
ソフトウェア/ファームウェア アーカイブ








  • Update alert messages
  • Added more functionality for SIP capabilities
  • Bug fixes related to room and device pairing
  • Refurbished the date format

New Device Support

  • Added support for Axient® Digital ADX5D dual-channel portable slot-in receiver.
  • Added support for SLX-D single- and dual-channel wireless receivers.


  • Demo Mode is now available again in the application. Access this mode from the Settings menu to evaluate the application’s capabilities if you do not have a network of Shure wireless equipment.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where group color and low battery alert did not update correctly when FD mode is changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the Axient Digital Channel Quality meter in the list view did not match the hardware when the device was used in FD-C mode and the app was launched.
  • Fixed an issue where there was a delay in the display of Frequency 1 (F1) antenna LEDs in the channel details view for Axient Digital ADX2FD in FD-C mode.
  • Fixed an issue where the antenna LEDs would flicker on an Axient Digital channel when in FD-C mode and Frequency 2 (F2) was turned off.
  • Fixed an issue where channel 4 of an AD4Q would sometimes present the incorrect information after the device was switched from Quadversity Mode Enabled to Disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where the ADX or AXT transmitter data would not dynamically update in certain scenarios when the transmitter went offline.
  • Fixed an issue where a channel may not appear in the channel list when using the search bar to filter by frequency and the channel’s frequency was changed asynchronously.
  • Fixed an issue where the tab selection in the channels detail view was not correct when navigating from the transmitter tab to the channel info view and then back.
  • Fixed an issue where the app may prompt for Access Control PIN even when the PIN was remembered in the app settings.
  • Fixed an issue on iPad where the Access Control PIN count was not updating after the app returned to the foreground from the background.

Known Issues

  • When Wi-Fi and Ethernet connections are present and available, UHF-R may not be discovered or respond to property changes.
  • For SLX-D transmitters, battery type may not persist between power cycles for transmitters on firmware version 1.0.13. To resolve, you must set the battery type on the transmitter again.


  • User Guide
  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS 14 and iOS 13.
  • Monitoring and control support for Axient® Digital, Axient®, UHF-R®, ULX-D®, QLX-D®, SLX-D, and PSM®1000 wireless systems. In-app purchases for editing functionality are no longer required.
  • For best results, ensure your connected devices are updated to the latest firmware using the Shure Update Utility desktop app.
  • An 802.11, or 802.11ac wireless router is recommended for Wi-Fi connection.
  • In order to view the SSID of your network connection type or SSID in the network status bar, you must permit the app access to your location. To do so, go to the Settings app on your iPhone or tablet, select Privacy > Location Services > Channels, and choose “While Using the App”.
  • To operate ShurePlus Channels version 1.4.6 with other Shure products, reference the following list of minimum versions supported:
    • Axient Digital 1.3.6
    • ULX-D 2.4.25
    • QLX-D 2.3.24
    • SLX-D 1.0.13
    • PSM1000 1.7.10
    • Axient 2.1.11
    • UHF-R 1.171
    • Shure Update Utility 2.6.0
    • Wireless Workbench 6.14.1


  • バグ修正


  • 稀に録音中に「-1」や「66570」など数字のエラーメッセージが表示されることがあります。これらのメッセージはApple社の新しいファイルシステム(APFS)に関連するもので、デバイスへの書き込みエラーが発生すると表示されます。これらのエラーの1つは、ストレージが十分に残っている場合でも発生することがあります。まず、「設定」>「一般」>「iPhoneストレージ」画面で必要のないファイルを削除してデバイスのストレージの空き容量を増やすことをお勧めします。それでも問題が解決しない場合は、デバイスの復元(デバイスをバックアップし、工場出荷時の状態に戻した後、バックアップから復元)を行ってください。
  • Bluetoothイヤホンでモニターする場合、モニタリング中にノイズなどの異音が聞こえることがあります。その場合、サンプルレートを変更することをお勧めします。製品によって44.1 kHzで異音が発生する場合もあれば、48 kHzで異音が発生する場合もあります。なお、モニタリング中に異音が聞こえても録音自体には影響しません。
  • MV88+をUSB-CケーブルでiPad Proに接続すると音声が伝送され、ゲイン調整が可能ですが、MOTIVアプリに「external mic」と表示されるだけで、設定画面が表示されません。iPad Proと使用する前に別のデバイスを使って設定を行うことをお勧めします。iPad Proを使用する場合、Shure MOTIVアプリでリアルタイム調整は行えません(ゲインを除く)。


