
DDS 5900 and DCS 6000


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Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P devices to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

    • Option to select microphone (headset or gooseneck) at headset insertion
  • MXC640
    • ‘Chairman' changed to 'Chairperson'

Bug Fixes

  • MXC640
    • Interpreter channels are not updating
    • The unit continues to show speech time, when speech time is paused, and then no speech time is selected
    • Voting result is wrong with large voting weight
    • Wrong vote conclusion is shown after entering votes manually from CUA
    • NFC card remove/insert during voting in 'Meeting mode: Using chip card authentication’ is failing
    • When chairperson turns off microphone other delegates seated on MXC640 units, have their speech time set to 00:00
    • Keeps showing delegate speech time after switching to group speech time
    • Enable MIU interpreter source can occupy unused outgoing channels on MXCIC units
  • MX605
    • Enable MIU interpreter source can block all outgoing channels on MXC605 Int.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.4.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or later
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P devices to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

  • MXC640
    • Optimization of voting performance (card insert/remove):
      • When the participant inserts the card, an animation 'Reading NFC card' is shown following with displaying of the name of the participant logging in. The animation is still shown when a participant is logging in, when a voting session is not started, but is fast-forwarded and greeting-banner removed, when a voting session is started enabling the participant to vote as quick as possible after inserting the card.
    • ‘System information’ report updated to include firmware version of devices
    • Chairman' changed to 'Chairperson'

Bug Fixes

    • The FW version number reported with the 'avr' command is different compared to FW version reported in FUU
    • Event log warning added if unknown card is detected
  • MXC640
    • Removal of wrong NFC card during SW6000 meeting & voting, results in card-error-animation hang
    • Wrong voting conclusion (passed/not passed) can be displayed when under SW6000 control


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.3.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or later
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to be used making the update.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix and does not include any new features. Please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.

Bug Fixes

  • MXC620/620-F, MXC630/630-F, MXC640
    • A bug is corrected, where the NFC card, art. no. ‘MXCNFCCard-10PK’, did not work in the units.
    • A bug is corrected, where units randomly did not respond to system changes (language channels etc.) and where the microphone list was not shown.

Known Issues

  • For a list of known issues please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2 or v9.3
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release must be usedtoupdate your firmware.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix and does not include any new features. Please refer to the version 9.2.0 release notes for a list of new features in FW 9.2.

Bug Fixes

  • MXC605
    • A bug is corrected where audio was not present in the loudspeaker in the unit when the MXC605 was configured as a voting unit.

Known Issues

  • For a list of known issues please refer to ‘Release Note 9.2.0’ for a list of new features in FW 9.2.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.2
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605/605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • AO6004
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P
  • DCS6000 legacy conference and interpreter units


  • This firmware release can be used to update:
    • Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit
    • DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release
  • The update requires using the Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release

New Features

  • System
    • Support for Mifare/Desfire card when used with SW6000
      • When using SW6000, the MXC system can now be configured to provide:
        • The User ID/Login code data from ACOS3 NFC cards programmed from SW6000 (current feature) or
        • The Unique ID on a Mifare/Desfire NFC card or an ACOS3 NFC card (new feature)
      • Benefits
        • Using the Unique ID enables usage of cards where no (meeting) data has been written to the card
        • This makes it possible to use cards that are provided to users for other purposes to login to SW6000, so the user needs to hold one less card
      • Important
        • Mifare/Desfire NFC cards can only be used with SW6000 connected, not in a standalone system
    • Support for setting output/level on the AO6004 Audio Output unit
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • System Information Report – Information content updated
    • Support for configuring MXCMIU as Interpreter source
    • Support for configuring MXC605 as a voting unit
    • Alternate LED indications. Option to set the microphone ‘Speak/Request color’:
      • Red speak | Green Request
      • Green speak | Green Request
    • Option to disable the Request indication in the gooseneck microphone
    • Disable Global language selection (CGUI) when SW6000 is connected
    • Interpreter Source option
  • MXC640
    • Additional languages – Polish & Croatian
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
  • MXC605
    • Option with new overlay: Voting 2- and 3-buttons, Attendance check, Secret/open voting
    • Expand Agenda Prefix
    • OS updated to allow the use of the USB connector together with the ‘Shure MXCSIGN App’. The app allows to transfer a defined picture to the sign
  • TPCI
    • ‘Speak Slow’ support
    • MIU interpreter source option

