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  • ULX-D 2.X firmware versions are incompatible with ULX-D or QLX-D 1.X firmware versions. To ensure all receivers and transmitters in a configuration function with each other, update all devices to the same firmware version.


  • Changed the default RF band from AB to JB for ULXD4=-AB receivers
  • Add support for China 470 MHz – 510 MHz frequency band (G53)


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    • Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    • Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    • Press ENTER
  • To operate ULX-D version 2.3.25 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • ULX-D ULXD1/2/6/8 Transmitters and ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.3.25
    • SBC250/450/850 Networked Charging Stations 2.4.9
    • QLX-D QLXD1/2 Transmitters and QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.24
    • PSM1000 1.7.10
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • Wireless Workbench 6.14.0
    • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.5


  • Add support for China 470 MHz – 510 MHz frequency band (G53)


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    • Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    • Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    • Press ENTER
  • To operate ULX-D version 2.4.25 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • ULX-D ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.4.25
    • QLX-D QLXD1/2 Transmitters and QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.24
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • Wireless Workbench 6.14.0
    • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.5


  • Add support for China 470 MHz – 510 MHz frequency band (G53)


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    • Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    • Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    • Press ENTER
  • To operate ULX-D version 2.4.25 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • ULX-D ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.4.25
    • QLX-D QLXD1/2 Transmitters and QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.24
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • Wireless Workbench 6.14.0
    • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.5


  • Add support for China 470 MHz – 510 MHz frequency band (G53)


  • User Guide
  • ULXD1/2 transmitters used with receivers must be updated via IR sync. After a receiver is updated, follow these steps:
    • Go to the receiver menu: DEVICE UTILITIES > TX FW UPDATE
    • Align the infrared ports with the transmitter
    • Press ENTER
  • To operate ULX-D version 2.4.25 devices with other Shure networked systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • ULX-D ULXD4/4D/4Q Receivers 2.4.25
    • QLX-D QLXD1/2 Transmitters and QLXD4 Receivers 2.3.24
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • Wireless Workbench 6.14.0
    • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.5

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update:
    • Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit
    • DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release
  • The update requires using the Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release

New Features

  • System
    • Support for Mifare/Desfire card when used with SW6000
      • When using SW6000, the MXC system can now be configured to provide:
        • The User ID/Login code data from ACOS3 NFC cards programmed from SW6000 (current feature) or
        • The Unique ID on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card or an ACOS3 NFC card (new feature)
      • Benefits
        • Using the Unique ID enables usage of cards where no (meeting) data has been written to the card
        • This makes it possible to use cards that are provided to users for other purposes to login to SW6000, so the user needs to hold one less card
      • Important
        • Mifare/Desfire NFC cards can only be used with SW6000 connected, not in a standalone system
    • Support for setting output/level on the AO6004 Audio Output unit
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • System Information Report – Information content updated
    • Support for configuring MXCMIU as Interpreter source
    • Support for configuring MXC605 as a voting unit
    • Alternate LED indications. Option to set the microphone ‘Speak/Request color’:
      • Red speak | Green Request
      • Green speak | Green Request
    • Option to disable the Request indication in the gooseneck microphone
    • Disable Global language selection (CGUI) when SW6000 is connected
    • Interpreter Source option
  • MXC640
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
  • MXC605
    • Option with new overlay: Voting 2- and 3-buttons, Attendance check, Secret/open voting
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
    • OS updated to allow the use of the USB connector together with the ‘Shure MXCSIGN App’. The app allows to transfer a defined picture to the sign
  • TPCI
    • ‘Speak Slow’ support
    • MIU interpreter source option

