
सॉफ्टवेयर और फर्मवेयर अभिलेखागार

अद्यतन प्रकार द्वारा फ़िल्टर करें


रिलीज शीर्षक

नवीनतम संस्करण

एसोसिएटेड उत्पाद



Release notes cover the following models:

  • MXC615
  • MXC620/620-F
  • MXC630/630-F
  • MXC640


  • This firmware release can be used to update Microflex Complete (MXC), DCS 6000, or DCS 5900 systems using DIS CCU, CU 5905, CU 6105, or CU 6110 Central Units.
  • Systems using CU 6000, CU 6005, CU 6010 and CU 6011 Central Units are not supported in this release.
  • Firmware Upgrade Utility (FUU) v1684, which is included in the release, is required to update MXC devices. In the FUU, MXC devices will be designated with an "-A" suffix.

New Features

DIS-CCU (6000 Mode)

  • Support for Dual delegate role
  • Real-time diagnostics for MXC units:
    • Loop problem (due to cable or unit failure)
    • Unit offline/online status
    • Low voltage level
    • Alerts appear in the event log
  • DCS-LAN network topology information for MXC units
  • Activation of LED indication for units in chain and in loop
  • Save and restore CCU settings
  • TPCI commands showing when interpreter audio is present on interpreter channels


  • Support for Dual Delegate role when used with two MXCMIU-FL/FS front plates connected to the HDMI A and B connectors (supports dual microphones, dual loudspeakers, dual LEDs)


  • Support for Dual Delegate role


  • Support for Dual Delegate role (except NFC ID card functionality)


  • Support for Dual Delegate role (except NFC ID card functionality)
  • Participant speech timer appears on MXC640 screen when used with SW6000 software
  • Ability in SW6000 software to allow all participants with a specific role (e.g. Delegate) to view or hide the speak/request list on their MXC640 screen
  • Chairman can start/stop meetings on MXC640 (meetings must be set up in SW6000 software)
  • Support for 2-button (Yes/No) voting in standalone mode without SW6000 software
  • Ability to upload startup screen image/logo via Firmware Update Utility
  • Support for up to 1000 agenda items
  • 3 additional screen languages (Thai, Turkish, Lithuanian added; brings total to 17)


  • Interpreter can view the Speak/Request list on MXCIC screen (when used standalone or with SW6000)
  • "Slow" button now active
  • Language Pre-select control behavior changed: Language selection is now activated on release of a pre-select button, in addition to clicking the rotary button to confirm. Also, pressing or turning the rotary button while holding a pre-select button launches the pre-select language list.



  • Improvements to result note display
  • All language-based properties at meeting end
  • Info in the top menu is updated

Bug Fixes


  • Corrected a bug where seat numbers were not sorted in the Participant Setup page


  • Corrected bugs where
    • it was not possible to set a subject active
    • the Speak button LED does not blink when unit is next in the request list in FIFO mode
    • the unit language is not changed back to system language after the user is logged out or after stopping the meeting

Known Issues

  • When the system uses SW6000, voting result labels in TCP/IP control strings are shifted.
  • During boot up, there may be a spike on the analog output.
  • Some units in systems >150 units may not be shown in the Topology report.
  • Some units may reset when cable breaks in a loop on an EX 6010 unit.
  • The Event log in DIS-CCU CGUI does not work when SW6000 is connected and a meeting is started.
  • MXC640
    • When an agenda with max. items and with max. words in the item name and descriptions is received, the GUI may not be responsive for a period of time
    • Manually entered voting results are not shown if a normal voting session has not been started first
    • The agenda subject name for a manually entered result may be wrong
    • It is not possible to use an MXC640 configured as dual delegate with SW6000 if the use of NFC cards is enabled
    • Re-doing an attendance check might make the attendance button nonoperational
    • The percent indication in the Voting Result screen may not be correct for user-specified voting configurations
    • The Exclusive button does not work if configured to the function button (left button)


  • MXC and DCS 6000 firmware files are packaged together in the same release file.
  • To operate MXC devices with release version 8.5.0 with other Shure networked systems, see the following list of minimum software and firmware versions:
    • DCS 6000 8.5.0
    • SW6000 6.8.33a
    • Shure NFC Programming App 1.0.3

UPDATE: August 8, 2019 – The installation folder in version 6.8.33 includes a hashtag '#' in the folder name. The latest version of Microsoft Express Server cannot install software on some versions of Windows if a hashtag exists in the installation path. In version 6.8.33a, the hashtag is removed.



