
सॉफ्टवेयर और फर्मवेयर अभिलेखागार

अद्यतन प्रकार द्वारा फ़िल्टर करें


रिलीज शीर्षक

नवीनतम संस्करण

एसोसिएटेड उत्पाद



Initial release


Initial release



  • Added support for updating the following devices:
    • MXWAPT2
    • MXWNCS2
    • MXA910
    • MXA310
    • ANI4IN
    • ANI4OUT

Known Issues

  • Microflex Wireless devices running version 1.X firmware must first be updated to version 2.0.5 before being updated to version 3.X or later.


  • KSE1500, SHA900 and GLX-D (USB 2.0 connected devices) must be updated one at a time.
  • Installing the Shure Update Utility on Windows machines will prompt the installation of a USB driver in addition to the original application. This driver must be installed to support updating USB devices, like GLX-D.
  • The use of USB hubs is not recommended when performing updates to GLX-D devices. Always connect a GLX-D device directly to a USB terminal of the computer running the Shure Update Utility.
  • This version of the Shure Update Utility is compatible with the following other versions of software applications:
    • Wireless Workbench 6.11.3

New Feature

  • Support for MXA310, MXA910, ANI4IN and ANI4OUT

Known Issues

  • Windows 10 users who are using the Microsoft Edge browser can only use the Open by IP preference to discover devices and launch web-based user interfaces.


  • The software is supported on the following operating systems:
    • Mac: OS X 10.9-10.11
    • Windows: 7, 8, 10
  • The software is compatible with the following systems:
    • Microflex Advance
    • Microflex Wireless
    • SCM820
    • ANI

Maintenance Release


  • This version is a maintenance release for use in systems with CU 6105, CU 6110 and DIS-CCU Central Units only
  • This version cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
  • This version can upgrade SW6000 from all previous SW6000 versions
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No SW6000 upgrade license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions


  • CAA: Option to define ‘Show Name’ for WSI separately in the ‘User Type’
  • CAA: Report File Names does now include the report name and date.
  • CAA: Conference Log report w. Individual Voting results improved (Report #1451)
  • CAA: Show the SW6000 database server name in the status bar
  • CUI: Rooms: New hardware unit added to a room in ‘CAA/Room Configuration’ gets now the same property as the units already present in the room.
  • CUA: Possibility of changing database from licensing prompt
  • CUA: Falls back to ‘Logged in’ user type when logging back into own database

Bug Fixes


  • Moving a seat to another room does not update the seat's room's 'Allowed To Speak property
  • "Allowed to speak" checkmark not working in "Room Configuration" setup list
  • Several fixes to the "Room Configuration" window


  • Microphone screen, Delegate List extension does not show initial delegates
  • After upgrading from v4.x.x. database to v6.3.87, and running an existing meeting, a CUA exception is seen in Voting Result screen
  • Object ref not set exception 91 - MessageControl.Main

IMPORTANT: Version 1.3.3 is a recommended patch release.


  • Resolved an issue that could cause Link Group formation failure on power cycle.
  • Minor bug fixes.


  • GUI may lose connection when used with Safari on Mac OS X Mavericks (version 10.9).


  • SCM820 version 1.3.3 is compatible with devices running version 1.2.3 and below, but it is recommended to update all devices used together to the same firmware version.
  • For operation of SCM820 version 1.3.3 with other Shure networked systems, reference the following list of minimum firmware/software versions:
    • ANI4IN 1.1.6
    • ANI4OUT 1.1.6
    • MXA910 1.1.3
    • MXA310 1.1.4
    • Microflex Wireless 4.0.7
    • Shure Update Utility 2.2.2
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.0.18
    • ULXD4D 1.7.34
    • ULXD4Q 1.7.34

