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Initial Release


Known Issues

  • Factory reset occasionally fails to reset Dante settings and/or fully disable encryption. Solution:Reboot the device if unable to route audio after factory reset.
  • If enrolling, unenrolling, or changing Dante Domain settings and selecting “Clear Config,” the device may mute its audio output indefinitely.  Solution: Reboot the device following this operation to avoid possible adverse behavior.”


  • User Guide
  • Command Strings
  • To operate MXN5-C version 1.0.6 with Dante Controller, reference the following minimum versions: v3.10.2.4 (Windows) and v3.10.2.3 (Mac OS X)
  • To operate MXN5-C version 1.0.6 with Shure software or other Shure networked systems, reference the following list of minimum versions supported:
    • Shure Designer 4.2
    • IntelliMix® Room 2.0
    • ANI22 4.2.18
    • ANI4IN 4.2.18
    • ANI4OUT 4.2.18
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 4.2.19
    • MXA310 4.2.18
    • MXA910 4.2.18
    • MXA710 1.0.5
    • Microflex Wireless 8.0.3
    • P300 IntelliMix® Audio Conferencing Processor 4.2.4
    • ULXD4D/4Q 2.4.9
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9

Initial Release



  • User Guide
  • Command Strings
  • To operate MXA710 version 1.0.5 with Dante Controller, reference the following minimum versions: v3.10.2.4 (Windows) and v3.10.2.3 (Mac OS X)
  • To operate MXA710 version 1.0.5 with Shure software or other Shure networked systems, reference the following list of minimum versions supported:
    • Shure Designer 4.2
    • IntelliMix® Room 2.0
    • MXA-MUTE 1.0.8
    • MXN5-C 1.0.6
    • MXA910 4.2.18
    • ANI22 4.2.18
    • ANI4IN 4.2.18
    • ANI4OUT 4.2.18
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 4.2.19
    • MXA310 4.2.18
    • Microflex Wireless 8.0.3
    • P300 IntelliMix® Audio Conferencing Processor 4.2.4
    • ULXD4D/4Q 2.4.9
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug that caused firmware updates to crash for some customers when the phone language is set to Italian


  • User Guide
  • Compatible with Android 8.0 and higher. We can’t ensure compatibility or full feature functionality with older operating systems. Please report problems and submit general feedback through the app (Settings > Feedback)

New Features/Improvements

  • Individual Voting
    • Voting results for the individual participants in a non-secret vote are shown in the Chairman GUI, Display GUI, and through TPCI. (Note: see Secret Vote known issue below)
    • When the vote is completed, the results for a non-secret vote may be exported as a CSV or PDF file, organized by chronological (in the order the votes were cast), alphabetical (based on participant first name), or vote value group (e.g. YES votes listed together, etc.)
    • Individual Delegates may be excluded from participating in a vote by the Chairman through the Chairman GUI.  Excluded participants are also indicated on Exported voting reports.
  • Additional countries added to system country list
    • Morocco & Egypt have been added to country list, allowing the MXCW system to legally and properly operate respectively in those countries.
  • Additional Languages
    • Catalan and Basque languages added
    • Polish is available in the MXCWAPT only, not the MXCW640
  • Dante Input Gain
    • Dante Input gain structure corrected to improve mixing external audio sources to system audio via Dante inputs.
  • Device List in GUI updated
    • To more easily view devices that are online, offline, and connected when operating larger systems, separate selectable lists have been created.

Known Issues


  • MXCWAPT FW update with SUU may result in SUU reporting a false update failure, when update was actually successful.  If this occurs, verify FW on APT via GUI or LCD.
  • In rare cases during repetitive restart stress testing, DANTE may not start up after APT reboot.  Resolve by power cycling APT.
  • In rare cases during repetitive stress testing of changing IP mode from auto to static and back, APT may fail to reconnect all WDU’s.


  • When using 2, 3, or 5 buttons Secret Vote, the Chairman GUI will incorrectly show the individual voting results after the vote has stopped.  The exported results will also incorrectly show the individual voting results.
  • When running Windows-Version:1809, cannot access APT CGUI when opened via DNS Name applied directly to the browser search bar or with Shure Discovery Application short cut. Opening APT CGUI via IP address works as designed.
  • APT help topics are not translated in Thai, Turkish, Lithuanian, Polish, Catalan and Basque languages.
  • When performing Identify on a range, if that identify includes only the second side of a Dual Delegate unit, the unit does not light up. If the range includes the first side or both, the unit operates as expected.


