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New Device and Frequency Band Support

  • Added support for new Shure frequency bands
    • Axient Digital G63 | 487.125 – 636.875 MHz
    • Axient Digital P55 | 694.500 – 805.700 MHz
    • PSM900 Q12 | 748.300 – 757.700 MHz
    • PSM1000 M19 | 694.500 – 702.700 MHz
    • PSM1000 Q12 | 748.300 – 757.700 MHz
    • QLX-D M19 | 694.500 – 702.700 MHz
    • QLX-D Q12 | 748.300 – 757.700 MHz
    • ULX-D M19 | 694.500 – 702.700 MHz
    • ULX-D Q12 | 748.300 – 757.700 MHz
  • Updated power levels for Axient Digital Z16 frequency band


  • WWB no longer crashes when saving a Timeline file in one scenario.
  • WWB no longer crashes when an offline device comes back online while a modal child dialog of its property panel is on top.
  • WWB no longer crashes when the “channels operating in FD-C mode” warning dialog is present in one scenario.
  • WWB no longer crashes when searching for TV channel exclusions in a radius of zero miles.
  • WWB no longer crashes when enabling Monitor Only Mode in one scenario.

Frequency Coordination

  • Improved the spectrum scanning workflow and user interface in the Frequency Coordination tab and the Frequency Plot tool.
    • Simplified the scan settings dialog.
    • View and select scanning devices in the scan sources table.
    • View completed scans and scans in progress in the scan data table.
    • Show or hide scan data, change its color, and save scan data as separate files using options and context menus in the scan data table.
  • Added spectrum plot overlays in the Frequency Coordination spectrum plot and the Frequency Plot tool.
    • Frequency band overlays are displayed when frequencies are added to the CWS; frequency bands for equipment in the inventory is displayed in the Frequency Plot tool by default.
    • Intermodulation (IMD) product overlays for all frequencies in the coordination workspace (CWS) can be toggled from the right sidebar in the CWS.
      • Ctrl-click and drag frequency markers (command-click on Mac) to see IMDs move in real-time.
    • Right-click on a frequency marker to view equipment profile spacing.
    • Right-click on a frequency marker to view the effective bandwidth filter.
  • The online US TV channel database is now powered by the Shure Wireless Frequency Finder, allowing you to see the most recent updates to TV transmitter data managed by the FCC.
  • Updated user group parameters for the following countries:
    • Australia – Outdoors: changed the starting frequency from 520.000 MHz to 520.150 MHz
    • Belgium: added all new groups and ranges by province
  • Updated the offline TV channel database for the following countries:
    • Belgium (removed in favor of user groups)
    • Denmark
    • Finland
    • France
    • U.S.
  • Improved the “show in table” context menu option for frequency markers so that the coordination workspace will switch zones if the frequency is not in the current zone.
  • Updated tuning bandwidth of Telex BRT-1 Base Station C-band from 554.100 – 571.900 MHz to 554.000 – 572.00 MHz.
  • Updated the step size of the Radio Active Designs UV-1G Belt Pack from 5 kHz to 25 kHz.
  • Fixed an issue where the x-axis of the spectrum plot in the Frequency Coordination tab would disappear in one scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where the auto-assign and unassign buttons in the assign and deploy dialog were not applying to all zones.
  • Fixed an issue where backup frequencies in the coordinated frequencies list (CFL) were being imported into the coordination workspace using “all frequencies in inventory” option.
  • Fixed an issue where changing parameters of a detected scan exclusion did not change the source to “user-defined”.
  • Fixed an issue in the TV channels dialog where the unit of distance defaulted to miles even when set to kilometers.
  • Discontinued the 900 MHz ISM Site Survey tool.


  • Fixed an issue where WWB metadata (i.e. RF zone, channel color, tag, and inclusion group) were not preserved when merging devices in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where a settings conflict would be triggered for an AXT400 receiver when it was power-cycled while in FD-BP mode and receiver-lock was set to Rx1 or Rx2.