Bug Fixes

  • System
    • Ambient sound disappears when switching to VOX mode
  • CCU
    • Web GUI removes only a single unregistered unit at 'Remove unregistered units'
    • Web GUI – Indication in buttons in Diagnostic screen updated
    • Diagnostic – last unit on a chain is reported as lost when reconfigured into loop
    • Floor1 and Floor2 is switched in the web GUI Channel-dropdown
    • Force CCU-configuration to 1000 m of cable, when upgrading from earlier versions to Release 9.2.0
    • The indication for 605 interpreter in 'Diagnostic' is wrong
    • Function button indication is not turning blue, when configured as ambient mic
  • MXC620
    • Unit not reacting to card inserted, when location code is altered
  • MXC620-F & MXC630-F
    • Chairman left button configured as Exclusive can take over other units already in Exclusive state
  • MXC630 and MXC630-F
    • 3-Btn Secret voting with proxy – missing LED indication
    • Cannot login to a meeting during a paused Voting session
    • Indication in proxy button is not correct
    • Secret voting – wrong LED indication
  • MXC640
    • "Attended" text is not translated
    • Misleading texts corrected when logging in with card
    • Missing clear feedback on buttons on login screen
    • Present/seats value = 2000 are cut of in right side, and only 200 is shown
    • Speech time display permissions are not working
    • Voting not possible with meeting mode: No login
    • Some units are 'Locked' when the system is powered
    • Unable to turn off "Audible Level Warning"

Known Issues

  • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
  • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
  • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • These release notes include notes from the not-released FW 9.1
  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.2.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3


  • This software version is used for new SW6000 installations or to update all previous SW6000 installed versions using DIS-CCU Central Unit (CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011. CU 6105, CU 6110 and CU 5905 are not supported)
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if updating from SW6000 or previous versions

New Features

  • System
    • Performance improvements
  • CUA
    • Changed button layout on the Agenda screen to facilitate new features
    • Support MXCMIU as interpreter source
    • Option to add Subject notes and Meeting notes to the Meeting Agenda
  • CAA
    • Auto-numbering of agenda items
    • Support MXCMIU as interpreter source
    • ‘Voting comments’ option has been removed and replaced by ‘Subject notes’
      • When updated, the content of ‘Voting comments’ is moved to ‘Subject notes’
    • Option to add Subject notes and Meeting notes to the Meeting Agenda
      • Add Meeting note to Meeting export
      • Add Notes to Agenda export
      • Add Notes to Agenda reports
      • Added Meeting Role options for Notes:
        • View
        • View/Edit
    • Hyperlink option moved to a tab on the Agenda screen
    • Support using NFC card ID from Mifare/Desfire/ACOS3 cards
      • ID card support for affiliating unique card ID with a user
      • Card ID included in User Table import/export and Meeting import/export
      • Card enable/disable option removed
        • The previous behavior where the application should be re-started if use of cards were enabled/disabled has been removed and replaced with a ‘Login mode’ option in ‘Meeting options’:
          • Use login code
          • Use card programmed with ‘User ID / Login code’
          • Use NFC card affiliated with user
      • Important
        • SW6000 cannot program any meeting data on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card
    • English labels updated
      • Although there are many updated labels, the existing labels do not automatically change when updating SW6000 from a previous version. It is therefore recommended to import the English labels, which can be found in the SW6000 installation package in the ‘SW6000 Accessories|SW6000 Labels’ folder

