
Archiwum oprogramowania i firmware

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Dual units not registered correctly

  • Inserted some missing labels
  • Button in Manual speech time configuration enlarged
  • Login from mimic corrected
  • Request indication in CUA Speak button corretted

Version 5.5.56 is compatible to Firmware Release 6.8.4 only and is not compatible with previous firmware versions
Version 5.5 introduces the following major new features:

  • Enhanced CUA layout for quicker access to control facilities:
    • Three layout types
    • Stretching of window size
    • Use of sub-panels replacing popups
    • Drag & drop in Microphone Request Queue
    • New layout for Interpretation Screen
    • Configurable background colors, Font sizes, colors, type & button colors
    • Voting button appearance improved (size & color)
  • This version fixes an issue experienced where the CUI did not setup system correctly on a CU power cycle
  • Fixes an error on CAA when the mouse is moved over combobox in the agenda window

Bug Fixes

  • Not possible to create a new database if SQL 2005 Express is installed
  • Not possible to change the default DC 6990 language in the CAA
  • CUI is frequently stopping responding if speech time has runn until end af limit
  • Logout time is not shown in Conference Log Report
  • The conference cannot be stopped in the DC 6990P when Stop Conf. is activated’
November 22, 2010 Zobacz wszystkie aktualizacje
  • Item Number is now part of the AgendaUpdate message in WebService
  • Not possible to make a report from Result window on CUA
  • Error in Search in Voting Results report
  • Not possible to program a chip card on Windows 7 x64
  • Records of delegates without voting right shall not be registered in Voting Reports
  • Not possible to import delegates if the import file contains records in other languages
  • Not possible to change Delegated Votes when a conference is started
  • Column 'Replaces' is added to table Default Seat Table
  • New behavior on agenda, when posting records
  • Voting Report does not display correct group votes
  • Agenda report displays incorrect voting results
  • 'Group Abbreviation' is not shown on CDA
  • 'Duration time' and 'Elapsed time' is not shown in the CDA 'Voting Graphics' and 'Voting Pie'
  • Podium microphone not displaying delegate name when the microphone is activated from the agenda
  • Voting Results shall not be shown it a voting session is canceled
  • When a voting session is started the Technician CUA shall not switch to Result window
  • Delegate name is not shown in the CUA welcoming screen if a conference “Login using code on preferred seat” and “No language selection” is started.
  • If "'Set Timers' default" is not checked in User Type (CAA), the Manual Speech Time window shall not be shown on Microphone (CUA) when Microphone screen is selected
  • Conference name not changed to another language when streaming is set to another language
  • DC69 won’t reflect a No Subject set from CUA
  • Delegate can not make a vote on DC6990, if the user is logging from a CUA/Mimic diagram
  • CUI is using more and more memory
  • Delegate details in web service calls does no includes picture
  • CUI shall force CU out of upgrade mode when the CU is started
  • Button 'Close' in CUI window is changed to 'Exit' and a message box appear
  • Finnish language database could not be installed
  • Not possible to install SW6000 with 'One PC' on windows 7 x64
  • 4302: Error when modifying font corrected
  • 4304: Check on license number corrected
  • 4319: CAA Error when adding Voting configurations corrected
  • 4320: CAA: Text field for 'Auto off (sec)' made higher
February 19, 2010 Zobacz wszystkie aktualizacje
  • Multi-language Messaging
  • CAA Import of labels fails
  • Manual votings are not written to "LogProxyVoting" DB
  • Manual vote results are logged to VotingSession in CUA
  • CUA - Top of label truncated on Conference form for Korean language.
  • CDA - Sum of columns fill weight values can not exceed 65535