  • Added a new ShowLink Access Point widget for AD610 and AXT610, allowing you to see all connected devices, their device type, device ID, RF transmission status, ShowLink quality level, and battery charge.
  • Added network status indications for Axient Digital receivers assigned to Dante Domains.
  • Fixed an issue where Axient Digital transmitter hardware version was not displayed in the transmitters tab of AD4* properties panels.
  • Fixed an issue where channel strip sort order was not retained in saved show files.
  • Fixed an issue where charger storage mode in properties panels was blank when the device went offline.
  • Fixed incorrect text in event logs for AXT400 and ULX-D while clearing interference alerts by changing frequency.
  • Fixed incorrect text in event logs for ShowLink-enabled transmitters that change frequency during network reconnection.
  • Fixed an issue where Mini Timeline view mode would not update when multiple views are present.
  • Fixed an issue where Mini Timelines would overlap in one scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where OS notifications for alerts were being displayed when an alert was cleared or made inactive.
  • Fixed an issue where there was stale battery information and firmware version when SBC240 chargers were ganged together.
  • Fixed an issue where the temperature value for ganged chargers was not being updated in the properties panel.
  • Fixed an issue where changing F2 of an offline AD4* in FD-C mode reported a change on F1 and F2.
  • Fixed an issue where having several monitor views would cause the right sidebars of all tabs to be pushed off the screen.


  • Fixed an issue where channels in Timeline would overlap in one scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where the system event for FD Mode was being duplicated.
  • Fixed an issue where the system event marker for FD Override was not shown in one scenario.
  • Fixed an issue where the time axis values would overlap with one another after zooming in and then zooming out.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling frequency diversity mode from the properties panel of either the second or fourth channel of a multi-channel receiver would deselect that channel in Timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where Timeline would stop recording and present an “invalid path” message when the file reached 2 GB.
  • Fixed an issue where the hint text in the search bar was not being cleared from the channel chooser.


  • Fixed an issue where deleting remote devices might not remove some devices in the inventory.
  • Fixed an issue where the save and apply buttons were disabled in the Remote Devices tab of the preferences when attempting to add a range of IP addresses where at least one of those IP addresses was already in the list.

File Management

  • Application crash logs are now stored on your local machine. Files older than 30 days are automatically removed. You can elect to send an anonymized and pseudonymized copy of these crash logs to Shure by default, or send them manually when you see fit.
  • Made improvements to the warning dialog text when custom equipment profile names conflict with stock equipment profile names.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a show file with automatically calculated backup frequencies would create unused RF zones when the show file was re-opened.
  • Fixed an issue where the color of the default RF zone was not being retained in show files.
  • Fixed an issue where the ShowLInk transmitter control page of a channel strip was not saved in show files.
  • Fixed an issue where certain ShowLink transmitter properties were not saved in show files.


  • Removed the Updates tab from the preferences dialog, and the in-app update functionality from the application. Please continue downloading new versions from the WWB product page on
  • Fixed an issue in the Frequency Band Conversion Tool where devices previously set to “do not convert” were not able to be converted in one scenario.


  • When using the in-app update function, in order to successfully install Wireless Workbench, you must run it as an administrator. Consult your IT department if you have questions.
  • Opening show files created with older versions of Wireless Workbench may result in the Settings Conflicts dialog opening once the file has loaded. This is due to newly supported hardware parameters that have been introduced with updated firmware versions. To maintain all settings from the show file, select "Keep all settings from: Wireless Workbench."
  • Alerts logged when devices first come online may list device parameters and their values as they are being discovered even though the parameter values themselves have not changed.

Known Issues

  • When using multiple spectrum managers, if they have the same device ID, any combo box where you specify a link between receiver and spectrum managers will not list all available spectrum managers. To resolve this, provide a unique device ID for all spectrum managers.
  • ULX-D receivers running firmware version 2.0.28 or earlier may trigger a Settings Conflict when rediscovered after updating their firmware to version 2.1 or later. There is no issue with the device—there was simply a new property added in version 2.1. To dismiss the alert, resolve the Settings Conflict by selecting the properties you wish to keep.
  • Timeline System Events displayed for Active Transmitter Online for ULXD6/8 transmitters do not always include Transmitter Device ID in the event description.
  • SLX and ULX frequencies in Master List mode cannot be manually entered in the Coordination Workspace. They can, however, be coordinated and analyzed.


To update Shure Update Utility version 2.4.3 or earlier to version 2.4.7, download and re-install from or through Help > Check for Shure Update Utility updates.


