenda
- Add Meeting note to Meeting export
- Add Notes to Agenda export
- Add Notes to Agenda reports
- Added Meeting Role options for Notes:
- View
- View/Edit
- Hyperlink option moved to a tab on the Agenda screen
- Support using NFC card ID from Mifare/Desfire/ACOS3 cards
- ID card support for affiliating unique card ID with a user
- Card ID included in User Table import/export and Meeting import/export
- Card enable/disable option removed
- The previous behavior where the application should be re-started if use of cards were enabled/disabled has been removed and replaced with a ‘Login mode’ option in ‘Meeting options’:
- Use login code
- Use card programmed with ‘User ID / Login code’
- Use NFC card affiliated with user
- The previous behavior where the application should be re-started if use of cards were enabled/disabled has been removed and replaced with a ‘Login mode’ option in ‘Meeting options’:
- Important
- SW6000 cannot program any meeting data on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card
- English labels updated
- Although there are many updated labels, the existing labels do not automatically change when updating SW6000 from a previous version. It is therefore recommended to import the English labels, which can be found in the SW6000 installation package in the ‘SW6000 Accessories|SW6000 Labels’ folder
Bug Fixes
- Installer
- If the ‘One PC’ option is selected when installing applications, the selected default language is ignored, and US English is always used.
- Microphone control may become slow if many users enter the request list – can lead to a Windows Message giving the user the option of closing the non-responsive application.
- Speak list may become out of sync between hardware and CUA microphone control – can happen for fast control in a large system switching a microphone on at the podium position from the last speaker list.
- Individual vote result screen may display wrong colors for delegate vote
- Slow (Speaking too fast) indication is incorrectly cleared if present when starting (e.g. a Prepared delegate list meeting)
- When using speech time, the speakers list in the Microphones control does not display a counting timer. (Main screen speak/request list does)
- When speech time is enabled incorrectly, users with no speak button but microphone control enabled, will see the speech time indication overlaying the keyboard microphone control edit box
- Speech time alarm does not display red ‘alert’ color for the selected row in speakers’ grid.
- Audio Output screen channel selection for one of the outputs has an unwanted selection option of ‘0 ’. This option is removed.
- Speech time increment cannot be adjusted using up/down arrows.
- Microphone control: For a ‘Prepared participant list’ meeting, the participants extension control will display all seats with assigned delegates, but only some seats that are not on the delegate list.
- Voting Result: Votes status extension control displays ‘Quorum reached’ and ‘Registration quorum reached’ fields overlapping.
- Moving a chairman who is speaking from his seat to the podium causes the name to be missing on the podium.
- If a seat without any participant is selected, the info in Participant info on the Microphone screen is wrong, showing the last selected Participant and not the selected seat.
- Info in Participant info on the Microphone screen is taken from wrong language
- Button ‘Not Initialized’ in Agenda view for delegate using one of the low resolutions when delegate does not have rights to set a subject active.
- Export of participant list to XML from a meeting fails if the list contains empty seats.
- Selecting multiple conference units in CAA->Conference units and pressing [Delete] button creates an error and units are not deleted
- Application creates an exception if CUI is restarted while the CAA user has the AO setup window open.
- Updating a voting configuration with an invalid formula will display a warning, but still save the invalid formula in the database.
- Audio output unit window may give an exception when user tries to delete unit
- In the meeting, importing the same agenda from XML file twice will cause an exception.
- Voting configuration: Using the voting formula SUM(Button1) will create an error message. The formula is valid and should not create an error message.
- Meeting options: TAB order of control focus is incorrect.
- Meeting role window can be resized below minimum size that displays all controls.
- Size and position of the CAA is not stored/recovered
- Changing booth for MXC605 IS, resets the ‘comment’ text field for the unit.
- If a user with Delegate role selected opens the ‘Meeting Role’->’Agenda options’ window and then closes the window again, the Meeting role will be in the ‘update pending’ state. Since the user made no changes, there should be no pending update.
- If a user edits the speech time configuration and this configuration is currently in use, an exception may be raised. It should not be possible to update the active speech time configurations.
- Can’t create a ‘Detailed participant statistical report’ for a delegate if delegate has not spoken in any meeting for the selected period.
- Set up an agenda subject configuration to reset group speech time when an agenda subject is set active. Setting a subject with this configuration active does not reset speech time.
- Set up an agenda subject configuration to reset participant speech time when an agenda subject is set active. Setting a subject with this configuration active does not reset participant speech times.
- Skin Editor: Interpretation Items: Bold and Italic settings are missing and have wrong impact
Known Issues
- None
- These release notes include notes from the not-released SW6000 version 9.1
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.2, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.2.0
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 is not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- No new features are introduced in this version. Please refer to the release notes for version 9.0.12 for details about new features in version 9.0
Bug Fixes
- Individual voting results are shown in the CDA when secret voting is selected
- Customer-inserted Mimic icons in voting configuration are switched
- When a secret vote is performed on the CUA, it is not indicated in the buttons that a vote has been cast
- The 'Cancel' voting button is not available even if it is configured in voting config
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.0, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.0
- This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 is not supported)
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- General
- MXC605 support – as delegate, chairman, ambient and interpreter
- MXC605-F support – as delegate, chairman and ambient
- DC5980P support for use in MXC system – as delegate, chairman and interpreter
- DC5900F support for use in MXC system – as delegate and chairman
- Support for additional diagnostics messages from CCU -> CAA/CUA
- Support added for NFC fields used in standalone systems
- Support of extended audio range for MXCMIU units when using XLR input
- Support for removing entries in the device table, which has changed unit type. When a device (like MXCMIU, MXC605, MXC615, MXC620, MXC640, DC5980P), which can change unit type, connects to SW6000 with a new unit type compared to the unit type registered in SW6000, the entry with the 'old' unit type is removed. The unit will be registered with the new unit type, making it unnecessary for a user to remove the entry before connecting the CUI in order to get the unit to work with the new unit type.
- Serial port communication to legacy CU’s removed, no longer in use.
- Participant names are now always available. Previously, the names were only available if MXC640 units were present.
Bug Fixes
- For conference mode ‘automatic login on preferred seat’ with a CUA paired to a device, but PC not online, it was possible to vote from the paired device, but voting session was subsequently cancelled with no result
- In the Interpretation control, it was possible to select 0-floor for outgoing language for MXCIC, which is incorrect.
- If a CUA is registered with no paired conference unit and subsequently replaced with a unit with a conference unit, the unit will not be assigned speaking rights.
- Changing displayed agenda subject on CUA agenda control hides ‘hyperlink’ pane.
- Replacing a conference unit during a meeting will cause CUA microphone on/off feature for the replaced unit to not work.
- If user performs CUA logout in ‘prepared participant seat table' mode, voting rights are removed from the paired device
- Reply button may display incorrect position in reply queue.
- The displayed ‘total logged in’ count was incorrect if a CUA logs in after CUI has lost connection to the CCU.
- Total logged in count is not displayed on the main screen for meeting mode ‘login using code on preferred seat’.
- Using the mimic [All requests off] button while request list is hidden, causes microphones from the list to be switched on.
- Participant logged in using CUA with no paired conference unit will not be displayed on a technician participant list if technician logs in after the participant logs in.
- Adding empty entries to a participant list for a meeting with meeting mode ‘login using code on list’ causes exception.
- Exporting participants table to XML can create an exception under specific circumstances.
- Exporting a meeting with meeting mode ‘prepared participant seat table’ that has empty seats in the seat table, causes a failure.
- Importing agenda from XML may cause incomplete import error if participants from the import are not present in the database.
- The duration in conference log reports for ‘no subject’ was wrongly the duration of the entire meeting.
- The ‘delete all’ option in ‘Setup|Equipment|Conference unit’ with some units being online (which cannot be deleted), does initiate a warning, but offline units are subsequently not deleted.
- Manually creating entries for devices and typing in the serial number fails if serial numbers are entered without prefixed 0’s (e.g. 12 instead of 012).