Bug Fixes

  • Installer
    • If the ‘One PC’ option is selected when installing applications, the selected default language is ignored, and US English is always used.
  • CUA
    • Microphone control may become slow if many users enter the request list – can lead to a Windows Message giving the user the option of closing the non-responsive application.
    • Speak list may become out of sync between hardware and CUA microphone control – can happen for fast control in a large system switching a microphone on at the podium position from the last speaker list.
    • Individual vote result screen may display wrong colors for delegate vote
    • Slow (Speaking too fast) indication is incorrectly cleared if present when starting (e.g. a Prepared delegate list meeting)
    • When using speech time, the speakers list in the Microphones control does not display a counting timer. (Main screen speak/request list does)
    • When speech time is enabled incorrectly, users with no speak button but microphone control enabled, will see the speech time indication overlaying the keyboard microphone control edit box
    • Speech time alarm does not display red ‘alert’ color for the selected row in speakers’ grid.
    • Audio Output screen channel selection for one of the outputs has an unwanted selection option of ‘0 ’. This option is removed.
    • Speech time increment cannot be adjusted using up/down arrows.
    • Microphone control: For a ‘Prepared participant list’ meeting, the participants extension control will display all seats with assigned delegates, but only some seats that are not on the delegate list.
    • Voting Result: Votes status extension control displays ‘Quorum reached’ and ‘Registration quorum reached’ fields overlapping.
    • Moving a chairman who is speaking from his seat to the podium causes the name to be missing on the podium.
    • If a seat without any participant is selected, the info in Participant info on the Microphone screen is wrong, showing the last selected Participant and not the selected seat.
    • Info in Participant info on the Microphone screen is taken from wrong language
    • Button ‘Not Initialized’ in Agenda view for delegate using one of the low resolutions when delegate does not have rights to set a subject active.
  • CAA
    • Export of participant list to XML from a meeting fails if the list contains empty seats.
    • Selecting multiple conference units in CAA->Conference units and pressing [Delete] button creates an error and units are not deleted
    • Application creates an exception if CUI is restarted while the CAA user has the AO setup window open.
    • Updating a voting configuration with an invalid formula will display a warning, but still save the invalid formula in the database.
    • Audio output unit window may give an exception when user tries to delete unit
    • In the meeting, importing the same agenda from XML file twice will cause an exception.
    • Voting configuration: Using the voting formula SUM(Button1) will create an error message. The formula is valid and should not create an error message.
    • Meeting options: TAB order of control focus is incorrect.
    • Meeting role window can be resized below minimum size that displays all controls.
    • Size and position of the CAA is not stored/recovered
    • Changing booth for MXC605 IS, resets the ‘comment’ text field for the unit.
    • If a user with Delegate role selected opens the ‘Meeting Role’->’Agenda options’ window and then closes the window again, the Meeting role will be in the ‘update pending’ state. Since the user made no changes, there should be no pending update.
    • If a user edits the speech time configuration and this configuration is currently in use, an exception may be raised. It should not be possible to update the active speech time configurations.
    • Can’t create a ‘Detailed participant statistical report’ for a delegate if delegate has not spoken in any meeting for the selected period.
    • Set up an agenda subject configuration to reset group speech time when an agenda subject is set active. Setting a subject with this configuration active does not reset speech time.
    • Set up an agenda subject configuration to reset participant speech time when an agenda subject is set active. Setting a subject with this configuration active does not reset participant speech times.
  • CDA
    • Skin Editor: Interpretation Items: Bold and Italic settings are missing and have wrong impact

Known Issues

  • None


  • These release notes include notes from the not-released SW6000 version 9.1
  • To operate MXC devices with SW6000 version 9.2, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • MXC firmware release 9.2.0

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update:
    • Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit
    • DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release
  • The update requires using the Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release

New Features

  • System
    • Support for Mifare/Desfire card when used with SW6000
      • When using SW6000, the MXC system can now be configured to provide:
        • The User ID/Login code data from ACOS3 NFC cards programmed from SW6000 (current feature) or
        • The Unique ID on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card or an ACOS3 NFC card (new feature)
      • Benefits
        • Using the Unique ID enables usage of cards where no (meeting) data has been written to the card
        • This makes it possible to use cards that are provided to users for other purposes to login to SW6000, so the user needs to hold one less card
      • Important
        • Mifare/Desfire NFC cards can only be used with SW6000 connected, not in a standalone system
    • Support for setting output/level on the AO6004 Audio Output unit
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • System Information Report – Information content updated
    • Support for configuring MXCMIU as Interpreter source
    • Support for configuring MXC605 as a voting unit
    • Alternate LED indications. Option to set the microphone ‘Speak/Request color’:
      • Red speak | Green Request
      • Green speak | Green Request
    • Option to disable the Request indication in the gooseneck microphone
    • Disable Global language selection (CGUI) when SW6000 is connected
    • Interpreter Source option
  • MXC640
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
  • MXC605
    • Option with new overlay: Voting 2- and 3-buttons, Attendance check, Secret/open voting
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
    • OS updated to allow the use of the USB connector together with the ‘Shure MXCSIGN App’. The app allows to transfer a defined picture to the sign
  • TPCI
    • ‘Speak Slow’ support
    • MIU interpreter source option