  • Added support for new frequency bands:
    • Axient Digital
      • Thailand: 694.500 – 805.700 MHz frequency band (P55)
      • Thailand: 487.125 – 635.875 MHz frequency band (G63)
  • Added Support for new frequency bands:
    • PSM1000
      • USA: 941 – 960 MHz frequency band (X55)
  • Updated the Help menu to provide a video tutorial link


  • PSM1000 devices with firmware version 1.1.0 or earlier must use Shure Update Utility version 2.4.1 or older.
  • Selecting "Help" > "Check for Shure Update Utility updates" will open, which offers the latest version of Shure Update Utility to download. Shure Update Utility version 2.4.2 or greater will not automatically detect new versions.
  • 32-Bit Windows:
    • To update Shure Update Utility version 2.2.2 or earlier on a 32-bit Windows system, download version 2.4.2 or greater for 32-bit systems to re-install the software. Older versions of Shure Update Utility will not detect new updates of Shure Update Utility that support 32-bit systems.
    • Shure Update Utility version 2.4.5 for 32-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6 version 6.12.1 and earlier.
  • Attempts to download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to a ULX-D or QLX-D receiver that is not at the minimum firmware version, shown below, will fail. To update firmware for ULXD6/8 transmitters with ULX-D or QLX-D receivers:
    • Update receivers to the following minimum versions:
      • ULXD4, ULXD4D, ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16
      • QLXD4 Receivers 2.1.5
    • Using Shure Update Utility, download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to the receivers.
    • Using the FW Update menu on a receiver, update transmitters.
  • Microflex Wireless devices running version 1.X firmware must first be updated to version 2.0.5 before being updated to version 3.X or later.
  • USB-C MacBook Pro laptops with the Touch Bar running macOS High Sierra, Mojave, and Catalina will fail to discover GLX-D devices. We are currently investigating this issue.


  • Shure Update Utility is supported on the following operating systems:
    • Windows 7, 8 and 10
    • macOS High Sierra (10.13), Mojave (10.14), and Catalina (10.15)
  • Installing Shure Update Utility on Windows will also prompt the installation of a USB driver, which must be installed to support updating USB devices, such as GLX-D.
  • USB 2.0 Devices
    • KSE1500, SHA900, and GLX-D must be updated one-at-a-time.
    • USB hubs are not recommended when updating USB 2.0 connected devices. Always connect these devices directly to a USB on the computer running Shure Update Utility.
  • Shure Update Utility 2.4.2 or greater for 64-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6.12.2 or later.
  • Shure Update Utility 2.4.2 or greater for 32-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6.12 or earlier.


  • When upgrading Designer versions, the installer may prompt that the destination folder is not empty; please change the folder name or delete the existing folder and it will automatically be re-created during the upgrade.
  • In order to push from virtual devices to online devices, or vice versa, the virtual device and online version must be of running  the same version. For example, all new virtual MXA910s  devices created in Designer 4.1.1 are on version 4.1.X; those virtual devices can only be associated with online devices that are also on version 4.1.xX.
  • Designer 4.1.1 is not backwards compatible with Designer 3.2. The database will not be maintained upon downgrading, and Designer 4.1 files cannot be imported into version 3.2.


  • Resolved a discovery issue when IntelliMix(r) Room is integrated with certain third-party peripheral devices
  • Resolved an issue where Designer would not successfully open with certain native languages set as the operating system language

Known Issues

  • When using Windows 7, no more than five windows can be open simultaneously.
  • With more than 20 devices in location or 60 on the network, some actions will take longer due to increased network traffic.
  • When deleting a virtual device, Designer will warn that encryption and password settings will be changed; however, the discovered devices’ encryption and password settings will not be affected.
  • When importing a Designer preset file into the MXA910 web application, attempts to immediately export that file out of the web application will fail if it is not first loaded and saved to the MXA910.
  • Pull and push operation may cause sync status to say “not synced”,” although the operation was successful; close and reopen the location to fix this
  • When soloing a channel on an MXA310, all channels will show as gated on
  • When configuring a single MXA910, rotation of the device will only appear in Location > Coverage Map; go to the location to view the rotated device
  • If experiencing issues changing the channel count of an IntelliMix Room instance within Designer Software, deactivate the IntelliMix Room instance first, then change the channel count and re-activate
  • When using Shure Networked Audio Encryption for IntelliMix Room, you'll see a "key error" for channels without established Dante audio routes. This does not affect device performance and can be ignored.
  • When one or more devices in a location are locked by Dante Domain Manager or Dante Device Lock, operations that affect Dante settings may be unreliable, such as audio routing, pushing virtual to online devices, or enabling audio encryption
  • When using the P300’s Matrix Mixer on its Schematic tab, vertical scrolling won’t work correctly; navigate to the Matrix Mixer tab to see all channels.
  • Unsupported firmware may show an indication that the device is locked by Dante Domain Manager or Dante Device Lock. See the minimum supported firmware versions below.