- It was possible to add hyperlinks to an active agenda item, which shall not be possible.
- Webservice updates for multi-language meetings sends agenda details in all languages to endpoint. It should only send in selected languages.
- Creating a shortcut fails, if the shortcut has a space in the name.
- A voting session requested from a MXC640 (hardware) shall be rejected if the voting configuration requires mandatory login on a specific seat and login has not been executed.
- Restarting or resuming a meeting does not reopen an active agenda subject from last stop/pause.
Known Issues
- None
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.0, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 9.0
- This software release is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions, however it cannot be used to update systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- New conference variables to be used in voting configuration
- Button1 (1-5) - result without voting weight
- TotalButton1 (1-5) - result without voting weight
- DelegatesVoted - result without voting weight
- UI revised to add culture code in setup of language for MXC unit
- Option in Meeting options to enable use of ‘ShowName’ for conference units with a graphical user interface
- Support sending messages to participants using conference units with paired MXCSIGN
- New conference variables to be used in voting configuration
- Support for extended audio range for MXCMIU units when using XLR input
- CAA/MXCSIGN - Expanded functionality
- Updated template format:
- Supporting complex alphabets like:
- All alphabets included in MXC Global languages
- Hebrew
- Option to rotate the image 180 degrees
- Option to assign colors (grayscale) to text and background, both globally and in text boxes
- Supporting complex alphabets like:
- Option to pair an MXCSIGN with an interpreter booth and display interpretation related information:
- Booth number
- Booth language
- Booth language channel
- Booth language abbreviation
- The use of the word ‘Delegate’ is changed to ‘Participant,’ which needs to be changed in old templates intended to be used
- Expanded information that can be displayed for participants:
- First name
- Last name
- ShowName
- Message
- Option to show meeting info:
- Meeting name
- Active subject
- Updated template format:
- Include Reply label and description as displayable options in reply lists:
- ReplyDescription
- ReplyLabel
- Include Reply label and description as displayable options in reply lists:
Bug Fixes
- Cannot adjust microphone audio levels for individual seats using CUA
- Change in language assignment is not reflected for an interpreted channel or number of channels available if the assigned language is changed using CAA
- Votes cast using the conference unit are not displayed in the voting buttons in a CUA assigned to the unit when the CUA voting buttons are disabled
- Dragging and droping in the request list will not correctly move the reply colors between subjects
- If a voting formula with a calculation error is used (e.g. divide by zero) the CUA will crash when trying to display the voting result.
- An error may be displayed if a participant is logged in or out using mimic while the CUA is displaying the microphones screen with participants’ extension control open.
- Unplugging/plugging in an MXCSIGN could cause an exception if CUA displays the Microphones control with Participants extension control activated
- Muting a microphone causes the speech time counter to stop. It should continue until the microphone is switched off
- Voting screen does not display voting status and number of votes after the first vote is cast
- Command line parameter ‘-canresize’ caused a white line to appear when CDA is running on Windows 10
- Command line parameter ‘-IP’ is not working
- Interim voting result is not displayed on the mimic for a participant if the participant has proxy voting rights
- Skin editor alignment ‘grid’ is too closely placed when running the application in Windows 10
- Language name for Slovenia has been changed from Slovenski to Slovenský
- Microphone seat list does not prevent the user from adding the same computer name as a standalone computer and as a terminal server with console numbers
- Deleting a ‘meeting role’ which is only used in a room setup will cause an exception
- Will throw exception if a user tries to add entries to the participant list of a meeting if no participants have been defined in the database
- Deleting a large agenda with more than 480 subjects caused an exception, and deletion failed
- Deleting a MXCSIGN template that’s in use caused errors when the MXCSIGN tried to reference the no-longer-existing template
- Adding conference units for the first time to a system with SW6000 applications running caused a wrong seat name to be displayed for the newly-added units
- When running a meeting with ‘no login’ mode using an agenda and setting subjects active, the meeting report will not display the agenda item changes
- Equipment list does not update microphone status on meeting stop. A microphone in request will be removed from request list when the meeting is stopped, but this is not updated in the CAA | Setup | Equipment |Conference units window
- Using CAA | Setup | Equipment | Interpreter consoles sort desks by clicking on desk number and trying to replace a unit with replace functionality an Exception is seen
- Using CAA | Setup | Equipment | Interpreter consoles window and changing sort order by clicking on column header for serial#/booth#/desk# while updating settings for an interpreter set can cause an exception
- Agenda details for no subject may appear multiple times in report if user repeatedly sets agenda item active/not active
- Importing meeting participants from XML can cause a random group to be added to some participants, even though groups are not defined in the import
- Webservice - result node is missing in the individual voting result event
- Webservice - A participant logout event for a participant without an import id creates a webservice call with an <import_id> node with value -1
- Cannot discover new MXCSIGNs if standard templates have been deleted in the database
- Cannot connect to CCU using Bonjour when using a hostname with a trailing dot
- Webservice - Seat names are not correctly inserted in a webservice speaker change call if no participant is logged in to the seat
- Participant names are always sent to the CCU using default language regardless of what language is specified for the ‘Units with graphical user interface’
- Pausing a meeting with a request list having 2 or more participants in the request list cause an internal error, visible in error messages
- Database
- Not able to install database using ‘Remove All’ button during installation
- Fix for updating the ‘Participant list history’
- Installer
- Installation on Windows Server 2016. MXMQ services do not automatically install
- Installation on Windows Server 2016. MSMQ services required by SW6000 were not enabled by the install script
- Backup tool
- Restoring a database using the backup tool and using SQL authentication fails. Note it succeeds when using Windows credentials
Known Issues
- The view of the new templates for the NAMESIGN in ‘CAA | Setup | Configurations | Name sign templates’ is not easily readable as ‘line shift’ between the items is missing
- UN Name sign are still supported using the templates from version 6.9, however, the word ‘Delegate’ must be changed to ‘Participant’ in the templates
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 6.10, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
- MXC firmware release 8.6.0
- This software release can be used to make new SW6000 installations or upgrade all previous SW6000 installed versions; however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- Support for MXCIC C-channel
- Interpretation control support for MXCIC
- Include control of multiple interpreter devices on the same screen
- Agenda icons updated
- Support for MXCIC C-Channel
Bug Fixes
- The application now indicates the correct CDA display in the display screen after users press the 'Prepare meeting' button
- Fixed an issue where an exception occurred when the CUA window was resized
- Meeting variables are now cleared when a vote is cancelled
- No longer uses a default configuration at meeting start/stop when none is selected
- Fixed a problem where there was an unstable connection when another CDA is shut down
- Fixed an error in formatting in 'Total Vote Result' window
- Users can now cancel report generation if data is not present
- Voting reports have been corrected for ‘No login’ type meetings
- Update button is now activated after editing groups in the grid for participant table
- It’s no longer possible to create reply configurations without a name
- The Date filter in ‘Default participant seat table’ now works as expected
- Subject vote report in No login mode no longer shows the wrong results
- Fixed an issue where an error message appeared when clicking the ‘Replace unit’ or ‘Mic scan’ button in Setup | Conference units window
- Fixed an issue where the Pre-request to speak list shown for an agenda subject was sometimes empty even though a pre-request existed
- Fixed an issue where importing participants to the participant table failed
- Operational buttons are no longer disabled after updating the name sign page.
- Users are now able to import 1,000 Agenda subjects
- Fixed an issue where speech time was not sent to CCU when CUI reconnected
- Database
- Users are now able to install a database using the ‘Remove All’ button during installation
- Added a fix for updating the ‘Delegate List History’
- To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 6.9, the minimum firmware version is 8.5.1.
UPDATE: August 8, 2019 – The installation folder in version 6.8.33 includes a hashtag '#' in the folder name. The latest version of Microsoft Express Server cannot install software on some versions of Windows if a hashtag exists in the installation path. In version 6.8.33a, the hashtag is removed.
- This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions; however, it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
- Users may be unable to install on a PC with no prior SQL installation. The SQL server install would fail if the path length exceeding 256 characters. An error message is now shown if the path to the Setup.exe file exceeds 47 characters.