Bug Fixes

  • System
    • Ambient sound disappears when switching to VOX mode
  • CCU
    • Web GUI removes only a single unregistered unit at 'Remove unregistered units'
    • Web GUI – Indication in buttons in Diagnostic screen updated
    • Diagnostic – last unit on a chain is reported as lost when reconfigured into loop
    • Floor1 and Floor2 is switched in the web GUI Channel-dropdown
    • Force CCU-configuration to 1000 m of cable, when upgrading from earlier versions to Release 9.2.0
    • The indication for 605 interpreter in 'Diagnostic' is wrong
    • Function button indication is not turning blue, when configured as ambient mic
  • MXC620
    • Unit not reacting to card inserted, when location code is altered
  • MXC620-F & MXC630-F
    • Chairman left button configured as Exclusive can take over other units already in Exclusive state
  • MXC630 and MXC630-F
    • 3-Btn Secret voting with proxy – missing LED indication
    • Cannot login to a meeting during a paused Voting session
    • Indication in proxy button is not correct
    • Secret voting – wrong LED indication
  • MXC640
    • "Attended" text is not translated
    • Misleading texts corrected when logging in with card
    • Missing clear feedback on buttons on login screen
    • Present/seats value = 2000 are cut of in right side, and only 200 is shown
    • Speech time display permissions are not working
    • Voting not possible with meeting mode: No login
    • Some units are 'Locked' when the system is powered
    • Unable to turn off "Audible Level Warning"

Known Issues

  • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
  • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
  • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • These release notes include notes from the not-released FW 9.1
  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.2.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3


  • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1 does not support 32 bit.
  • Shure Update Utility 2.5.1 does not support GLX-D, KSE1500, SHA900, and UHF-R
    • Please use Shure Update Utility 2.4.8 to update these devices and for 32bit support.


  • Enhanced performance and stability of MXWANI updates.
  • Improved reliability of updating legacy products.

Known Issues

  • PSM1000 devices with firmware version 1.1.0 or earlier must use Shure Update Utility version 2.4.1 or older.
  • Version 2.4.1
  • Attempts to download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to a ULX-D or QLX-D receiver that is not at the minimum firmware version, shown below, will fail. To update firmware for ULXD6/8 transmitters with ULX-D or QLX-D receivers:
    • Update receivers to the following minimum versions:
      • ULXD4, ULXD4D, ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16
      • QLXD4 Receivers 2.1.5
    • Using Shure Update Utility, download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to the receivers.
    • Using the FW Update menu on a receiver, update transmitters.
  • Microflex Wireless devices running version 1.X firmware must first be updated to version 2.0.5 before being updated to version 3.X or later.


  • Shure Update Utility is supported on the following operating systems:
    • Windows 8.1 and 10
    • Mojave (10.14) and Catalina (10.15)


  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • The app can play files that are stored on the device’s music library. To enable this, go to the iOS Settings app, select PLAY from the list of apps, and turn on the “Allow PLAY to access Media & Apple Music” setting.
  • The app only plays files that are stored locally on the device. Some tracks that are stored in the cloud may appear grayed out in the app, but they cannot be played.


  • User Guide
  • Supports iPhone 5S and later – iPad and iPod Touch are not supported.
  • Compatible with iOS 12.0 or later. We can’t ensure compatibility or full feature functionality with older operating systems. Please report problems and submit general feedback through the app (Settings > Feedback).