  • Internet access is required during the installation process
  • Designer User Guide
  • Designer 4.1.1 is compatible with the following software and firmware versions:
    • IMX-Room version
    • MXA910 4.1.41X
    • MXA310 4.1.37X
    • P300 4.1.11X
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 4.1.39X
  • Requires 64-bit Windows 7, 8.1 or 10


  • Custom Presets: Save and reuse your favorite mic settings
  • Bug fixes and other performance improvements to reduce crashes and errors when saving

Known Issues

  • The FPS and resolution combinations available for selection will vary based on the user’s phone.
  • Users of iPhone 8 who are running iOS 11.3 may experience crashes when playing back saved recordings from within the app.
  • iPhone XS Max users may experience visual misalignment issues after focusing on an object and then zooming in.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.




  • Support for new frequency bands:
    • Indonesia: G63 487 MHz – 636MHz
    • Thailand: P55 694 MHz – 806 MHz
  • Improved mitigation against ShowLink connection failures


  • User Guides: AD1AD2ADX1ADX1MADX2ADX2FD
  • AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 version 1.2.73 is compatible with devices on version 1.2.73 and below, but it is recommended to update all devices used together to the same firmware version.
  • To operate AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 version 1.2.73 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 Transmitters 1.2.73
    • Axient Digital AD4D/Q Receivers 1.2.73
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • SBC240/840/840M Chargers 1.2.73
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2


  • Support for new frequency bands:
    • Indonesia: G63 487 MHz – 636MHz
    • Thailand: P55 694 MHz – 806 MHz
  • Improved mitigation against ShowLink connection failures
  • Support for Dante Domain Manager and Dante Device Lock


  • User Guide
  • Command Strings
  • AD4D version 1.2.73 is compatible with AD4D devices on version 1.2.73 and below, but it is recommended to update all devices used together to the same firmware version.
  • To operate AD4D version 1.2.73 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 Transmitters 1.2.73
    • Axient Digital AD4D/Q Receivers 1.2.73
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2


  • Support for new frequency bands:
    • Indonesia: G63 487 MHz – 636MHz
    • Thailand: P55 694 MHz – 806 MHz
  • Improved mitigation against ShowLink connection failures
  • Support for Dante Domain Manager and Dante Device Lock


  • User Guide
  • Command Strings
  • AD4Q version 1.2.73 is compatible with AD4Q devices on version 1.2.73 and below, but it is recommended to update all devices used together to the same firmware version.
  • To operate AD4Q version 1.2.73 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 Transmitters 1.2.73
    • Axient Digital AD4D/Q Receivers 1.2.73
    • Axient AXT600 Spectrum Manager 2.1.31
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2


  • Improved mitigation against ShowLink connection failures


  • User Guide
  • To operate AD610 version 1.2.73 devices with other Shure systems and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Axient Digital AD1/2 and ADX1/1M/2 Transmitters 1.2.73
    • Axient Digital AD4D/Q Receivers 1.2.73
    • Axient AXT400 Receiver 2.1.11
    • Axient AXT100/200 2.1.11
    • SBRC Shure Battery Rack Charger 1.1.5
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.4.2
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs that sometimes caused chargers on the network to become out of sync with Wireless Workbench


  • User Guides: SBC220SBC240
  • To operate SBC220 or SBC240 version 1.2.34 with other Shure devices and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
    • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bugs that sometimes caused chargers on the network to become out of sync with Wireless Workbench


  • User Guide
  • To operate SBC840 version 1.2.73 with other Shure devices and software, see the following list of minimum versions:
  • Shure Update Utility 2.4.7
  • Wireless Workbench 6.13.2