- Upgrading some SQL databases fails
- Logging in a participant from Mimic does not apply Mic attenuation to the hardware unit
- “Replace unit” generates a system message saying “Sequence contains more than one element”
- Interpreter does not work before the CUI is restarted if the device has been removed from the CAA configuration
- Participant Meeting report: Invalid label number
- System crashes when trying to set the B language to ‘—’ in MXCIC
- Individual speech time is not displayed on MXC640
- Full support for the C-language is not implemented in the CAA and CUA
- CAA: Conference Log report timeout with large customer database
- CUA: Does not indicate the correct CDA display at “Prepare Conference” after pressing the button
- CDA: Conference variables are not cleared if a vote is canceled
- SW6000 and DCS 6000 Compatibility Chart
- Please note that Admin rights are still needed to install SW6000
- SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (Full and Express editions) are no longer supported as of July 2019. Upgrading to a newer database is strongly recommended.
- This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions, however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- Run as Admin restriction removed
- The Meeting role agenda settings are now included in one pop-up window. The setting includes the following new options:
- View icons for pre-request-to speak, voting result, hyperlink and subject status
- View Pre-request-to-speak list in agenda
- Pre-request-to speak control and view options
- The Meeting/Options window now includes Agenda options
- Multiple simultaneous web service connections is now supported
- Assigning participants to a pre-request-to-speak list per subject in agenda
- Run as Admin restriction removed
- Option to set participants proxy relations in the Participant screen
- Run as Admin restriction removed
- CUA appearance settings moved from ‘prjCUA.exe.config’ file to skin file in sub-folder ‘Resources’
- Auto-showing of voting result, short description and description in the agenda if present in the subject
- Agenda view in ‘full’ screen by covering pane if pane is not active
- Agenda view improvement by use of skin file in sub-folder ‘Resources’. The following is configurable:
- Font/color/size for each agenda level
- Include short description for any subject and not only in level 1
- Include description for any subject
- Include agenda time for any subject
- Number of max. lines for agenda levels, short description and description
- Lines between subjects (show/not show, color and thickness)
- Distance between subjects
- Icons for pre-request-to speak, voting result, hyperlink and subject status
- Margins
- Include list of pre-request-to speak for any subject with sorting options in up to 3 columns. The sorting option uses the ‘Sort order’ defined in the ‘Group table’
- ‘Pre-request’ list pane in the Agenda screen:
- Shows the list of pre-request-to-speak for the selected subject
- Participants options:
- Pre-request to speak
- View own request with status
- View all approved requests
- Remove own request
- Control options (Meeting role based) to:
- Add a participant
- Approve
- Reject
- Remove
- Change the order in the list
- Run as Admin restriction removed
- Interpretation system status:
- Booth channel list for technician
- Channel list for public
- Booth channel language for individual booth
Known Issue
- Full support for the C-language is not implemented in the CAA and CUA
- SW6000 and DCS 6000 Compatibility Chart
- Please note that Admin rights are still needed to install SW6000.
- This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions, however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- Added support for MXC640, MXCMIU, MXCSIGN and MXCIC units
- The option in the CAA voting configuration to select ‘CDA Show whether vote is cast‘ includes an option to select a color/graphic for the indication in the CDA
- Interpreter languages have been aligned with ISO 639-3
- The CAA now gives an error message if started without admin rights
- The maximum number of entries in the Speak and Reply list was changed from 255 to 250
Bug Fixes
- Setting the current subject from DC6990 selects the wrong subject
- Users are able to Start Voting without being logged into Mandatory Seat
- Attendance value is not counted when attendance is done on CUA
- Users are able to vote from CUA when "Voting on CUA" option is unchecked
- Fixed an error importing agenda to existing agenda
- Inserting agenda subject before agenda subject voted on fails
- Users are unable to remove the “Mandatory Login Seat” from Voting Configuration
- Users are unable to remove the "Mandatory Login Seat" from Registration Configuration
- Users are unable to insert subjects in other languages that the system default language in the agenda
- Removed support for the property “UseDefaultColorForVotes” in the CDA Voting Mimic
Known Issue
- Full support for the C-language is not implemented in the CAA and CUA
- This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions, however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- Support for MXC615, MXC620, MXC630, MXC620-F and MXC630-F units
Beta support for MXC products
- Beta (limited) support for MXC640, MXCMIU, MXCIC and MXCSIGN
Bug Fixes
- Manual or Unanimous voting results entered manually result in an error in the variable “TotalVotes,” which is set to 0 when the result is applied
- When starting the CUA application, the application does not correctly initialize Delegate Vote Status with the number of people logged in until a login or logout is performed
- The Voting Time extension control is unavailable for meetings using conference mode “No Login”
- Agenda Time/Auto update is unintentionally under license control – SW6000-ADV
- Interim voting results may be unavailable on some CUAs during the first voting session after CUA starts up
- Only a subset of name signs are cleared and show as paired after registration
- In the Equipment > Name Signs window, it’s necessary to press the [Delete All] button twice to delete all Name Signs
- If an entry in the CAA/Meeting/Seat Table is empty, this entry won’t be visible in the CAA/Meeting/Agenda/Speak Requests/Participants List
- The application may crash when using multiple monitors if the primary monitor is not first in the list of monitors in Windows
Upgrades and Licenses
- This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions, however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- Agenda item durations added - meeting start time used for agenda item start time
- Added Email field to Participants table
- Vote results tab in Agenda is now available if license SW6000-VOTE is available – dependency is removed from license SW6000-ADV
- Agenda screen displays start time for agenda items (CUA config dependent)
- Added Agenda Time extension control – enabling ‘Auto Update’ feature - Agenda item start time and start time for subsequent agenda items is updated when the subject is set active first time
- Manual Entered Vote results now support 'Unanimous' voting
Beta support for Pre-request to Speak
- Those features require that two dll's are copied to the "Conference Administrator Application\ImportExport" folder (Newtonsoft.Json.dll WebMeetingIntegration.dll).
- Agenda – support for pre-meeting speak requests for agenda items
- Agenda – setting an agenda item active populates the pre-meeting request list for the agenda item
Beta support for MXC products
- Support for ACR1281U-C1 Dual programmer (programs dual interface cards with NFC/Chip interface and CC 6010 cards with Chip interface)
- Support for ACR1252U-M1 (programs dual interface cards with NFC/Chip interface)
- Beta support for MXC615/MXC620/MXC630 units
Bug Fixes
This section lists the major bugs, where corrections have been made.