  • This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions; however, it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions




  • Users may be unable to install on a PC with no prior SQL installation. The SQL server install would fail if the path length exceeding 256 characters. An error message is now shown if the path to the Setup.exe file exceeds 47 characters.
  • Upgrading some SQL databases fails


  • Logging in a participant from Mimic does not apply Mic attenuation to the hardware unit
  • “Replace unit” generates a system message saying “Sequence contains more than one element”
  • Interpreter does not work before the CUI is restarted if the device has been removed from the CAA configuration


  • Participant Meeting report: Invalid label number
  • System crashes when trying to set the B language to ‘—’ in MXCIC


  • Individual speech time is not displayed on MXC640



  • Full support for the C-language is not implemented in the CAA and CUA
  • CAA: Conference Log report timeout with large customer database
  • CUA: Does not indicate the correct CDA display at “Prepare Conference” after pressing the button
  • CDA: Conference variables are not cleared if a vote is canceled



  • SW6000 and DCS 6000 Compatibility Chart
  • Please note that Admin rights are still needed to install SW6000
  • SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2 (Full and Express editions) are no longer supported as of July 2019. Upgrading to a newer database is strongly recommended.
  • To update Shure Update Utility version 2.4.3 or earlier to version 2.4.5, download and re-install from www.shure.com/SUU or through Help > Check for Shure Update Utility updates.


  • Added support for new frequency bands:
    • Axient Digital
      • Japan: 1240 – 1260 MHz (Z16)
    • PSM1000
      • USA and Canada: 518 – 584 MHz (H22)
  • Updated branding
  • Updated help system with new design


  • PSM1000 devices with firmware version 1.1.0 or earlier must use Shure Update Utility version 2.4.1 or older.
  • Selecting "Help" > "Check for Shure Update Utility updates" will open Shure.com, which offers the latest version of Shure Update Utility to download. Shure Update Utility version 2.4.2 or greater will not automatically detect new versions.
  • 32-Bit Windows:
    • To update Shure Update Utility version 2.2.2 or earlier on a 32-bit Windows system, download version 2.4.2 or greater for 32-bit systems to re-install the software. Older versions of Shure Update Utility will not detect new updates of Shure Update Utility that support 32-bit systems.
    • Shure Update Utility version 2.4.5 for 32-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6 version 6.12.1 and earlier.
  • Attempts to download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to a ULX-D or QLX-D receiver that is not at the minimum firmware version, shown below, will fail. To update firmware for ULXD6/8 transmitters with ULX-D or QLX-D receivers:
    • Update receivers to the following minimum versions:
      • ULXD4, ULXD4D, ULXD4Q Receivers 2.1.16
      • QLXD4 Receivers 2.1.5
    • Using Shure Update Utility, download ULXD6/8 transmitter firmware to the receivers.
    • Using the FW Update menu on a receiver, update transmitters.
  • Microflex Wireless devices running version 1.X firmware must first be updated to version 2.0.5 before being updated to version 3.X or later.
  • USB-C MacBook Pro laptops with the Touch Bar running macOS High Sierra and Mojave will fail to discover GLX-D devices. We are currently investigating this issue.