  • MXCW640 Left/Right buttons incorrect LED indication when using FIFO conference mode with Dual-Delegate or while identifying units while in Request List.
  • In very rare occasions, MXCW640 touch screen will not respond to screen touch.  Resolved by power cycling unit.
  • Some MXCW640 text is cut off for some languages.
  • MXCW640 loudspeakers do not unmute when Ambient Mode is enabled but no Ambient Units are registered.  Resolve by disabling Ambient Mode when no Ambient units are planned to be used.
  • If a unit is set as a Remote Caller and the number of microphone slots reserved for active speakers is set to 8 in the component GUI, the Remote Caller unit does not display an error message.
  • If a unit is set as a Remote Caller selecting an interpretation channel does not have any effect in the audio being routed to the remote caller, only floor is routed to the remote caller.


  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, unit will no longer respond to TPCI strings that are indexed based off of seat number.
  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, and rebooted, unit will no longer send TPCI strings when changing role to other than Ambient (Chairman, Delegate, Interpreter etc). Resolved by power cycling the unit, while not in Ambient role.
  • Rare TPCI errors reporting a single MXCW640’s when transitioning roles from Ambient. Resolved by restarting unit.


  • Shure Discovery Application missing MXCWAPT AES67 indication.


  • The MXCWNCS does not have support for Catalan, Polish and Basque


  • User Guide
  • To use MXCW version 4.0.9 with other Shure software, reference the following list of minimum versions:
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9
    • Shure NFC Programming Application 1.0.3

New Features/Improvements

  • Individual Voting
    • Voting results for the individual participants in a non-secret vote are shown in the Chairman GUI, Display GUI, and through TPCI. (Note: see Secret Vote known issue below)
    • When the vote is completed, the results for a non-secret vote may be exported as a CSV or PDF file, organized by chronological (in the order the votes were cast), alphabetical (based on participant first name), or vote value group (e.g. YES votes listed together, etc.)
    • Individual Delegates may be excluded from participating in a vote by the Chairman through the Chairman GUI.  Excluded participants are also indicated on Exported voting reports.
  • Additional countries added to system country list
    • Morocco & Egypt have been added to country list, allowing the MXCW system to legally and properly operate respectively in those countries.
  • Additional Languages
    • Catalan and Basque languages added
    • Polish is available in the MXCWAPT only, not the MXCW640
  • Dante Input Gain
    • Dante Input gain structure corrected to improve mixing external audio sources to system audio via Dante inputs.
  • Device List in GUI updated
    • To more easily view devices that are online, offline, and connected when operating larger systems, separate selectable lists have been created.

Known Issues


  • MXCWAPT FW update with SUU may result in SUU reporting a false update failure, when update was actually successful.  If this occurs, verify FW on APT via GUI or LCD.
  • In rare cases during repetitive restart stress testing, DANTE may not start up after APT reboot.  Resolve by power cycling APT.
  • In rare cases during repetitive stress testing of changing IP mode from auto to static and back, APT may fail to reconnect all WDU’s.


  • When using 2, 3, or 5 buttons Secret Vote, the Chairman GUI will incorrectly show the individual voting results after the vote has stopped.  The exported results will also incorrectly show the individual voting results.
  • When running Windows-Version:1809, cannot access APT CGUI when opened via DNS Name applied directly to the browser search bar or with Shure Discovery Application short cut. Opening APT CGUI via IP address works as designed.
  • APT help topics are not translated in Thai, Turkish, Lithuanian, Polish, Catalan and Basque languages.
  • When performing Identify on a range, if that identify includes only the second side of a Dual Delegate unit, the unit does not light up. If the range includes the first side or both, the unit operates as expected.


  • MXCW640 Left/Right buttons incorrect LED indication when using FIFO conference mode with Dual-Delegate or while identifying units while in Request List.
  • In very rare occasions, MXCW640 touch screen will not respond to screen touch.  Resolved by power cycling unit.
  • Some MXCW640 text is cut off for some languages.
  • MXCW640 loudspeakers do not unmute when Ambient Mode is enabled but no Ambient Units are registered.  Resolve by disabling Ambient Mode when no Ambient units are planned to be used.
  • If a unit is set as a Remote Caller and the number of microphone slots reserved for active speakers is set to 8 in the component GUI, the Remote Caller unit does not display an error message.
  • If a unit is set as a Remote Caller selecting an interpretation channel does not have any effect in the audio being routed to the remote caller, only floor is routed to the remote caller.


  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, unit will no longer respond to TPCI strings that are indexed based off of seat number.
  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, and rebooted, unit will no longer send TPCI strings when changing role to other than Ambient (Chairman, Delegate, Interpreter etc). Resolved by power cycling the unit, while not in Ambient role.
  • Rare TPCI errors reporting a single MXCW640’s when transitioning roles from Ambient. Resolved by restarting unit.