- Fixed a Customer Reported database upgrade error – Collation error
- Fixed an error
- where the Microphone speak button state could get out of sync if a replace unit was done including an open microphone unit
- where scrolling up/down in a large agenda can end up where the line separating the subjects is not being displayed
- where using the CAA to change speak priority for a meeting role with no active meeting
- can cause a CUA exception – displayed in system messages
- where the Last 5 speakers list should be cleared on conference start/stop
- where the Group speech time is not updated correctly after pause and resume of a meeting
- where the Total Seat value displayed can be incorrect. Number of seats in seat table used by a meeting is displayed – technician seat types should be excluded in count
- where the text color for result values is hardcoded – should be configurable
- when using the mimic to log in a user, the suggested roles for a selected participant is taken from the participant table – should be taken from participant seat table if a table is used for the meeting. Login pop-up should be centred on mimic – placed on top of CUA if mimic is moved to secondary screen
- where the name displayed for a participant does not reflect the meeting role if the participant is logged in using a different meeting role from the mimic
- for a meeting with a participant list, where a participant that’s logged out from the mimic is not added to the ‘Participants not present’ list
- where a participant in the Microphones Control -> Participant List -> Participant Info is displayed with incorrect show name if the participant has been logged in with a Participant Role other than the default for the participant. Resolution is to only show participant name in Participant Info
- where a participant in the Microphones Control -> Participant List logged in with no speaking rights are not displayed in this. Same problem when no conference is active for microphone units with no speaking right assigned
- Fixed an error
- where deleting all CDA displays can make it impossible to add a new CDA display
- in the Conference Log report, where the report does not show speaker stop time, if speaker was active at meeting stop
- where the subject title in Agenda Master/Detail view of agenda is not in sync
- allowing the user to enter special characters in search field in Labels screen
- in various screens with filter functionality – [Delete] button must be disabled when the search has no results
- in Meeting Displays (CDA) where filtering and adding a new CDA display, while filter has no results, can result in a blank entry when filter is removed
- in Meeting Displays (CDA) where the Update button is not enabled when changing values for numeric controls – e.g. instance
- in various screens with filter functionality – Support using special characters in filter)
- in various labels e.g. Delegate (User Type) is changed to Participants (Meeting Role) in speech time configuration
- where a meeting re-import should not overwrite a stop date configured as future date
- making the filter to correctly filter on start/stop date of meetings
- in the Subject Vote Report, where Group sorting must be taken into account
- in the Conference Units window, where clicking Add Unit after doing a microphone scan results in an error
- in the Participant Table Window, where using the button [Generate] for the field Login Code, correctly generates a new login code, but entry is not marked as updated and the [Update] and [Cancel] buttons are not enabled
SW6000 and DCS 6000 Compatibility Chart
- This version is a hotfix for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
- This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- If upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later, a new SW6000 license is not needed
- If upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or earlier, a new SW6000 license is needed
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an error where Pause / Resume meeting did not restore request list in the correct sorting order
- Fixed an error where Pause / Resume meeting did not restore all entries in the request list
Version 6.5.25
Release Date: 6/23/2017
Feature Release
- This version is a feature release for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
- This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from all previous SW6000 versions
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- If upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later, a new SW6000 license is not needed
- If upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or earlier, a new SW6000 license is needed
New Features
- Added speech counter in CUA Microphone and Main display
- Added speech counter configuration in CAA/Participant List Configuration
- Added option to configure the voting mimic icons used in the CDA
- Added configuration option in CAA/Configuration/Voting Configuration
- CAA: Report generation time reduced (all reports)
- CDA: Added command-line option to disable page switching
- CUA: Button configuration for speak button and voting buttons color added in the ‘prjCUA.exe.config’ file
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an error
- where Pause / Resume meeting did not restore request list
- for missing Meeting Role information in CUA after using CAA Conference Unit ‘Replace Unit’
- where CUA Mimic shows assigned user in the meeting mode: ‘Code On List
- where the Microphone in ‘Manual + reply’ mode cannot be not removed from request list when turned on from Mimic and Mic. ext. control
- where the manual timer updates anomaly
- where a participant cannot re-login
- where the Meeting Role is not updated properly in CUA when Speaker is set for an agenda subject
- where the buttons ‘Set agenda status’ do not have their own labels (3 labels)
- Fixed errors with
- the agenda, when assigning a speaker to an Agenda Subject in a Meeting
- Room Configuration. Meeting Role is not being applied to a unit
- Voting reports - individual participants are listed multiple times each
- Voting reports - missing some results from proxy delegates
- participants votes, which are ignoring the use of voting weight
- Label 507, which is used in some wrong places
- Participant Table, unable to clear Replacement For …..
- duplicated user ID in Prepared Participant List
- printing reports from CUA
- editing a Participant Seat Table
- the Participant Seat Table, where participants cannot be moved from one seat to another in the table
- the language selection menu 'Invariant Language (Invariant Country)
- an CAA Exception: when adding participants in Meeting Mode: Prepared Participant List
- importing the ‘Default Participant Table’ to a ‘Prepared Participant Table’
- Fixed an error
- with Logged In display: Wrong Group shown for meeting using’ Participants Lists’
- with Microphone Display: Pause speech timer indicator missing
- with Microphone Display: Speech time count down timer keeps on blinking, red color does not stop after time has run out or the meeting is stopped
- with font size in skin editor
- CUI Fix for Web service exception with very large agenda: Maximum request length exceeded
- ‘Pooltime’ default value changed to 200ms (can also be set in command line). Note: This time shall still be set using CUI command line parameter for customers using automatic login on preferred seat in large system
- Participant Meeting Report, ID 1243 – Fix for show time for non-participating participants
- Participant Statistical Report - Fix for incorrect if changes occur while CAA is open with active meeting
- Participant Statistical Report - Participant Speech Time is not updated properly
- Meeting Log report – sub repor6t parameters missing Vote report(s) with Groups - missing 'No Group' in Group Voting Result table Meeting Log Report - generation failed (on Russian database)
- Prevent installing on systems where SQL server version is 2005 or earlier
Feature Release
- This version is a feature release for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
- This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from all previous SW6000 versions
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- If upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later, a new SW6000 license is not needed
- If upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or earlier, a new SW6000 license is needed
New Features
- Updated visual appearance:
- Rebranding SW6000 from DIS to Shure
- A general update of labels in SW6000 has been made. The most important changes are:
- Conference -> Meeting
- User -> Participant
- Delegate -> Participant
- User Type -> Meeting Role
- The new labels will only be applied if the default English labels has not been changed. Both the legacy labels and the new labels are to be found in the folders in the SW6000 installation package
- Color scheme of the CUA and CDA is changed to match other Shure applications. A CUA configuration file (prjCUA.exe.config) with the old color scheme is to be found in the SW6000 installation package
- Change of SW6000 license structure. The number of licenses is reduced as the facilities in a number of modules has been included in the basic SW6000 software package. The new license structure will be effective after May 1st 2017.
- Support for Shure Name Sign. SW6000 does now support the Shure Name Sign for showing the name on the sign of the participant logged into a seat .
- Option to set the Manual Speech Time from the CUA. The entry field reflects the entered manual timer value as long as the CUA application is not closed
- Optimization of showing Individual Voting and Registration results in the CUA Results view
- Performance improvements in CUA for Login/Logout including caching more participant data in CUI/CUA to speed up CUA meeting handling
- Messaging behavior updated so no participants or groups are pre-selected when opening the message view in the CUA
- Added separate labels for Agenda status. ‘Set New’ used to be hardcoded, this is now corrected
- Meeting import/export in the CAA, using either file or web service, have been redesigned to make it possible to have different customer implementations and import in different languages
- CDA ViewStateServer is now updated when seats are updated in response to a CU/CCU unit status update message.
- Improved error handling if CDA is disconnected from LAN (one CDA loosing LAN connection caused that other CDA’s might also loose connection)
- The "Delete Default” meeting button is now disabled, if no default meeting is saved
- Multiple participants can now be selected and deleted in the Participant Table
- A confirmation popup is now shown, if the user tries to close the CUA.
Bug Fixes
- where a user logged in on a CUA with no paired HW unit, with meeting mode ‘Login Using Code’ and with chip card enabled, can’t re-login on a CUA on another PC. CUI now also handles logouts from seats with no hardware on seat), allowing computer seats to log out properly
- where some Meeting Roles in CUA are empty until first meeting has been started
- with the command line parameter -CUI "Computername
- where delegates are unselected after speech time increase/decrease in microphone control
- when receiving a message in a CUA using lowest resolution (1024x768)
- when applying room setup, and the Meeting Role was not being applied to the unit
- in CUA volume control, where it was not possible to change volume levels. CUI now takes the seats active Meeting Role into account rather than computing rights based on delegate Meeting Role when sending out configuration updates. Updates related to audio setup will then also reach a CUA with a delegate receiving user rights from a secondary Meeting Role
- a memory leak error for CUA related to start/stop meeting
- preventing applying a room setup, when a meeting is running. Message box informing the user is added
- Changed three labels. If language versions other than the default English language is in use or the default English labels has been changed, the following labels shall be changed from the old values to the new values in all languages:
- Old Values:
- 6602 = dB
- 6712 = dB
- 6713 = db
- New values:
- 6602 = {0:+0;-0; 0} dB
- 6712 = {0:+0;-0; 0} dB
- 6713 = {0:+0;-0; 0} dB
- Old Values:
- Fixed errors with
- 6 missing group labels after DB upgrade from earlier version 4.1.x
- language pop-up at start-up
- apostrophe in SQL.