  • Shure Update Utility is supported on the following operating systems:
    • Windows 7, 8 and 10
    • macOS Sierra (10.12), High Sierra (10.13), and Mojave (10.14)
  • Installing Shure Update Utility on Windows will also prompt the installation of a USB driver, which must be installed to support updating USB devices, such as GLX-D.
  • USB 2.0 Devices
    • KSE1500, SHA900, and GLX-D must be updated one-at-a-time.
    • USB hubs are not recommended when updating USB 2.0 connected devices. Always connect these devices directly to a USB on the computer running Shure Update Utility.
  • Shure Update Utility 2.4.2 or greater for 64-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6.12.2 or later.
  • Shure Update Utility 2.4.2 or greater for 32-bit systems is compatible with Wireless Workbench 6.12 or earlier.
  • Bug fixes




  • Fixed an issue that could cause the MV88+ to crash
  • Fixed an issue where the microphone LED would intermittently flash an amber light
  • Fixed an issue for iOS users where the mic would occasionally not be recognized by the device when plugged in

Known Issues

  • Users with some Android devices may experience 9 millisecond audio drop-outs when recording with the MV88+
  • In a small number of instances, unplugging the MV88+ from an iPhone XS, XS Max, or XR can cause the phone to crash and reboot. This is due to an Apple bug that is being investigated and should be resolved in an upcoming iOS release
  • When connected to iPad Pro via a USB-C cable, the MV88+ will pass audio and gain can be adjusted. However the MOTIV apps will only display ‘external mic’, and the settings screen will not be available. Shure recommends using another device to configure the settings before using with iPad Pro. No adjustments can be made in real time (except gain) on the Shure MOTIV apps when using an iPad Pro.



Bug fixes



A small percentage of users may receive a numerical error message while recording, such as “-1” or “66570.” These messages occur when there was an error writing to the device and are related to Apple’s new file system (APFS). One of these errors can occur even if your device has plenty of remaining storage. We recommend clearing up your device storage from the Settings screen, and if that doesn’t resolve the issues, doing a full restore from iTunes, consisting of backing up your device, wiping/restoring to factory settings, and restoring from the backup.

If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.

When connected to iPad Pro via a USB-C cable, the MV88+ will pass audio and gain can be adjusted. However, the MOTIV apps will only display ‘external mic’, and the settings screen will not be available. Shure recommends using another device to configure the settings before using with iPad Pro. No adjustments can be made in real time (except gain) on the Shure MOTIV apps when using an iPad Pro.



New Features

Advanced Zone Management: An enhancement to the Zones feature the allows users be more deliberate about zone relationships, which can be configured to respect channel-to-channel or channel-to-intermodulation spacing.

  • Consider using zones when you need more frequencies than the Wireless Workbench calculator is able to find and when you are working with a venue that contains multiple separate spaces.
  • Zones change the way Wireless Workbench calculates and analyzes frequencies and should not be used purely for the organizational purposes. To keep frequenices organized, use Tags.

Online TV Channel Database Search (U.S. only): Added support for online searches of TV stations through an FCC-approved database provided by KeyBridge Global.


  • Added support for macOS Mojave (10.14)

New Device and Frequency Band Support

  • New frequency band V52 for ULX-D.
  • New frequency band V52 for QLX-D.
  • New frequency band X55 for PSM1000.
  • New frequency band X55 for PSM900.
  • Added support for new frequency band M18 for SVX.
  • Added support for new frequency band H11 for BLX.
  • Added support for PGX-D frequency bands X8, X8A, and X8B.
  • Added support for Audix AP41 and AP61 systems.


  • WWB no longer crashes when attempting to delete the last available view tab in Timeline.
  • WWB no longer crashes when enabling Timeline or Mini-Timeline for some ULX-D devices
  • WWB no longer crashes sometimes while updating Custom Equipment Profiles that are currently in the Inventory.
  • WWB no longer freezes after saving a Timeline in one scenario.
  • WWB no longer freezes after attempting to resize the Coordination Chooser dialog in one scenario.
  • WWB no longer crashes after selecting a different network interface card (NIC) and quickly returning to an active Timeline.


  • Improved the reponse of the condensed meters in the Monitor view.
  • Improved the speed at which Channel Strips are displayed when added to Monitor views in large quantities.
  • Improved the speed at which the application preferences dialog opens.
  • Improved the speed at which the Inventory Report and Firmware and Network Summary Report are generated.
  • Improved the speed of frequency calculation and analysis in cases where 3T3O intermodulation products are not considered.
  • Improved Timeline data writing and plotting performance.


  • Made improvements to the network interface selection process during application launch that caused the display of devices from an incorrect network.