New Features

  • Timeline: A comprehensive logging utility designed to capture channel status information over time, including RF Level/Antenna Status, Audio Level, Interference, ShowLink, and more.
    • Record data for up to 120 channels at a time, and for an effectively unlimited amount of time (provided sufficient hard drive space).
    • Markers can be added and customized, as well as be placed automatically to correspond with certain important conditions, like RF Dropouts.
    • Monitor view includes "Mini Timeline", featuring a buffer of 1-5 minutes of Timeline data for all networked channels. Start a new Timeline with this data using the "Auto-Timeline" control.
  • Get More Frequencies: Several features to better serve high-channel-count frequency coordination.
    • Scan Peak Management
      • The Scan Peak threshold is now displayed on the coordination plot (orange). This threshold assumes that scan peaks above it are active transmitters, and thusly assigns an equipment profile to the frequency of the scan peak to protect and/or avoid this transmission.
      • In Preferences > Coordination > General, a new preference allow users to specify the default equipment profile to be associated with scan peaks above the threshold.
      • For more information about the "Generic" profiles that are associated with scan peaks by default, see the Help System.
    • Ignore IMDs: In extremely RF-dense environments, or where very high channel counts are necessary, some users choose to ignore certain IMD products for RF channels for which they know transmitters will not be proximate. WWB6 now lets users do this as a part of the main frequency coordination workflow per group of frequency.
    • Coordination Order Enhancements
      • Users can now rearrange Compatibility Keys (system frequency headers, like "UHF-R G1") directly in the Coordination Workspace by dragging and dropping the headers around in the list. This rearrangement will override the preferences, and directly determine the order in which frequencies are coordinated.
      • The order can be reset to the default (as specified in Preferences > Coordination > Coordination Order) at any time.
  • Remote Device Connection
    • In environments where devices are managed in separate subnets (ex: separate VLANs for each floor of a building, venue in a park, etc.), WWB6 can now connect to devices outside the subnet in which it is connected.
    • Once connected to the software, remote devices within WWB are just like local discovered devices in every way.
    • All IP addresses within the Remote Device List (RDL) will be saved like a preference, and will persist the next time WWB6 is launched (regardless of whether a show file was saved or not).
    • Feature Constraints: (see the Help System for a full description of setup recommendations and feature requirements)
      • Remote Device Connection will be supported by the following systems:
        • Axient
        • ULX-D
        • PSM1000
      • All remotely connected devices must be routable through the selected Network Interface Card (NIC) selected in Preferences > Network > Interface
      • Permissions must be set such that WWB6 has the same access (through firewalls, port restrictions, etc.) to remote devices that it has with local devices.
      • While not required, it is strongly recommended to use Remote Device connection with statically IP addressed devices only. This feature will not track changing IP addresses in any environment (which is likely when using DHCP).
      • Connection to devices via a VPN connection is not supported at this time.
  • Access Control: PIN protection for networked devices to prevent them from being changed by unauthenticated Shure software.
    • Assign a PIN to a Shure networked wireless device. Shure software will monitor those devices, but prevent control of devices that have not authenticated. Enter the PIN to authenticate and gain access to control that device.
    • Feature Constraints (see the Help System for a full description of setup recommendations and feature requirements)
      • Access Control is supported by select systems running the following minimum firmware versions:
        • Axient AXT400 - 1.17.10
        • ULX-D ULXD4/D/Q - 2.0.19
        • PSM1000 P10T - 1.4.2
  • Presets: Leveraging the Inventory Sidebar, users can save sets of parameters to a file and quickly apply them to selected devices, as opposed to manually setting parameter values each time before deploying changes to one or more devices.


  • ShowLink Tx Controls in Channel Strips: For ShowLink compatible systems, transmitter controls are now available as a part of the channel strip. This allows users to change RF Mute and Tx Gain from the Monitor View.
  • Coordination Plot Interaction Enhancements
    • Zooming in with the scroll wheel of a mouse now zooms in centered on where a cursor is within the plot.
    • Scrolling through the plot can now be done by clicking and dragging the background of the plot.
    • Right-click "Full Screen" option has been added to the Coordination plot.
    • TV Channels can be excluded from the Coordination plot by right-click menu.
    • The Frequency and Coordination plots have been extended to support a frequency range between 30 - 2000 MHz. This also extends to custom equipment profile specification (allowable frequency range) and frequency coordination (coordinate-able frequencies).
  • Coordination Workspace Enhancements
    • Frequencies can now be imported from a .txt or .csv file directly into the Coordination Workspace.
    • Locked frequencies within the Coordination Workspace are now non-editable (including manual frequency edits and drag-and-drop of markers).
    • When selecting frequencies to bring into the Coordination Workspace, the option to "Add all from Inventory and CFLs" has been added.
  • Inventory View Enhancements
    • Online/offline presentation of devices has been updated.
    • IP address is now a displayable column.
    • "By Network" is now a sortable option, which divides devices by subnet.
    • The Inventory Report can now be sorted by a variety of sorting criteria.
  • Monitor View Enhancements
    • Timeline checkbox has been added, enabling users to display a "Mini Timeline".
    • Channel Strip Designer is renamed to "Monitoring Widget Designer" and allows for Mini Timeline configuration.
    • Channel Strips now have a "Tiny" size option.
    • Tags column has been added to the Device Chooser.
  • User Groups have been updated for Australia and the United Kingdom.
  • P10T Audio Input Level can now be saved as a part of a show file.
  • Support for High Speed and Low Speed fan modes for AXT400, AXT600, and all AXT63X models.
  • Support has been added for VHF TV channels, as well as DAB+ stations.
  • Added/updated TV data for Hungary, Belgium, and the Netherlands.
  • A shortcut Network Information panel has been added to the application toolbar. Right-click on the "Devices Online" indicator in the toolbar to access.
  • Support for the "Polarity" transmitter parameter for ULX-D.
  • Added equipment profile for Radio Active Designs UV-1G intercom system.