- an exception when setting Manual speech time
- a Webservice exception with very large agenda: Maximum request length exceeded. Increased the maximum post size from 4MB to 64MB
- Interpreter Unit, language selection, which was not always update correct
- Database Inconsistencies. A number of differences are have been identified when comparing older databases (after upgrade to 6.x) with new database generated by latest 6.x release. The differences are now corrected and included in the CAA database upgrade script, so customers will have a more smooth upgrade experience, when upgrading from pre 5.1.35 versions
- agenda subject in ‘No Login’ meeting mode to prevent setting a delegate as Speaker for a subject
- duplicate delegates in SQL database. Duplicate delegates are removed if there is any, when upgrading the database, keeping the oldest one (preventive action to clean up the database). Historical data is not modified. Also fixed an upgrade problem for databases without language 1033
- Fixed an error, where
- invariant languages from the language list could be selected when creating additional languages. This caused an exception if chosen, or if the user scrolled by
- the default custom mimic image was overwrite at a software upgrade
- agenda subject item 1000 could not be added again after having removed one item
- editing label group 57 shows an error when shifting between languages
- the ‘tab’ order in the Meeting was incorrect
- the delegate 'Replace' list included not active delegates
- moving a participant in the delegate seat table of a meeting using the "Move" button generated an SQL exception when updating changes into database
- labels were deleted if empty labels was imported into the default language.
- Removed "Save settings in CU" button in CAA seat forms as this button has no functionality with DIS-CCU and CU 61xx.
- Fixed an error,
- where the manual timer clock on CDA momentarily displays red “alarm” outline prior to next timer selection.
- where Delegate speaker names could be empty if the new CDA command line parameter -disablepagetimer is used
- in Individual voting results display, where delegate names sometimes are missing for meetings with large amount of delegates
- where Latest Speaker timer is not counting on custom screen
- Minor font size changes in skin editor
- Fixed an error where the Voting weight was not always taken into account in large installations
- Fixed an error, where Voting Results are "0"s when delegates register w. chip cards during a voting session
- Meeting and voting reports has been updated to reflect delegate settings in all list type meeting types, so e.g. Meeting Role and voting weight are taken into account. Previously delegate settings was incorrectly taken from Delegate Table.
- Registration reports updated to reflect Meeting Role during list meeting types.
- Incorrect number of delegate speaker in Meeting log reports (report ID 1232/ 1451)
- Delegate Meeting reports (ID 1200) updated to reflect Meeting Role during list meeting types.
- Voting reports updated to reflect Meeting Role during list meeting types. The affected reports are: 1233, 1405, 1417, 1434, 1436, 1438, 1440, 9005 and custom reports 1444, 1445, 1446, and 1447.
- Report 'All delegate Statistical' (Report ID 1243) updated to show correct speak times.
- CAA Meeting Log reports updated to reflect Meeting Role during list meeting types. This affects reports ID 1227 (meeting login-logout) and 1232 / 1451 (meeting log)
- CAA : Correction for duplicate delegate results in Meeting Log reports, which occurred when delegates had different Meeting Roles in list type meetings (report ID 1232, 1228, 1451)
- Voting reports are missing results from proxy delegates
- Voting reports - proxy delegates are listed 5 times each
Release Date: 1/19/2017
Maintenance Release
- This version is a maintenance release for systems with CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units connecting to SW 6000 through RS232.
- This version is not for new installations
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from v6.0 to v6.3.34.16
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No SW6000 upgrade license is needed when upgrading from v6.0 to v6.3.34.16
- Upgrade from versions prior to v6.0 for system using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 is not possible
Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Conference Log with Individual Votes Report (report ID #1451).
- Fixed multiple individual voting results
- Reports updated to reflect conference delegate settings
- Correcting report for all type of list conferences (e.g. prepared delegate conference), so delegate properties (e.g. user type, voting weight, etc.) are now reflected correctly in reports. This impacts most reports also custom reports (e.g. * Georgian, and other reports)
- Voting performance improvement
- Improved performance at voting stop for large CUA installations, which caused slow appearance of voting results on CUA’s after voting is stopped
- Correction for CUA exception when viewing Individual voting results
- Registration performance improvement
- Improve performance for external validation for Registration check, which previously caused the CUI/CUA slowdown in performance
- CUA exceptions after voting on CUA, and then selecting Individual button, which can make the CUA throw an exception, and then crash Slow system performance when voting
- Sometimes delegate votes are casted without voting weight (large installations only)
- Added "-hittest" command line flag. Needed for automated test, and makes it possible to scroll on the CDA Agenda
- Delegates with no "Right to vote” appear in the Individual Voting Results display
Known Issues
- CAA: Copy conference, caused exception in some cases
- CAA: Delegate names are missing in reports after restoring older 4.2 database
- CAA/CUI: Conference Log report do not show speaker stop time, if speaker was active at conference stop
- Installation: Installation overwrites the default custom mimic image. The workaround is to take a backup of the database before installation, and restore it after the upgrade
- Animation errors (this error seems to be PC performance dependent, and only happens on some systems). Workaround is to disable animations with CDA command line parameters
Maintenance Release
- This version is a maintenance release for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
- This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from all previous SW6000 versions
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No SW6000 upgrade license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
- CAA: Option to define ‘Show Name’ for WSI separately in the ‘User Type’
- CAA: Report File Names does now include the report name and date.
- CAA: Conference Log report w. Individual Voting results improved (Report #1451)
- CAA: Show the SW6000 database server name in the status bar
- CUI: Rooms: New hardware unit added to a room in ‘CAA/Room Configuration’ gets now the same property as the units already present in the room.
- CUA: Possibility of changing database from licensing prompt
- CUA: Falls back to ‘Logged in’ user type when logging back into own database
Bug Fixes
- Moving a seat to another room does not update the seat's room's 'Allowed To Speak property
- "Allowed to speak" checkmark not working in "Room Configuration" setup list
- Several fixes to the "Room Configuration" window
- Microphone screen, Delegate List extension does not show initial delegates
- After upgrading from v4.x.x. database to v6.3.87, and running an existing meeting, a CUA exception is seen in Voting Result screen
- Object ref not set exception 91 - MessageControl.Main
Feature Release
- This version is a feature release for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
- This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from all previous SW6000 versions
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No SW6000 upgrade license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
- A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions
New Features
- CUA and CAA: Option to hide Agenda Subject levels from 2 to 6
- CUA: Options in User Type to configure showing of Agenda Description in CUA
- CUA: View of own casted vote on CUA, when voting is casted on Conference Unit
- CUA: Agenda title editing has been improved as editing is now possible in separate window
- CDA: Manual Clock available on CDA display also when no mic is turned on (custom CDA script)
- CUA: Added facility to send group messages to ‘My group’
- CAA: New Conference log report with individual voting results now added to standard reports
- CUA: Message box shows up when a message is received (CUA config file setting)
- CUA: Option for opening Agenda links in external program (CUA config file setting)
- CUI: Web Service. Option for making the Agenda Description available in the Web Service output
- CUA: Manual speech time are now in sync on same CUA
- CUA: Revised ‘Present’ variable calculations (TotalPresent)
- CAA: Setup of User Type: Microphones/Group name is now default
- CAA: Handling of the agenda limitation of max.1000 agenda items
- CDA: Command line –trace hittest is changed to –hittest (Note: this is NOT backward compatible)
- CDA: Custom script error handling (used to give an exception, now gives a hint about the error on CDA)
- CDA: Skin editor – improvement for Item description
- CDA: Voting time animation. Switch off the voting time animation use command line parameter -anim –votetimer
- CUI: Extended timeout window for receiving vote confirmations from CU from 3 to 10 seconds
Bug Fixes
- Conference Unit in reply, is not removed when 'All reply Off' are used
- Old releases of SW6000 cannot change the Labels
- Label 2315 error corrected
- Delegate names missing in Conference log report after upgrading from version 4.2.x to 6.3.x
- Exception when creating a report when Windows is using comma as decimal separator
- Detailed delegate reports cannot be created
- Periodically not possible to login using chip card on CU
- Registration check issues potential deadlock warnings
- CAA voting overview and Voting reports - 2 button voting error corrected
- Report errors #1233 and #1227 corrected
- Re-login into prepared delegate conference cause exception
- Individual results are not shown for votes cast before login
- Incorrect results after cancelling voting session
- Communication broken after restarting prepared delegate conference
- Individual/Group result screen incorrect when using proxy voting
- When Manual Timer is paused, it is still counting after logout
- Language / Cancel selection visible at the same time
- Exception when voting after 'No login' conference has been in use
- Delegates wrongly selected after increasing speech time
- Crash with for Technician User Type with LeftToRight language
- Vote conclusion text in CUA corrected
- Browser URL entry in CUA config file does no longer contains spaces after upgrade
- Mimic login name not cleared after delegate logout / move, in conference mode 'Login using Code on List'
- Agenda display is not updated with vote conclusions at conference re-start
- Speakers/Request is missing after CDA initial start
- Date/Vote conclusion text is larger than normal
- Cannot connect to CUI if more than one LAN is enabled
- Lists: Slow loading of content
- Speaker list blinking before type writing, when [MicrophoneState] is used
- Introduce Connection log for debugging
- Agenda display has too many spaces, when using a very large agenda
- Animation stop with automatic display shifting
- Voting list error temporary showing wrong formatted list item 1
- Elapsed time not removed from Voting individual display when voting is stopped
- Not automatically display the Logged In screen if configured as so
- Conference and Agenda text shrink to size 1
- Optimization: Slow agenda loading
- Lost connection to the CDA-screens
- Mimic 815x1080 wrong margin
- WebService error during re-voting on a agenda subject, causing a error in webservice log
- WebService fails to update if connection is established during voting
- Starting CUI with Prepared Delegate List conference running may not log all in
- Prefix update during running meeting, is not reflected on CDA
Maintenance Release
- This version is a maintenance release for systems with CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units connecting to SW 6000 through RS232.