Bug Fixes

  • System
    • Ambient sound disappears when switching to VOX mode
  • CCU
    • Web GUI removes only a single unregistered unit at 'Remove unregistered units'
    • Web GUI – Indication in buttons in Diagnostic screen updated
    • Diagnostic – last unit on a chain is reported as lost when reconfigured into loop
    • Floor1 and Floor2 is switched in the web GUI Channel-dropdown
    • Force CCU-configuration to 1000 m of cable, when upgrading from earlier versions to Release 9.2.0
    • The indication for 605 interpreter in 'Diagnostic' is wrong
    • Function button indication is not turning blue, when configured as ambient mic
  • MXC620
    • Unit not reacting to card inserted, when location code is altered
  • MXC620-F & MXC630-F
    • Chairman left button configured as Exclusive can take over other units already in Exclusive state
  • MXC630 and MXC630-F
    • 3-Btn Secret voting with proxy – missing LED indication
    • Cannot login to a meeting during a paused Voting session
    • Indication in proxy button is not correct
    • Secret voting – wrong LED indication
  • MXC640
    • "Attended" text is not translated
    • Misleading texts corrected when logging in with card
    • Missing clear feedback on buttons on login screen
    • Present/seats value = 2000 are cut of in right side, and only 200 is shown
    • Speech time display permissions are not working
    • Voting not possible with meeting mode: No login
    • Some units are 'Locked' when the system is powered
    • Unable to turn off "Audible Level Warning"

Known Issues

  • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
  • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
  • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • These release notes include notes from the not-released FW 9.1
  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with FW release 9.2 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.2.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605
  • MXC605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCUCentral Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required for the update.

New Features

  • This is a hotfix – no new features. Refer to release note for Release 9.0.0 for description of new features.

Bug Fixes

  • Incorrect Default CCU-database when upgrading a former 5900-system (2000 m cable instead of default 1000m) leading to communication problems using short feeding cables.
  • Updating of CCU from 8.6.2 (in 5900-mode) must force 6000-mode LAN configuration

Known Issues

  • Refer to the release notes for Release 9.0.0 for description of known issues.


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with version 9.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 9.0.13
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC605
  • MXC605-F
  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640
  • DC5900F
  • DC5980P


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC) or DCS 6000 systems using DIS-CCU Central Unit and to update DC5900F and DC5980P to register and work in an MXC system.
  • Systems using CU 5905, CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010, CU 6011, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Update Utility (FUU) included in this release, is required to make the update.

New Features

  • DIS-CCU  
    • MXC605 support – as delegate, chairman, ambient and interpreter
    • MXC605-F support – as delegate, chairman and ambient
    • DC5980P support for use in MXC system – as delegate, chairman and interpreter
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
      • Left button is configured in DIS-CCU
        • Delegate: No function or Mute
        • Chairman: No function or All delegates off
    • DC5900F support for use in MXC system – as delegate and chairman
      • Meeting role (Delegate/Chairman) is set in DIS-CCU  -  change "on-the-fly"
    • Auto registration/selection of MXC VOX mode vs 6000 VOX mode. If 5900/6000 units are present, voice activation mode will be 6000 VOX mode, otherwise it will be MXC VOX mode
    • Comply with California’s IoT Law
    • Global and UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • System change option between 5900 and 6000 mode removed
    • FL6000 license included as default
  • MXC Conference Units
    • Support for Speak button “Delegate speak button lock”
    • Support for Speak button "Press and hold"
    • UI language options expanded with Catalan and Basque
    • Option to show agenda
    • Option to enable/disable the audio beeps for hearing protection
    • Mic LED button behavior to indicate selected outgoing channels status
  • TCPI
    • 'mic_mute_all’ command included

Bug Fixes

  • MXC Conference units
    • MXC VOX mode: Pressing Mute should prevent gating on own MIC
  • MXC630-F 
    • Wrong indication in 'Abstain' button
  • MXC640
    • Fixed LED control when a dual unit is both in speak list and request list
    • Present/seats value = 2000 was cut off on right side, and only 200 was shown
    • Home screen and FW upgrade screen images are changed
    • Individual microphone Level was not persistent across unit and CCU reset
  • MXCIC 
    • Long participant names were not updating on Speakers page
  • TPCI 
    • Individual vote state was missing a space char before button_id
    • Mic_speech_time_alarm repeats multiple times for alarm for each unit
    • Mix-minus state info was not correct
  • Legacy 6000 units
    • VOX settings not kept after reboot

Known Issues

  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices using version 9.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 v9.0
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS-CCU, CU 5905, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices.

New Features

  • MXCSIGN features in CCU standalone operation:
    • The sign content to be shown can be selected either from the ‘Participant list/NFC’ or from a separate list with ‘Text lines’
    • Option to change font size
    • Support for all alphabets (including complex alphabets) used in the MXC global languages
    • Hebrew is supported when used with SW6000
  • Voice activation functionality with time compression in MXC conference units
  • Mix-minus functionality in loudspeaker in MXC conference units
  • TPCI additions:
    • Meeting start/stop
    • Autofloor on/off
    • Speech time alarm
    • Reporting of participants individual votes
    • MXCSIGN support
      • Control of the content in standalone systems
      • Support for pairing the MXCSIGN to a seat
      • Import of content into the text lines for MXCSIGN
  • MXCMIU: Ambient support

Bug Fixes

    • SW6000/MXCSIGN: Disconnecting-connecting a sign gives an error message

Known Issues

  • MXC640
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with version 8.6.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • SW6000 6.10.14
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3


  • This firmware release can be used to upgrade units in a DDS 5900 or a DCS 6000 systems using CU 5905, CU 6105, CU 6110 or DIS CCU Central Units.
  • CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • DIS FUU Firmware Upgrade Utility is required to upgrade devices.