Known Issues

  • Users running Mac OS X Yosemite should run version 10.10.4 or later. Earlier beta versions of the Operating System are not supported by WWB6.
  • Mac users opening show files and launching the Frequency Analysis dialog (by checking the checkbox and pressing "Analyze") may find the Frequency Coordination tab unresponsive to keyboard inputs (e.g., editing or deleting frequencies with the keyboard). To work around this issue, select another tab in the application (e.g., Inventory or Monitor) and then reselect the Frequency Coordination tab.
  • SLX and ULX frequencies in Master List mode cannot be manually entered in the Coordination Workspace. They can, however, be coordinated and analyzed.
  • When scanning with AXT400 receivers, the Band Preset value in the Live Scan Settings dialog does not always stay in sync with the currently selected band of the receiver. The Band Preset can be manually changed to scan any supported range.
  • Alerts logged when devices first come online may list device parameters and their values as they are being discovered even though the parameter values themselves have not changed.


  • High Density mode for ULX-D has been renamed to "Modem Mode". Instead of High Density mode "Off" vs "On", this parameter will now be referred to as Modem Mode "Standard" vs "High Density".
  • Tags that have been added to a show file, but are not assigned to any devices, are not saved within the show file.
  • Opening show files created with older versions of Wireless Workbench may result in the Settings Conflicts dialog opening once the file has loaded. This is due to newly supported hardware parameters that have been introduced with updated firmware versions. To maintain all settings from the show file, select "Keep all settings from: Wireless Workbench".
  • On Windows 7, WWB6 will not be able to discover devices when the machine has fallen back to its 169.254.xxx.yyy fallback IP address, regardless of the IP addressing of the connected Shure devices. To address this, perform one of the following:
    • Insert a DHCP server onto the network and set the machine and Shure devices to accept automatic IP addressing.
    • Statically assign the machine's IP address to the 169.254.xxx.yyy fallback subnet with a different IP address than the one it fell back to originally.


  • DC6990P - Support for colours on voting buttons
  • 6000, 5900 - Support for "Speak Button Lock". Settings available from CU5905/CU6110/CCU web interface. The ‘Lock Override Time (Long Push Time)’ and the ‘Lock Duration’ is settable from the web interface.
  • 6000, 5900 - Support for "Allow Mic Off". Settings available from CU5905/CU6110/CCU web interface
  • DC6990, DC6190, DM6680, DC59xx - Support for "Long Push" to overrule Speak Button Lock


  • CU5905/CU6110/CCU – Audio In Volume, Level & Muted settings were not stored correctly in CU configuration. Making changes to Audio In 1 caused changes to be used for Audio In 2 after next reboot and vice versa
  • CU61xx, CCU - Electrical clicking noise removed from interpreter microphone LED when microphone is activated
  • CU5905/CU6110/CCU – Setting Audio In2 -> Loudspeaker from front plate does not work
  • CU61xx, CCU - Setting an Interpreter Unit to same A and B outgoing channel will cause audio to become lost if interpreter switch outgoing channel between A and B with Interpreter Unit engaged
  • PCB6000 (Flush mounted units) - Vote LED indication not correctly updated on chip card login during voting session if user has voted previously in the same session
  • DC6990P – Speech time not stopped on delegates during Exclusive On
  • DC6990P – Seat names not updated correctly on unit type change


  • An issue in FUU was fixed where units with old firmware were cleared on a CU6010 when they became locked - hereby preventing an upgrade. (CONFFW-558)
  • Timestamps added to Upgrade Log.
  • FUU will now by default look for a FUU library in a the released folder structure.

New Feature

  • Support for Access Control, which allows users to specify PINs for networked devices in order to restrict access to them from unauthenticated users of Wireless Workbench (version 6.12 or later) and ShurePlus Channels (version 1.3 or later).

Known Issue

  • ShurePlus Channels version 1.2 does not currently support P10R/P10T version 1.4 or later.


  • For operation of PSM1000 devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum firmware versions that are supported with firmware version 1.4.2:
    • Axient 1.16.11
    • ULX-D 2.0.19
    • Wireless Workbench 6.12
    • Shure Update Utility 2.2.2
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.3

New Feature

  • Support for Access Control, which allows users to specify PINs for networked devices in order to restrict access to them from unauthenticated users of Wireless Workbench (version 6.12 or later) and ShurePlus Channels (version 1.3 or later).

Known Issue

  • ShurePlus Channels version 1.2 does not currently support P10R/P10T version 1.4 or later.


  • For operation of PSM1000 devices with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum firmware versions that are supported with firmware version 1.4.2:
    • Axient 1.16.11
    • ULX-D 2.0.19
    • Wireless Workbench 6.12
    • Shure Update Utility 2.2.2
    • ShurePlus Channels 1.3