  • Changes to an AD4Q frequency in the Inventory tab no longer affect its other channels.
  • There are no longer duplicate channels listed in the Inventory Group/Channel dropdown for ULXD6 and ULXD8 transmitters.
  • Frequency values in the Inventory are now displayed reliably for Custom Equipment Profiles.
  • Sorting the Inventory table by Device ID no longer incorrectly considers brackets [] as characters in the Device ID.
  • Improved the context menu for inventory rows by re-organizing the items.

Frequency Coordination

  • Updated the offline TV data for the following countries:
    • Austria
    • Finland
    • United States
  • Updated the Germany User Groups
  • Updated the layout of the Exclusions dialog to improve the ease of creating and viewing single frequency and frequency range exclusions.
  • Added "dBm" level to the Assign and Deploy dialog.
  • Removed "Pause" and "Resume" controls and consolidated into "Stop Calculation" in the Coordination Workspace.
  • Adjusting the Exclusion Threshold no longer creates duplicate frequency exclusions when re-calculating.
  • Searching in the TV Channels Database no longer rejects geographic coordinates that include a space after the comma separator.
  • Data sent to an AXT600 Spectrum Manager from WWB no longer causes a conflict when their TV Formats are different.


  • Added a confirmation dialog when closing Monitor views to prevent accidental closure.
  • The Properties Panel for AD4 receivers now shows Mic/Line and Ground/Lift status for redundant outputs when the device is in FD-C or Quadversity Mode.
  • The Properties Panel for AD4Q no longer shows the wrong Dante Channel Name while in Quadversity Mode.
  • The Properties Panel for QLXD now correctly shows the Transmitter Mute alert in its Channel Strip when used with ULXD1 and ULXD2 transmitters.
  • The values for certain properties of SBC220 and SBC240 are now remembered in their Properties Panel when ganged devices go offline.
  • Properties Pnael for SBC240 now allows access to Device Settings when the maximum number of ganged units has been exceeded.
  • Alert text is now removed from certain charger Properties Panels when the alert is no longer active.
  • Low Battery Bar alerts are now cleared from the Hardware Alerts dialog after disabling them in Preferences in one scenario.
  • Dragging and dropping channel rows from the Device Chooser in the Monitor tab now creates Mini-Timelines in addition to Channel Strips.
  • Added RF Power as a comppnent of Channl Strip widgets.


  • Added support for Timeline file recovery in the vent that WWB or Timeline unexpectedly quits.
  • Saved Timeline files now include the tab naame and date/time in the default filename.
  • Added Battery Charge Percentage as an option in the Timeline Battery Data Stream.
  • Added a Timeline System Event for battery errors.
  • Transmitter Device ID in the Channel Strip Receiver/Transmitter Controls section now stays updated when another transmitter overwrites it while it is offline.
  • ShowLink data is now shown on the correct Transmitter Slot in Mini-Timeline when the view is changed to an empty Slot, the widget is hidden, and then shown again.
  • Searching for Timeline User Markers using the search bar now considers text in the Marker Descriptions field.
  • Opening Timeline no longer creates a 0 byte file by default when opened.


  • Added application preference for temperature units (Celsius or Fahrenheit)
  • Added ability to enable/disable Access Control from the Device Settings in a Properties Panel.
  • Added MAC Address field to the Firmware and Network Summary Report.
  • Resizing dialogs on Mac is no longer disabled.
  • Dropdowns on Mac are no longer oversized or undersized.
  • Certain IR Presets on AXT400 no longer favor WWB automatically when the Conflict Settings dialog is ignored.
  • Renamed "Flash" actions to "Identify," but still trigger networked devices to blink their displays and LEDs.
  • 600 MHz Conversion Utility no longer fails to convert transmitters on MacOS in one scenario.
  • Channel Strips now retain the selected Receiver/Transmitter Controls page in saved Show Files.