  • Shure Discovery Application missing MXCWAPT AES67 indication.


  • The MXCWNCS does not have support for Catalan, Polish and Basque


  • User Guide
  • To use MXCW version 4.0.9 with other Shure software, reference the following list of minimum versions:
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.8
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9
    • Shure NFC Programming Application 1.0.3


  • Bug fixes


  • Bug fixes


  • DCS-LAN Tool is now a stand-alone application
  • Users can now import diagnostic file from DIS-CCU FW8.1 or later, and visualize the DCS-LAN network topology
  • Supports newer MXC system components (MXCMIU)

Bug Fixes

  • Improved calculations for power consumption using ‘worst case scenarios’ where components utilize the most possible power
  • Utilizes ‘rules’ for JB6104 and connected components (only one discussion unit per port, or up to 4 channel selectors)
  • GUI improvements


  • Users are not yet able to design cable loop topology
  • Diagnostic files with legacy components can yield incorrect topology reports
  • MXCMIU will use its highest power consuming component (MXCMIU-FL) for power estimates

New Device and Frequency Band Support

  • Added support for Axient Digital AD3 plug-on transmitter monitoring information and IR presets
  • Added support for offline coordination of SLX-D wireless microphone systems


  • Fixed an issue where audio level values were not in sequential order in the item properties sidebar


  • When using the in-app update function, in order to successfully install Wireless Workbench, you must run it as an administrator. Consult your IT department if you have questions about your admin rights on your computer.
  • Opening show files created with older versions of Wireless Workbench may result in the Settings Conflicts dialog opening once the file has loaded. This is due to newly supported hardware parameters that have been introduced with updated firmware versions. To maintain all settings from the show file, select "Keep all settings from: Wireless Workbench."
  • Alerts logged when devices first come online may list device parameters and their values as they are being discovered even though the parameter values themselves have not changed

Known Issues

  • ULX-D receivers running firmware version 2.0.28 or earlier may trigger a Settings Conflict when rediscovered after updating their firmware to version 2.1 or later. There is no issue with the device—there was simply a new property added in version 2.1. To dismiss the alert, resolve the Settings Conflict by selecting the properties you wish to keep
  • Timeline System Events displayed for Active Transmitter Online for ULXD6/8 transmitters do not always include Transmitter Device ID in the event description
  • SLX and ULX frequencies in Master List mode cannot be manually entered in the Coordination Workspace. They can, however, be coordinated and analyzed

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605
  • MXC605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to make the update.

New Features

  • DIS-CCU  
    • MXC605 support – as delegate, chairman, ambient and interpreter
    • MXC605-F support – as delegate, chairman and ambient
    • DC5980P support for use in MXC system – as delegate, chairman and interpreter
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
      • Left button is configured in DIS-CCU
        • Delegate: No function or Mute
        • Chairman: No function or All delegates off
    • DC5900F support for use in MXC system – as delegate and chairman
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
    • Auto registration/selection of MXC VOX mode vs 6000 VOX mode. If 5900/6000 units are present, voice activation mode will be 6000 VOX mode, otherwise it will be MXC VOX mode
    • Comply with California’s IoT Law
    • Global and UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • System change option between 5900 and 6000 mode removed
    • FL6000 license included as default
  • MXC Conference Units
    • Support for Speak button “Delegate speak button lock”
    • Support for Speak button "Press and hold"
    • UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • Option to show agenda
    • Option to enable/disable the audio beeps for hearing protection
    • Mic LED button behavior to indicate selected outgoing channels status
  • TCPI
    • 'mic_mute_all’ command included

Bug Fixes

  • MXC Conference units
    • MXC VOX mode: Pressing Mute should prevent gating on own MIC
  • MXC630-F 
    • Wrong indication in 'Abstain' button
  • MXC640
    • Fixed LED control when a dual unit is both in speak list and request list
    • Present/seats value = 2000 was cut off on right side, and only 200 was shown
    • Home screen and FW upgrade screen images are changed
    • Individual microphone Level was not persistent across unit and CCU reset
  • MXCIC 
    • Long participant names were not updating on Speakers page
  • TPCI 
    • Individual vote state was missing a space char before button_id
    • Mic_speech_time_alarm repeats multiple times for alarm for each unit
    • Mix-minus state info was not correct
  • Legacy 6000 units
    • VOX settings not kept after reboot

Known Issues

  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices using version 9.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3