- This version is not for new installations
- This version can upgrade SW6000 from v6.0 to v6.3.21
- This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
- No SW6000 upgrade license is needed when upgrading from v6.0 to v6.3.21
- Upgrade from versions prior to v6.0 for system using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 is not possible
- CAA: A Conference log report with individual voting results now added to standard reports
- CUA: Revised ‘Present’ variable calculations (TotalPresent)
- CUI: Extended timeout window for receiving vote confirmations from CU from 3 to 10 seconds - with heavy login/logout activity vote confirmations may get delayed considerably
Bug Fixes
- CDA: Not automatically display the Logged In screen if configured as so
- CAA: Exception when creating a report when Windows is using comma as decimal separator
- CAA: Detailed delegate reports cannot be created
- CAA: Periodically not possible to login using chip card on CU
- CAA: Registration check issues potential deadlock warnings
- CUA: Individual/Group result screen incorrect when using proxy voting
- CUA: Mimic login name not cleared after delegate logout / move, in conference type Login using code on List.
- CUI: WebService error during re-voting on a agenda subject, causing a error in webservice log
Feature Release
- This version is a feature release for v6.0 to v6.2.184 aimed for systems with CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 61xx and DIS_CCU Central Units
- CU 6005/CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are supported with the following exceptions:
- Option to send messages to group of participants in addition to one/all participants” is not supported
- Reply feature is not supported
- CU 6005/CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units will not be supported on new feature releases of SW 6000.
- Version 6.3.21 is the last feature release supporting those central units.
- Maintenance releases branched out from 6.3.21 will be available to address possible bug fixes related to v6.3.21/CU 60xx.
New Features
- Option to send messages to group of participants in addition to one/all participants (not supported with CU 6005/CU 6010 or CU 6011)
- Received messages are displayed in a message list and kept until deleted or the user logs out or the conference is stopped
- A "Show on CUA" option for CDA screens in the CAA application is added. Used for disabling customised CDA screens which shall not be selectable in the CUA
- Support for WIN10 Operating System
- Custom reports are released in a separate zip file and are not part of the installation files
- Customised Agenda: Added sorting option ‘Original’ in the filter option
- Customised Agenda: A parameter: ‘MaxItemsBefore’ has been added, which defines the number of items to show before the current subject
- Customised Agenda: TitleWithDescription shows now ShortDescription if Description does not exist
- Customised Agenda: Option to filter Agenda by ‘Level’
- Customised Outline is removed if no delegate picture is available
- Customised Request list Header are not glued to Request list anymore
- Command line parameter introduced: -Trace “Hittest”. This parameter enables i.e. scrolling for some lists in the CDA.
- Hiding hours count
- Labels updated : 10503 + 10515 + 12524
- Voting time animation are now by default turned off
- Inserting of seats on Mimic will now insert the seats sorted by Seat Number
- SW6000 is now getting the culture codes, which are available from Windows operation system, during installation
- Width of window and column in CUA-Display Control screen adjusted
- Database selection changed to be available only for technician
Bug Fixes
- Agenda import from Word : CDA only shows 1/2 line
- Blank page after display shifting
- Conference Display - update button not enabled
- Connection loss during conference
- Connection screen and custom screen mixed up
- Crashing during fast display shifting
- Custom display fading error
- Custom request list also shows speaker
- Editor cannot save background image to skin
- Group time is not removed when new timers are loaded
- Hide groups without time limits
- Hours are not shown on default
- Labels missing for alternative language
- Mimic, where the vertical dimension is larger than the horizontal dimension is not scaled correctly
- Old voting data is visible for about 1 second, before new data is shown
- Optimization: Slow agenda loading
- Page switching happens just after display shift
- Reconnect during display shift
- Skin editor - background color editor not working
- Slow updating with custom Group Sorting
- Speech-time counters are shown for groups with group speech time disabled
- The command line parameter, -mode offline - will not start up the CDA UI
- CUA/CAA MSMQ connections problems
- Ambient enable/disable control from CUA mimic are broken
- Duplicated delegate after re-arranging in-request queue, with CCU
- Exception after meeting date expiration
- Exception when a delegate login on a DC69
- Exception when selecting Database connection
- Exception when turning on chairman mic from CUA
- Microphone control get slow at times
- Multi Room not working at all.
- No microphone control in CUA when using Multi Room connections
- Registration and Voting button problems
- Registration error - sometimes all delegates are not logged in
- Reply not removed after delegate have been speaking on Podium
- Some delegates cannot vote periodically
- Termination at conference start
- Version info visible twice on front page
- Web service duplicate text error
- Will not start up if user.config AppData cannot be loaded
- With max. resolution - do not start up centred after installation
- Wrong Agenda title in Description view
- Error correction for group speech time adjustment
- CUI/CUA/Voting time is not set correctly during meetings
- Changing speech time configuration has no effect
- Command line parameter -Createlogs do not enable logging
- ‘Object Disposed Exception’ after 3-4 hours of static use
- Agenda import from Word - label missing
- Agenda import from Word - Long/short description error
- Cannot be closed - but has to be terminated with task manager very often
- Can't add new CDA
- CDA conference settings are stored, even if cancel is selected
- CDA configuration text error
- Deleting languages cause an SQL error
- Exception when deleting CAA Multi room configuration
- Incorrect Error message for Voting reports - if no Agenda have been active in conference
- Installation overwrites the default custom mimic image
- Label errors - Label ID 3119 and 3818
- Licensing issue with CDA Skin and List Format, license SW 6060
- Mimic configuration - search order arrow not visible
- Registration report cannot be created, if no subject has been set
- Remove or disable the 'No CUA Control' button
- Report generation very often cause CAA to crash
- Selecting a delegate picture of a wrong file format issues a wrong error message
- Setup/Equipment list: 'Zeroes' shown when units are rolling in with the window open
- Sorting missing in CDA configuration in Conference Options
- Voting Conference log report's cannot be generated
- Web service setup window - resize working incorrectly
- Weird default filename when importing labels
- Problem deleting old AO’s
New Features
- Registration Reports added
- Agenda Subject Vote Reports added
- Existing reports updated to harmonize the look of the reports
- New command line parameter ReportLabelId will add label ID number in front of each label for any reports, both visible in CAA and in the printed report. Command: -ReportLabelId
Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Delegate Seat Table layout improved
- Voting pie animations improved
- Microphone and Voting Mimic improved
- Agenda and voting CUA control improvements
- CUI now broadcasts individual votes also when voting is paused, making CUA showing the voted option when a vote is cast while voting is paused
- Bug fix: Predefined messages are received, but empty on DC 69xx
- Bug fix: Incorrect User Type for prepared delegate conference
- Bug fix: Microphone/mimic control error when using Chip Cards with ‘No login’ conference
- Bug fix: Microphone list and button shows incorrect status (for 'No login' and when no active conference)
- Bug fix: Voting result color not updated, when voting is paused
- A number of minor bug fixes
New Features
- Customer Requests Asia BU: Backgrounds Images and variables in CDA
- North Sydney City Council, Jands: CDA Mimic vote cast indication
- CDA now supports using transparent background pictures
Bug Fixes
- CAA Cant delete a Conference where voting has been conducted twice on same agenda subject.
