सॉफ्टवेयर और फर्मवेयर अभिलेखागार
May 4, 2011
सभी अपडेट देखें
- This version fixes an issue experienced where the CUI did not setup system correctly on a CU power cycle
- Fixes an error on CAA when the mouse is moved over combobox in the agenda window
March 24, 2011
सभी अपडेट देखें
Bug Fixes
- Not possible to create a new database if SQL 2005 Express is installed
- Not possible to change the default DC 6990 language in the CAA
- CUI is frequently stopping responding if speech time has runn until end af limit
- Logout time is not shown in Conference Log Report
- The conference cannot be stopped in the DC 6990P when Stop Conf. is activated’
November 22, 2010
सभी अपडेट देखें
- Item Number is now part of the AgendaUpdate message in WebService
- Not possible to make a report from Result window on CUA
- Error in Search in Voting Results report
- Not possible to program a chip card on Windows 7 x64
- Records of delegates without voting right shall not be registered in Voting Reports
- Not possible to import delegates if the import file contains records in other languages
- Not possible to change Delegated Votes when a conference is started
- Column 'Replaces' is added to table Default Seat Table
- New behavior on agenda, when posting records
- Voting Report does not display correct group votes
- Agenda report displays incorrect voting results
- 'Group Abbreviation' is not shown on CDA
- 'Duration time' and 'Elapsed time' is not shown in the CDA 'Voting Graphics' and 'Voting Pie'
- Podium microphone not displaying delegate name when the microphone is activated from the agenda
- Voting Results shall not be shown it a voting session is canceled
- When a voting session is started the Technician CUA shall not switch to Result window
- Delegate name is not shown in the CUA welcoming screen if a conference “Login using code on preferred seat” and “No language selection” is started.
- If "'Set Timers' default" is not checked in User Type (CAA), the Manual Speech Time window shall not be shown on Microphone (CUA) when Microphone screen is selected
- Conference name not changed to another language when streaming is set to another language
- DC69 won’t reflect a No Subject set from CUA
- Delegate can not make a vote on DC6990, if the user is logging from a CUA/Mimic diagram
- CUI is using more and more memory
- Delegate details in web service calls does no includes picture
- CUI shall force CU out of upgrade mode when the CU is started
- Button 'Close' in CUI window is changed to 'Exit' and a message box appear
- Finnish language database could not be installed
- Not possible to install SW6000 with 'One PC' on windows 7 x64
March 22, 2010
सभी अपडेट देखें
- 4302: Error when modifying font corrected
- 4304: Check on license number corrected
- 4319: CAA Error when adding Voting configurations corrected
- 4320: CAA: Text field for 'Auto off (sec)' made higher
February 19, 2010
सभी अपडेट देखें
- Multi-language Messaging
- CAA Import of labels fails
- Manual votings are not written to "LogProxyVoting" DB
- Manual vote results are logged to VotingSession in CUA
January 25, 2010
सभी अपडेट देखें
- CUA - Top of label truncated on Conference form for Korean language.
- CDA - Sum of columns fill weight values can not exceed 65535