Known Issues

  • ULX-D receivers running firmware version 2.0.28 or earlier may trigger a Settings Conflict when rediscovered after updating their firmware to version 2.1 or later. There is no issue with the device – there was simply a new property added in version 2.1. To dismiss the alert, resolve the Settings Conflict by selecting the properties you wish to keep.
  • Certain bodypack portables are not compatible with SBC220 (P3RA, P9HW, and UR5), in that the charging status and other attributes cannot be remotely monitored from WWB. These bodypack portables will still be charged when using SBC220, but viewing the charge percentage or other attributes of those batteries will not be available from WWB.
  • Audio Summing reported from ULX-D receivers reports an Audio Overload on all channels instead of on the specific channel(s) experiencing the overload.
  • Timeline System Events displayed when using the Axient Digital FD-Override (in FD-S, selecting to Lock to Rx 1/2/Auto Switch) do not get displayed on both FD channels.
  • Alerts logged when devices first come online may list device parameters and their values as they are being discovered even though the parameter values themselves have not changed.
  • SLX and ULX frequencies in Master List mode cannot be manually entered in the Coordination Workspace. They can, however, be coordinated and analyzed.
  • On Windows, certain components of a channel strip may be hidden from view when the computer's display scaling is not set to the default value. As a workaround: close the application, right-click on the application executable, select the Compatibility tab, select the Override high DPI scaling behavior checkbox, and choose System (Enhanced) in the Scaling performed by dropdown. This will prevent the application display from scaling higher or lower, but it will ensure that the Channel Strip is entirely visible.


  • To operate Wireless Workbench successfully, you must run it as an administrator. (Consult your IT department if you have questions.)
  • Opening show files created with older versions of Wireless Workbench may result in the Settings Conflicts dialog opening once the file has loaded. This is due to newly supported hardware parameters that have been introduced with updated firmware versions. To maintain all settings from the show file, select "Keep all settings from: Wireless Workbench."


  • This version is used to upgrade from all previous SW6000 versions, however it cannot be used to upgrade systems using CU 6005, CU 6010 or CU 6011 Central Units
  • This version is compatible with SW6000 Software License file v1.7 only
  • No new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v6.0.xxx or later versions
  • A new SW6000 license is needed if upgrading from SW6000 v5.8.xxx or previous versions

New Features


  • Run as Admin restriction removed


  • The Meeting role agenda settings are now included in one pop-up window. The setting includes the following new options:
    • View icons for pre-request-to speak, voting result, hyperlink and subject status
    • View Pre-request-to-speak list in agenda
    • Pre-request-to speak control and view options
  • The Meeting/Options window now includes Agenda options
  • Multiple simultaneous web service connections is now supported
  • Assigning participants to a pre-request-to-speak list per subject in agenda
  • Run as Admin restriction removed


  • Option to set participants proxy relations in the Participant screen
  • Run as Admin restriction removed
  • CUA appearance settings moved from ‘prjCUA.exe.config’ file to skin file in sub-folder ‘Resources’
  • Auto-showing of voting result, short description and description in the agenda if present in the subject
  • Agenda view in ‘full’ screen by covering pane if pane is not active
  • Agenda view improvement by use of skin file in sub-folder ‘Resources’. The following is configurable:
    • Font/color/size for each agenda level
    • Include short description for any subject and not only in level 1
    • Include description for any subject
    • Include agenda time for any subject
    • Number of max. lines for agenda levels, short description and description
    • Lines between subjects (show/not show, color and thickness)
    • Distance between subjects
    • Icons for pre-request-to speak, voting result, hyperlink and subject status
    • Margins
    • Include list of pre-request-to speak for any subject with sorting options in up to 3 columns. The sorting option uses the ‘Sort order’ defined in the ‘Group table’
  • ‘Pre-request’ list pane in the Agenda screen:
    • Shows the list of pre-request-to-speak for the selected subject
    • Participants options:
      • Pre-request to speak
      • View own request with status
      • View all approved requests
      • Remove own request
    • Control options (Meeting role based) to:
      • Add a participant
      • Approve
      • Reject
      • Remove
      • Change the order in the list


  • Run as Admin restriction removed
  • Interpretation system status:
    • Booth channel list for technician
    • Channel list for public
    • Booth channel language for individual booth

Known Issue

  • Full support for the C-language is not implemented in the CAA and CUA




Update all Audio Network Interfaces in a configuration to the newest firmware versions.


