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Hybrid lectures without restrictions - Shure MXA710 & MXA910 at Bucerius Law School Hamburg

Hybrid lectures without restrictions - Shure MXA710 & MXA910 at Bucerius Law School Hamburg

Customer Profile

Bucerius Law School in Hamburg is the first private Law School in Germany and was founded in 2000 by ZEIT Foundation Ebelin and Gerd Bucerius. With its practical orientation, international profile and excellence in research and instruction, Bucerius is seen as an exemplary institution for Higher Education. Bucerius Law School wanted to continue to meeting the expected standard even in times of the pandemic by implementing a remote digital and hybrid learning models.  It was also crucial to install a system that is easy to set up in the shortest amount of time.


To enable a mix of face-to-face, hybrid and remote lectures while adhering to COVID-19 safety guidelines. Two lecture halls, a large auditorium and a smaller seminar room have to be technically retrofitted. This ensures a high quality voice end-to-end for students participating remotely and for instructors on-site. They also have the ability to move about freely in the room without the need of carrying a microphone. The solution also had to seamlessly integrate with the interiors of the auditorium and seminar room and also required a short install time. 

Bucerius Law School worked with Mediasystem GmbH for the implementation.


Lecture hall

In the large lecture hall, the Mediasystem team installed three MXA710 Microflex® Advance™ Linear Array Microphones. Along with a flexible placement in the front row tables and in the ceiling. This created a premium AV conferencing environment for teachers and students, in which speakers can move freely around the podium area without affecting speech intelligibility for students at home.

Seminar room

As a solution for the smaller seminar room, Mediasystem relied on an MXA910 Microflex® Advance™ Ceiling Array Microphone to ensure both mobility in the room and the highest standards of audio quality. Thanks to the convenient and visually unobtrusive integration of the MXA910, lectures and seminars can be held without distractions.

The installation of both systems was achieved in a very short time and benefited from the high user-friendliness of the Microflex Advance series.



With the new Microflex Advance array microphones, Bucerius Law School is optimally equipped for mixed teaching models, a combination of remote, hybrid and face-to-face lectures. 

The core customer requirements were successfully met. Teachers and students are able to freely function without any technical restrictions. In addition, the Microflex Advance systems are characterized by their outstanding reliability and ease of use and integrate seamlessly into the interior design, without any annoying cables.

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Gear List

Model Number Quantity Description
MXA710 MXA710 3 L'elegante design lineare di MXA710 permette di posizionarlo praticamente ovunque in una sala riunioni, anche su una parete, a lato di un display, a soffitto o sul tavolo della sala conferenze.
MXA910 MXA910 1 Microflex® Advance™ MXA910 con IntelliMix Array Microfonico da soffitto.