New Features/Improvements

  • Custom Welcome Screen
    • Users can now use a custom welcome screen in their system.
    • Images used should be 480x272 pixels in PNG format, and is retained on the MXCWAPT and MXCW640 through power cycle.
    • Feature is available under ‘Meeting Controls’ and ‘Custom welcome screen’.
  • Device List update – Retain Seat information
    • Users can now Retain Seat Information (Seat name, Seat Number, Audio group assignment and Speak priority) directly from the Devices window – independent of connections mode.
    • This setting is ENABLED by default, ensuring that settings on the MXCWAPT are retained during FW update to FW5.0
    • Setting can be found at the top of the devices list, pictured as a save icon.
  • Show / Hide Request list from Delegates
    • User can now show or Hide the request list from all delegate units. Chairman units are unaffected.
    • Setting can be found under ‘Global Device Settings’ and ‘Screen Content’.
  • APT logs
    • Users can now export a logfile from the MXCWAPT which can assist Customer Support with their work. The file is not readable.
    • Feature can be found under ‘Settings’ and ‘General’.
  • Sending interpretation audio to remote caller
    • Users can now select an interpretation audio channel on the remote caller unit, which will send that audio to connected device.
    • Feature can be found by tapping the screen on the WDU640 in ‘Remote Caller’ role, pushing the interpretation audio icon and selecting an interpretation channel.
  • Additional language support
    • Users can now use additional languages for their MXCW system.
    • MXCWAPT now supports Polish and Croatian
    • MXCW640 now supports Polish and Croatian
    • MXCWNCS now supports Polish, Croatian, Basque and Catalan.
  • Improved Push to Renumber indications
    • Users can now more clearly see when a unit has received a new seat number during ‘Push to renumber’.
    • Feature can be found by activating ‘Push to renumber’ from the devices list icon with three dots.

Known Issues


  • MXCWAPT FW update with older versions of SUU may result in SUU reporting a false update failure, when update was actually successful.  If this occurs, verify FW on APT via GUI or LCD.
  • When downgrading your system firmware the process has to be done in two separate steps: First upload the MXCW640 FW to the APT via the SUU and downgrade the discussion units. Secondly downgrade the MXCWAPT from SUU.
  • In rare cases during repetitive restart stress testing, DANTE may not start up after APT reboot.  Resolve by power cycling APT.
  • In rare cases during repetitive stress testing of changing IP mode from auto to static and back, APT may fail to reconnect all WDU’s.


  • When running Windows-Version:1809, cannot access APT CGUI when opened via DNS Name applied directly to the browser search bar or with Shure Discovery Application short cut. Opening APT CGUI via IP address works as designed.
  • APT help topics are not translated in Thai, Turkish, Lithuanian, Polish, Catalan and Basque languages.


  • MXCW640 Left/Right buttons incorrect LED indication when using FIFO conference mode with Dual-Delegate or while identifying units while in Request List.
  • In very rare occasions, MXCW640 touch screen will not respond to screen touch.  Resolved by power cycling unit.
  • MXCW640 loudspeakers do not unmute when Ambient Mode is enabled but no Ambient Units are registered.  Resolve by disabling Ambient Mode when no Ambient units are planned to be used.
  • If a unit is set as a Remote Caller and the number of microphone slots reserved for active speakers is set to 8 in the component GUI, the Remote Caller unit does not display an error message.


  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, unit will no longer respond to TPCI strings that are indexed based off of seat number.
  • Once MXCW640s are set to Ambient Role, and rebooted, unit will no longer send TPCI strings when changing role to other than Ambient (Chairman, Delegate, Interpreter etc). Resolved by power cycling the unit, while not in Ambient role.
  • Rare TPCI errors reporting a single MXCW640 when transitioning roles from Ambient. Resolved by power cycling the unit.


  • Shure Discovery Application missing MXCWAPT AES67 indication.


  • User Guide (
  • To use MXCW version 5.0.13 with other Shure software, reference the following list of minimum versions:
    • Shure Update Utility 2.5.0
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.9
    • Shure NFC Programming Application 1.0.3