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Consistent Audio Quality
in Every Room, Every Time

IntelliMix® Shure Digital Signal Processing Technology

Mastering sound,
room after room.

Ready to deploy in record time, IntelliMix brings more clarity to every meeting. Whether it’s one room or a thousand, the smart audio processing can handle any acoustic challenge and compatibility with third party codecs for video conferencing.

A built-in audio expert.

Steerable Coverage™ technology and IntelliMix automatic mixing on the MXA910 Ceiling Array Microphone captures who's talking and shuts out all other sound. Paired with our Autofocus™ Technology, it continuously fine tunes in real time, providing consistent sound. Now that’s a true audio expert.

Bring more voices
to the table.

Scale your audio with the IntelliMix coverage with the IntelliMix P300 Processor. Now you can expand the setup to connect more microphones as well as laptops and even mobile devices.

Secure sound with

Shure Network Audio Encryption utilizes AES-256 technology between Shure devices - so confidential information can always be discussed with confidence.

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MXA902 di Shure Passa il Test dell'Analyst Gauntlet di Frost & Sullivan
Oggi, in un mondo dove la tecnologia AV sta evolvendo rapidamente, è fondamentale per le organizzazioni offrire soluzioni audio fluide, specialmente per le sale conferenze di ridotte e medie dimensioni. Qui è dove MXA902 Shure Array da Soffitto con Microfono e Altoparlante Integrato entra in gioco. Questo device audio moderno è progettato nello specifico per rivoluzionare le esperienze audio in questo tipo di ambienti.
Frost & Sullivan Approved MXA902 Environment Image