- CDA UI jitters when sorting is involved (Individual voting results display) - partly corrected
- CDA Voting graphics are jumping / jittering
- CUI: Default Microphone mimic not visible on CDA until CUI is restarted
- CDA background image Vertical 'top, center, bottom' parameters are not always reflected on display
- CDA Typewriting and animation improvements to e.g, speaker list
- CDA Exception when renaming the mimic
- CAA / CDA Configuration - Prepare conference text – secondary language not used by CDA
- CAA Conferences - can't delete conferences when using search field
- CUA: Microphones with CUA attached not visible in Mic. ext list
- CU Exceptions in VSS log when operating microphones fast
SW 6000 v6.1.104 is compatibel to Firmware Release 7.5.0 or higher only.
New Features
- "Comment" data for a seat is exposed for displaying in the CDA
Bug Fixes
- Performance improvement in large systems
- Voting weight limits
- Licensing check might freeze the CUA
- Optimize Group Speech handling
- 'Alert on CDA' button only visible in CUA if configured
- Errror in ECA corrected
- Error when using AO and IS corrected
SW 6000 v6.1.73 is compatible to Firmware Release 7.5.0 or higher only.
- Reply functionality is introduced (not supported with CU 6005/CU 6010 or CU 6011)
- Bug fixes
- CUA Mimic and CUA is now opened in separate windows
- Bug fixes
- SW 6000 v6.0.146 is compatibel to Firmware Release 7.4.xx only.
- SW 6000 v6.0 is compatible with SW 6000 Software License v1.7 only,
Upgrading from all previous SW 6000 versions
- Upgrading from all previous SW 6000 versions is possible, but is subject to an upgrade fee
- Upgrade has to be ordered for new Software License (v1.7) in order to run this version
- Customers with older versions who have customized CDA screens cannot upgrade and maintain the previous customized CDA. If the customer wants to use v6.0, new customized screens has to be made. Version 6.0 however opens up for customers to make their own customized screens
- Version 5.8 will still be available for download on the partner section on www.dis.cc for maintenance purpose, but new orders on v5.8 will not be accepted
New Features
- New designed CDA application
- New CUA screen with information during voting on who has not yet voted
- New CUA screen with a list of delegates who has not yet logged in to the conference
- New CUA screen with expanded view of descriptions to Agenda Subjects
- Option in CUA to assign status to agenda subject (i.e. New, postponed, canceled)
- New reports and update of old reports
V5.8.121 is only compatible with Firmware Release 7.4 or later.
Bug Fixes
- Label length in CUA adjusted
- Some voting results missing in SW 6086 Web service Interface
V5.8.121 is only compatible with Firmware Release 7.4 or later.
New Features
- Speech Time shown on DC 6990 P/F units; available with CU 6105/CU 6110 only
- Reports; updated with support for MS Report viewer versions 10 and 11
- New Voting result report with groups
- New Conference Login/Logout activity report including the Login/Logout of suppliants
- Support for Windows operating systems
- WIN 8 enterprice x86
- WIN 8 enterprice x64
- Supports update of database from version 4.1.0 to latest version
Bug Fixes
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements
V5.8.82 is compatible with Firmware Release 7.2.0 or later only
Bug Fixes
- Voting configuration changed in "Agenda Report" and "Conference Log Report"
- Missing voting result for individuals and groups in report corrected
- Empty Group Speech Time in combination with some language codes corrected
- Other minor bugs corrected
V5.8.78 is compatible with Firmware Release 7.2.0 or later only
New Features
- Support for SW 7085 Web Casting Software
- SW 6086 Protocol expanded
- Shure/DIS identity emphesized - graphical changes
Bug Fix
Search error in 'Delegate List' in the CUA/Microphone screen corrected
V5.8.66 is compatible with Firmware Release 7.2.0 or later only
New Features
- Supports for 1-5 voting button on CUA Application and DC 6990 P
- SW 6125 Advanced Speech Time Module now support showing of Group Speech Time Summary in CUA-Microphone Screen
- V5.8.48 is compatible with Firmware Release 7.1.0 only
- SW 6000 support for Win XP is discontinued and any Win XP specific errors will not be corrected. No tests has been conducted on Win XP.
New Features
- New designed CUI interface with choice of TCP/IP connection for CU 6105 / CU 6110 or RS232 connection for to CU 6005 / CU 6010 / CU 6011
- New designed CUA Volume Control page corresponding to the CU 6105 Central Unit
SW 6132 Advanced Import/Export Module expansion:
- Conference import/export using WebService (CAA)
- Conference import/export mode selection: XML file or WebService
SW 6112 Advanced Agenda Control expansion:
- Hyper Links in CAA Agenda Subjects
- Hyper Links in CUA Agenda Subjects
- Browser in CUA
Improvements & bug fixes
- Manual typed voting result: 'Attendance/Totalpresent values not shown correctly and not included in the quorum formula
- Enhanced detection of pre- installed database during installation
- Upgrade from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0
- Notorious improvements, corrections and bug fixes
Viewing PDF and Word documents in CUA
If the PC is using 64-bit operating system, a 64-bit PDF and Word viewer must be used or the document will not open inside the CUA.
- PDF-XChange viewer is recommended and can be used for both 32- and 64-bit PCs
- To easily detect CUs, install Bonjour before initial CUI configuration. Get Bonjour at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL999?viewlocale=en_US
- V5.8.48 is compatible with Firmware Release 7.1.0 only
- SW 6000 support for Win XP is discontinued and any Win XP specific errors will not be corrected. No tests has been conducted on Win XP.
New Features
- New designed CUI interface with choice of TCP/IP connection for CU 6105 / CU 6110 or RS232 connection for to CU 6005 / CU 6010 / CU 6011
- New designed CUA Volume Control page corresponding to the CU 6105 Central Unit
SW 6132 Advanced Import/Export Module expansion:
- Conference import/export using WebService (CAA)
- Conference import/export mode selection: XML file or WebService
SW 6112 Advanced Agenda Control expansion:
- Hyper Links in CAA Agenda Subjects
- Hyper Links in CUA Agenda Subjects
- Browser in CUA
Improvements & bug fixes
- Manual typed voting result: 'Attendance/Totalpresent values not shown correctly and not included in the quorum formula
- Enhanced detection of pre- installed database during installation
- Upgrade from .NET 3.5 to .NET 4.0
- Notorious improvements, corrections and bug fixes
Viewing PDF and Word documents in CUA
If the PC is using 64-bit operating system, a 64-bit PDF and Word viewer must be used or the document will not open inside the CUA.
