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4 Commonly Asked Questions about Shure GLXD16

We answer questions form NAMM about the new Shure digital wireless pedal system - GLXD-16.
February, 14 2014 |

Last month, Shure highlighted new products at NAMM in California, including: GLXD16, SE846 earphones, and the SRH1540 headphones. All were well received, with particular praise to the GLXD16 and SE846, both of which picked up awards! See how NAMM progressed in our write about about the event.

The great thing about a show like NAMM is the opportunity to get our products in front of end-users and discover what's on their minds! During the show a number of common questions emerged, which we will answer in a series of blog posts - starting with GLXD16.

F.A.Q - Shure GLXD16 (BETA Digital Guitar Wireless)

GLX-D Guitar Pedal Product Shot

1. What Is the Range of Shure Glxd16?

The GLXD1 bodypack will operate up to a 60 m (200 ft.) transmission radius.

2. What's the Battery Life?

Up to 16 hours of continuous use with Shure proprietary Lithium-Ion rechargeable batteries. It's also worth noting that multiple charging solutions are available, such as: car, wall, or USB. A 15 minute quick charge, will provide up to 1.5 hours of performance.

3. Can I Use Regular Batteries?

Nope, and why would you want to? The included Lithium-Iron rechargeable batteries will typically deliver 4 - 5 years of normal use before a replacement battery is required. Just think how much cash you'll save in AA batteries. You'll also be doing your bit to save the planet.

4. What Frequency Band Is It In?

GLXD operates in the Digital 2.4GHz spectrum, which is globally license-free.

Shure GLXD Product Demo from Shure Centre PMT

Do you have a question for us?

For more information, visit the Shure UK website. Alternatively, if you have a question about GLXD - pop your question in the comments box below.

Marc Henshall
Marc forms part of our Pro Audio team at Shure UK and specialises in Digital Marketing. He also holds a BSc First Class Hons Degree in Music Technology. When not at work he enjoys playing the guitar, producing music, and dabbling in DIY (preferably with a good craft beer or two).

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