New Feature

  • DCS 6000 (DIS CCU) and CU61XX: Support for Microflex Complete MXC615, MXC620, MXC620-F, MXC630, and MXC630-F


  • Bug fixes for DC 6990 P
  • Delegate devices incorrectly handles Mic On in Manual + Reply Mode
  • Speech time is not reset after microphone is turned off
  • Devices may not display delegate name on Welcome screen
  • Exclusive requests behave incorrectly between two devices set as Chairman




  • This firmware release can be used to upgrade units in a DDS 5900 or a DCS 6000 systems using CU 5905, CU 6105, CU 6110 or DIS CCU Central Units.
  • The CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The DIS FUU Firmware Upgrade Utility, which is part of this firmware release, must be used when upgrading

New Features

  • CU/CUU: Added multi-language support for WEB-UI and Name Sign.
  • CU 5905/CCU(5900 mode) - Support for TPCI mic_attenuation command


  • CU/CCU - Ensures channel selectors get language abbreviation on/off setting repeatedly.
  • SW6000, CU – Fixed the clearing request list so that the individual request Off comes before Clear Request List
  • CU/CCU - Fixed CU response with Mic on, when sending microphone on message to an Interpreter that is not connected to the CU
  • CU/CCU - CU is no longer resetting if interpreter settings are reset while the interpreter microphone is active
  • CU/CCU - WEB-UI "View Open Source Licenses" now shows open source licenses instead of a "404 Not Found" html page
  • CS6340F - After CU starts up, channel OLED on CS6340F now correctly shows channel language abbreviation instead of channel number
  • IS6132 – There is no longer an audible difference in sound level on CU audio output, when comparing floor sound and interpreted audio
  • SW6000, Interpreter, CU61xx, - Interpreter status is now correctly marked as "Lost" if unregistered rather than "Not Lost" and leading to wrong status in SW6000
  • DC59xx – Fixed the "All delegate off" LED so that it is not ON when the button is pressed on DC59xx chairman units
  • CU/CCU – In operation mode FIFO, the request list is now restored to speak list when selecting "All del off" on the WEB-UI




  • This firmware release can be used to upgrade units in a DDS 5900 or a DCS 6000 systems using CU 5905, CU 6105, CU 6110 or DIS CCU Central Units.
  • The CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • The DIS FUU Firmware Upgrade Utility, which is part of this firmware release, must be used when upgrading


  • Support of Shure Name Sign
  • Support for individual microphone attenuation control in 5900 mode on the CU/CCU GUI


  • DC6990P - Support for colours on voting buttons
  • 6000, 5900 - Support for "Speak Button Lock". Settings available from CU5905/CU6110/CCU web interface. The ‘Lock Override Time (Long Push Time)’ and the ‘Lock Duration’ is settable from the web interface.
  • 6000, 5900 - Support for "Allow Mic Off". Settings available from CU5905/CU6110/CCU web interface
  • DC6990, DC6190, DM6680, DC59xx - Support for "Long Push" to overrule Speak Button Lock


  • CU5905/CU6110/CCU – Audio In Volume, Level & Muted settings were not stored correctly in CU configuration. Making changes to Audio In 1 caused changes to be used for Audio In 2 after next reboot and vice versa
  • CU61xx, CCU - Electrical clicking noise removed from interpreter microphone LED when microphone is activated
  • CU5905/CU6110/CCU – Setting Audio In2 -> Loudspeaker from front plate does not work
  • CU61xx, CCU - Setting an Interpreter Unit to same A and B outgoing channel will cause audio to become lost if interpreter switch outgoing channel between A and B with Interpreter Unit engaged
  • PCB6000 (Flush mounted units) - Vote LED indication not correctly updated on chip card login during voting session if user has voted previously in the same session
  • DC6990P – Speech time not stopped on delegates during Exclusive On
  • DC6990P – Seat names not updated correctly on unit type change


  • An issue in FUU was fixed where units with old firmware were cleared on a CU6010 when they became locked - hereby preventing an upgrade. (CONFFW-558)
  • Timestamps added to Upgrade Log.
  • FUU will now by default look for a FUU library in a the released folder structure.


DC6120P - fixed bug causing missing audio on DC6120 units

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Sistema de conferência e discussão

DDS 5900

Sistema de conferência e discussão

Microflex Complete

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