- PDF-XChange viewer is recommended and can be used for both 32- and 64-bit PCs
- To easily detect CUs, install Bonjour before initial CUI configuration. Get Bonjour at http://support.apple.com/kb/DL999?viewlocale=en_US
Version 5.6.56 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.9 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Bug Fixes
- Conference log report logout time error
- Error messages when creating new Agenda Subject Configuration
- After a speaker have been activated on Podium the Mic on/off controls in CUA Microphone screen are indicated wrong
Release Date: 8/31/2012
Version 5.6.55 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.9 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Bug Fix
Speakers Request queue problem corrected
Version 5.6.53 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.9 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Bug Fixes
- Group speech time error corrected
- CDA individual voting results - group column to small.
- "Print Results" button not visible until a re-vote on a subject has been done
- "Print Results" button is now disabled when no active conference
- Printing is now possible when no subject is active
- CUA Messaging: A bracket "]" is wrongly added to each message
- Speaker Change doesn't work as expected
- Cannot add new CDA configuration
- Quorum on Voting Configuration makes CUI fail to operate correctly
- Speech Time Alarm is shown even when disabled in config
- Unable to generate voting reports if a voter has a group with a long abbreviation
- ECA crash if no setting for com port 1 and no comport in shortcut
Version 5.6.45 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.9 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Bug Fix
Corrects an error in the database update scrips for updating databases on SQL 2005 server
Version 5.6.41 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.9 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
New Features
- CDA, Mic display: Group Speech Time is updated to display Group Abbreviation OR Group depending on
- CDA configuration in CAA: Setup / Configuration / CDA configuration / Microphone Display options.
- (Previously only Group was possible).
- CDA, Mic display: Speech time limit for the group can be displayed if selected.
- General: Group Abbreviation expanded to 7 characters.
- CAA: Updated to handle Group Abbreviations with up to 7 characters when importing a meeting.
- ECA: Support for Speech time alarm/time expired status
Bug fixes
- CAA: Russian error after adding 2'nd language
- CAA: Reports problem with unicode/ Georgian error
- CAA: WEB service setup -TAB order is incorrect
- CAA: Disabling "External Validation" for seat inserts DBNull instead of 0 in database
- CAA: Cannot delete AO + AM units
- CUA, AO control screen: Volume controls missing in
- CUA: Blank screen when conference is started or stopped
- CUA: Mimic exception fault
- CUA: Pre-recorded message list are not updated during a meeting
- CAA: Adding a new message causes the last delegate to be highlighted
- CUA: Exception - when adjusting mic volume on mimic
- CUA: Mimic error when starting/stopping conference
- CUA: Mimic and use of "show secondary User Type" user type
- CUA: Exception - after adding long pre-recorded messages
- CUA: Object ref. error / exception when adjusting volume
- CUA: Mimic "login window" are not closed, when conference is closed
- CUA: Message scroll bar is jumping a lot
- CUA: IS "mic on" control from technician mimic. cause "object ref. not set...." error
- CUA: Mic attenuation on volume control page has wrong values
- CUA: Exception when closing conference
- CUA: mimic "out of memory" exception
- CDA Indv. Results: Total Voting results missing
- CDA: Not showing interim results at some voting screens
- Changing CUA user type mess up first voting
- Units with No login capabilities (NO CUA or CC) are not logged in
- Alert message to be defined when secret voting selected
- Object ref not set - error "91"
- Installation errors 5.6.31 framework 3.5
- Error when removing chip cards
- "Overwrite message?" dialog when delegates log out
- Close mic on speech timeout not working
- Operator '=' is not defined for type 'DBNull' and type 'DUALUNIT
New Features
- Showing of voting cast in secret voting implemented in CAA, CDA, CUA mimic and in voting reports
- CAA "Agenda subject configuration" added
- Secondary speech timer when main timer is paused
- ‘One speech/Subject’
- Request time limit
- New CUA resolutions min 1280 x 800
- Changed CUA resolution, min 1920x1200 changed to min 1920x1080
- “Request List Closed” shown if the request list is closed manually
- Reset request time function
- Win Installation log can be viewed after installation
- CUI improvements when handling STF
- SW versions added in CUI log files
- Warning when user is trying to overwrite backup file
Bug Fix
- Voting report (Individual) corrected (results and labels)
- DC 6990P configured as dual units cannot logout
- CDA speech time error in Groups and 'header' font type
- Voting graph configuration: Not possible to set CDA/CUA voting width
- CDA remaining voting time are drifting away from CUA
- Chairman in not identified as chairman, when Secondary seat is used
- Improvements when using replacing mic. function in CAA setup equipment, conference units menu
- Error in CDA Mimic, when showing interpreter language, corrected
DC 6990 P dual unit logout problem solved
Dual units not registered correctly
- Inserted some missing labels
- Button in Manual speech time configuration enlarged
- Login from mimic corrected
- Request indication in CUA Speak button corretted
Version 5.5.56 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.4 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Version 5.5 introduces the following major new features:
- Enhanced CUA layout for quicker access to control facilities:
- Three layout types
- Stretching of window size
- Use of sub-panels replacing popups
- Drag & drop in Microphone Request Queue
- New layout for Interpretation Screen
- Configurable background colors, Font sizes, colors, type & button colors
- Voting button appearance improved (size & color)
- This version fixes an issue experienced where the CUI did not setup system correctly on a CU power cycle
- Fixes an error on CAA when the mouse is moved over combobox in the agenda window
Bug Fixes
- Not possible to create a new database if SQL 2005 Express is installed
- Not possible to change the default DC 6990 language in the CAA
- CUI is frequently stopping responding if speech time has runn until end af limit
- Logout time is not shown in Conference Log Report
- The conference cannot be stopped in the DC 6990P when Stop Conf. is activated’
- Item Number is now part of the AgendaUpdate message in WebService
- Not possible to make a report from Result window on CUA
- Error in Search in Voting Results report
- Not possible to program a chip card on Windows 7 x64
- Records of delegates without voting right shall not be registered in Voting Reports
- Not possible to import delegates if the import file contains records in other languages
- Not possible to change Delegated Votes when a conference is started
- Column 'Replaces' is added to table Default Seat Table
- New behavior on agenda, when posting records
- Voting Report does not display correct group votes
- Agenda report displays incorrect voting results
- 'Group Abbreviation' is not shown on CDA
- 'Duration time' and 'Elapsed time' is not shown in the CDA 'Voting Graphics' and 'Voting Pie'
- Podium microphone not displaying delegate name when the microphone is activated from the agenda
- Voting Results shall not be shown it a voting session is canceled
- When a voting session is started the Technician CUA shall not switch to Result window
- Delegate name is not shown in the CUA welcoming screen if a conference “Login using code on preferred seat” and “No language selection” is started.
- If "'Set Timers' default" is not checked in User Type (CAA), the Manual Speech Time window shall not be shown on Microphone (CUA) when Microphone screen is selected
- Conference name not changed to another language when streaming is set to another language
- DC69 won’t reflect a No Subject set from CUA
- Delegate can not make a vote on DC6990, if the user is logging from a CUA/Mimic diagram
- CUI is using more and more memory
- Delegate details in web service calls does no includes picture
- CUI shall force CU out of upgrade mode when the CU is started
- Button 'Close' in CUI window is changed to 'Exit' and a message box appear
- Finnish language database could not be installed
- Not possible to install SW6000 with 'One PC' on windows 7 x64
- 4302: Error when modifying font corrected
- 4304: Check on license number corrected
- 4319: CAA Error when adding Voting configurations corrected
- 4320: CAA: Text field for 'Auto off (sec)' made higher
- Multi-language Messaging
- CAA Import of labels fails
- Manual votings are not written to "LogProxyVoting" DB
- Manual vote results are logged to VotingSession in CUA
- CUA - Top of label truncated on Conference form for Korean language.
- CDA - Sum of columns fill weight values can not exceed 65535
एसोसिएटेड उत्पाद
SW6000 कॉन्फ्रेंस मैनेजमेंट सॉफ्टवेयर कॉन्फ्रेंस और मीटिंग्स का कॉन्फिगरेशन, नियंत्रण, प्रबंधन और कस्टमाइजेशन प्रदान करता है।