  • Fix for web server performance issues

Known Issues

  • After updating from version 2.X to 3.1.6, Channel EQ settings return to their default settings.
  • When exporting Presets using Safari on a Mac OS, the file type is saved incorrectly and must be renamed to .json to be imported
  • When attempting to load the device’s web page after using SUU to upgrade or downgrade between MXA 3.1 and earlier releases, the browser may appear to be stuck on the “Loading” screen with the progress bar continually moving. This will typically happen if two upgrades or downgrades are performed within a one-hour period. To correct this, hold your Shift key and click the Refresh button in your browser (or press Ctrl+Shift+R [Win]/Ctrl+F5 [Win]/Cmd+Shift+R [Mac]; note the keyboard shortcut doesn't work on Safari).
  • The Mute Control Function command string response is incorrect when using <GET 0 ALL>
    • When using < GET MUTE_CONTROL_FUNC >, the response is as documented.
    • When using < GET 0 ALL >, the response should be mapped as follows:
< GET 0 ALL > ResponseActual MUTE_CONTROL_FUNC


  • User Guide
  • New Demo Web UI
  • Command Strings
  • MXA310 version 3.1.6 is compatible with MXA310 devices running version 3.1.6 and below, but updating all devices used together to the same firmware version is recommended.
  • To operate MXA310 version 3.1.6 with Dante Controller, reference the following minimum versions: v3.10.2.4 (Windows) and v3.10.2.3 (Mac OS X)
  • To operate MXA310 version 3.1.6 with Shure software or other Shure networked systems, reference the following list of minimum versions supported:
    • Shure Designer 3.2
    • Shure SystemOn 3.2
    • ANI22 2.0.18
    • ANI4IN 2.0.18
    • ANI4OUT 2.0.18
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 3.1.6
    • MXA910 4.0.12
    • Microflex Wireless 6.0.3
    • P300 IntelliMix® Audio Conferencing Processor 3.1.6
    • ULXD4D/4Q 2.3.34
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.4
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.5


Update all Audio Network Interfaces in a configuration to the newest firmware versions.


  • Fix for web server performance issues

Known Issues

  • After updating from version 2.X to 3.1.6, Channel EQ settings return to their default settings.
  • When exporting Presets using Safari on a Mac OS, the file type is saved incorrectly and must be renamed to .json to be imported
  • When attempting to load the device’s web page after using SUU to upgrade or downgrade between MXA 3.1 and earlier releases, the browser may appear to be stuck on the “Loading” screen with the progress bar continually moving. This will typically happen if two upgrades or downgrades are performed within a one-hour period. To correct this, hold your Shift key and click the Refresh button in your browser (or press Ctrl+Shift+R [Win]/Ctrl+F5 [Win]/Cmd+Shift+R [Mac]; note the keyboard shortcut doesn't work on Safari).
  • The Mute Control Function command string response is incorrect when using <GET 0 ALL>
    • When using < GET MUTE_CONTROL_FUNC >, the response is as documented.
    • When using < GET 0 ALL >, the response should be mapped as follows:
< GET 0 ALL > ResponseActual MUTE_CONTROL_FUNC


  • User Guide
  • New Demo Web UI
  • Command Strings
  • MXA310 version 3.1.6 is compatible with MXA310 devices running version 3.1.6 and below, but updating all devices used together to the same firmware version is recommended.
  • To operate MXA310 version 3.1.6 with Dante Controller, reference the following minimum versions: v3.10.2.4 (Windows) and v3.10.2.3 (Mac OS X)
  • To operate MXA310 version 3.1.6 with Shure software or other Shure networked systems, reference the following list of minimum versions supported:
    • Shure Designer 3.2
    • Shure SystemOn 3.2
    • ANI22 2.0.18
    • ANI4IN 2.0.18
    • ANI4OUT 2.0.18
    • ANIUSB-MATRIX 3.1.6
    • MXA910 4.0.12
    • Microflex Wireless 6.0.3
    • P300 IntelliMix® Audio Conferencing Processor 3.1.6
    • ULXD4D/4Q 2.3.34
    • SCM820 1.3.3
    • Shure Update Utility 2.4.4
    • Shure Web Device Discovery 1.2.5