  • MV7ユーザーガイド
  • MV88+ユーザーガイド
  • MV88ユーザーガイド
  • よくある質問
  • このアプリはiOS 13.0以降に対応しています。それ以前のオペレーティングシステムとの互換性または完全な正常動作は保証できません。問題の報告や全体的なフィードバックはアプリからお送りください(About > Feedback)。
  • iPhone、iPad、iPod touch、およびApple Watchに対応しています。


  • バグ修正


  • 選択可能なFPSと解像度の組み合わせは、ご使用のデバイスによって異なります。
  • Bluetoothイヤホンでモニターする場合、モニタリング中にノイズなどの異音が聞こえることがあります。その場合、サンプルレートを変更することをお勧めします。製品によって44.1 kHzで異音が発生する場合もあれば、48 kHzで異音が発生する場合もあります。なお、モニタリング中に異音が聞こえても録音自体には影響しません。




  • Added more security features related to mobile apps
  • Fixed bugs related to default Organization passwords
  • Updated factory reset
  • Updated SIP/phone number formatting


  • Added more security features related to mobile apps
  • Fixed bugs related to default Organization passwords
  • Updated factory reset
  • Updated SIP/phone number formatting 


  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • A small percentage of users may receive a numerical error message while recording, such as “-1” or “66570.” These messages occur when there was an error writing to the device and are related to Apple’s new file system (APFS). One of these errors can occur even if your device has plenty of remaining storage. We recommend clearing up your device storage from the Settings screen, and if that doesn’t resolve the issues, doing a full restore from iTunes, consisting of backing up your device, wiping/restoring to factory settings, and restoring from the backup.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.
  • When connected to iPad Pro via a USB-C cable, the MV88+ will pass audio and gain can be adjusted. However, the MOTIV apps will only display ‘external mic’, and the settings screen will not be available. Shure recommends using another device to configure the settings before using with iPad Pro. No adjustments can be made in real time (except gain) on the Shure MOTIV apps when using an iPad Pro.




  • レコーディングデータの並べ替えと検索


  • バグ修正




  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • A small percentage of users may receive a numerical error message while recording, such as “-1” or “66570.” These messages occur when there was an error writing to the device and are related to Apple’s new file system (APFS). One of these errors can occur even if your device has plenty of remaining storage. We recommend clearing up your device storage from the Settings screen, and if that doesn’t resolve the issues, doing a full restore from iTunes, consisting of backing up your device, wiping/restoring to factory settings, and restoring from the backup.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.
  • When connected to iPad Pro via a USB-C cable, the MV88+ will pass audio and gain can be adjusted. However, the MOTIV apps will only display ‘external mic’, and the settings screen will not be available. Shure recommends using another device to configure the settings before using with iPad Pro. No adjustments can be made in real time (except gain) on the Shure MOTIV apps when using an iPad Pro.




  • Bug fixes

Known Issues

  • The FPS and resolution combinations available for selection will vary based on the user’s phone.
  • If you monitor your recordings with Bluetooth earphones, you may hear artifacts, such as noise, while monitoring. If this occurs, we recommend changing the sample rate of your recordings. Some products may produce artifacts at 44.1 kHz, while others may do so for 48 kHz recordings. Please keep in mind that even if you hear artifacts while monitoring, they will not be present in the recordings themselves.
